diff --git a/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Compression/Streams/InflaterInputStream.cs b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Compression/Streams/InflaterInputStream.cs
index 7790474d2..c470177b9 100644
--- a/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Compression/Streams/InflaterInputStream.cs
+++ b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Compression/Streams/InflaterInputStream.cs
@@ -108,6 +108,24 @@ public void SetInflaterInput(Inflater inflater)
+ ///
+ /// Resize input buffer according to a specific array size
+ ///
+ ///
+ public void ResizeBuffer(int bufferSize)
+ {
+ if (available == 0)
+ {
+ int oldSize = rawData.Length;
+ byte[] resized = rawData;
+ Array.Resize(ref resized, bufferSize);
+ rawData = resized;
+ rawLength = rawData.Length;
+ clearText = rawData;
+ clearTextLength = clearText.Length;
+ }
+ }
/// Fill the buffer from the underlying input stream.
@@ -696,7 +714,7 @@ public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
/// Base stream the inflater reads from.
- private Stream baseInputStream;
+ protected Stream baseInputStream;
/// The compressed size
diff --git a/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Deflate64/Deflate64OutputWindow.cs b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Deflate64/Deflate64OutputWindow.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..87aab2739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Deflate64/Deflate64OutputWindow.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// The content of the class is borrowed from DEFLATE64 support implementation for DotNetZip
+// which on its part contains modified code from the .NET Core Libraries (CoreFX and System.IO.Compression/DeflateManaged)
+// where deflate64 decompression is implemented.
+// https://github.com/haf/DotNetZip.Semverd/blob/master/src/Zip.Shared/Deflate64/OutputWindow.cs
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+namespace ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Deflate64
+ ///
+ /// This class maintains a window for decompressed output.
+ /// We need to keep this because the decompressed information can be
+ /// a literal or a length/distance pair. For length/distance pair,
+ /// we need to look back in the output window and copy bytes from there.
+ /// We use a byte array of WindowSize circularly.
+ ///
+ internal sealed class Deflate64OutputWindow
+ {
+ // With Deflate64 we can have up to a 65536 length as well as up to a 65538 distance. This means we need a Window that is at
+ // least 131074 bytes long so we have space to retrieve up to a full 64kb in lookback and place it in our buffer without
+ // overwriting existing data. Deflate64OutputWindow requires that the WindowSize be an exponent of 2, so we round up to 2^18.
+ private const int WindowSize = 262144;
+ private const int WindowMask = 262143;
+ private readonly byte[] _window = new byte[WindowSize]; // The window is 2^18 bytes
+ private int _end; // this is the position to where we should write next byte
+ private int _bytesUsed; // The number of bytes in the output window which is not consumed.
+ internal void ClearBytesUsed()
+ {
+ _bytesUsed = 0;
+ }
+ /// Add a byte to output window.
+ public void Write(byte b)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_bytesUsed < WindowSize, "Can't add byte when window is full!");
+ _window[_end++] = b;
+ _end &= WindowMask;
+ ++_bytesUsed;
+ }
+ public void WriteLengthDistance(int length, int distance)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert((_bytesUsed + length) <= WindowSize, "No Enough space");
+ // move backwards distance bytes in the output stream,
+ // and copy length bytes from this position to the output stream.
+ _bytesUsed += length;
+ int copyStart = (_end - distance) & WindowMask; // start position for coping.
+ int border = WindowSize - length;
+ if (copyStart <= border && _end < border)
+ {
+ if (length <= distance)
+ {
+ Array.Copy(_window, copyStart, _window, _end, length);
+ _end += length;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The referenced string may overlap the current
+ // position; for example, if the last 2 bytes decoded have values
+ // X and Y, a string reference with
+ // adds X,Y,X,Y,X to the output stream.
+ while (length-- > 0)
+ {
+ _window[_end++] = _window[copyStart++];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // copy byte by byte
+ while (length-- > 0)
+ {
+ _window[_end++] = _window[copyStart++];
+ _end &= WindowMask;
+ copyStart &= WindowMask;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Copy up to length of bytes from input directly.
+ /// This is used for uncompressed block.
+ ///
+ public int CopyFrom(InputBuffer input, int length)
+ {
+ length = Math.Min(Math.Min(length, WindowSize - _bytesUsed), input.AvailableBytes);
+ int copied;
+ // We might need wrap around to copy all bytes.
+ int tailLen = WindowSize - _end;
+ if (length > tailLen)
+ {
+ // copy the first part
+ copied = input.CopyTo(_window, _end, tailLen);
+ if (copied == tailLen)
+ {
+ // only try to copy the second part if we have enough bytes in input
+ copied += input.CopyTo(_window, 0, length - tailLen);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // only one copy is needed if there is no wrap around.
+ copied = input.CopyTo(_window, _end, length);
+ }
+ _end = (_end + copied) & WindowMask;
+ _bytesUsed += copied;
+ return copied;
+ }
+ /// Free space in output window.
+ public int FreeBytes => WindowSize - _bytesUsed;
+ /// Bytes not consumed in output window.
+ public int AvailableBytes => _bytesUsed;
+ /// Copy the decompressed bytes to output array.
+ public int CopyTo(byte[] output, int offset, int length)
+ {
+ int copy_end;
+ if (length > _bytesUsed)
+ {
+ // we can copy all the decompressed bytes out
+ copy_end = _end;
+ length = _bytesUsed;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ copy_end = (_end - _bytesUsed + length) & WindowMask; // copy length of bytes
+ }
+ int copied = length;
+ int tailLen = length - copy_end;
+ if (tailLen > 0)
+ {
+ // this means we need to copy two parts separately
+ // copy tailLen bytes from the end of output window
+ Array.Copy(_window, WindowSize - tailLen,
+ output, offset, tailLen);
+ offset += tailLen;
+ length = copy_end;
+ }
+ Array.Copy(_window, copy_end - length, output, offset, length);
+ _bytesUsed -= copied;
+ Debug.Assert(_bytesUsed >= 0, "check this function and find why we copied more bytes than we have");
+ return copied;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Deflate64/Deflate64Stream.cs b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Deflate64/Deflate64Stream.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..45547ea45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Deflate64/Deflate64Stream.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+// The content of the classes is borrowed from DEFLATE64 support implementation for DotNetZip
+// which on its part contains modified code from the .NET Core Libraries (CoreFX and System.IO.Compression/DeflateManaged)
+// where deflate64 decompression is implemented.
+// https://github.com/haf/DotNetZip.Semverd/blob/master/src/Zip.Shared/Deflate64/Deflate64Stream.cs
+// https://github.com/haf/DotNetZip.Semverd/blob/master/src/Zip.Shared/Deflate64/InputBuffer.cs
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+namespace ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Deflate64
+ ///
+ /// Deflate64Stream supports decompression of Deflate64 format only
+ ///
+ public class Deflate64Stream : Stream
+ {
+ internal const int DefaultBufferSize = 8192;
+ private Stream _stream;
+ private long _compressedSize;
+ private long _reachedSize = 0;
+ private InflaterManaged inflater;
+ private readonly byte[] _buffer;
+ ///
+ ///A specific constructor to allow decompression of Deflate64
+ ///
+ public Deflate64Stream(Stream stream, long compressedSize, long uncompressedSize = -1)
+ {
+ if (stream == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream));
+ if (!stream.CanRead)
+ throw new ArgumentException("NotSupported_UnreadableStream", nameof(stream));
+ Inflater = new InflaterManaged(null, true, uncompressedSize);
+ _compressedSize = compressedSize;
+ _stream = stream;
+ _buffer = new byte[DefaultBufferSize];
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a value indicating if the stream supports reading
+ ///
+ public override bool CanRead
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (_stream == null)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return _stream.CanRead;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a value indicating if the stream supports writing
+ ///
+ public override bool CanWrite
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets a value indicating whether the current stream supports seeking.
+ /// This property always returns false
+ ///
+ public override bool CanSeek => false;
+ ///
+ /// Gets the length in bytes of the stream
+ /// Setting the length is not supported and will throw a NotSupportException
+ ///
+ public override long Length
+ {
+ get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets the streams position
+ /// Setting/Getting the position is not supported and will throw a NotSupportException
+ ///
+ public override long Position
+ {
+ get { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
+ set { throw new NotSupportedException(); }
+ }
+ internal InflaterManaged Inflater { get => inflater; set => inflater = value; }
+ ///
+ /// Flushes the stream
+ ///
+ public override void Flush()
+ {
+ EnsureNotDisposed();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Set the streams position. This operation is not supported and will throw a NotSupportedException
+ ///
+ public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
+ {
+ throw new NotSupportedException();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Sets the length of this stream to the given value.
+ /// This operation is not supported and will throw a NotSupportedExceptionortedException
+ ///
+ public override void SetLength(long value)
+ {
+ throw new NotSupportedException();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Read a sequence of bytes and advances the read position by one byte.
+ ///
+ /// Array of bytes to store values in
+ /// Offset in array to begin storing data
+ /// The maximum number of bytes to read
+ /// The total number of bytes read into the buffer. This might be less
+ /// than the number of bytes requested if that number of bytes are not
+ /// currently available or zero if the end of the stream is reached.
+ ///
+ public override int Read(byte[] array, int offset, int count)
+ {
+ ValidateParameters(array, offset, count);
+ EnsureNotDisposed();
+ int bytesRead;
+ int currentOffset = offset;
+ int remainingCount = count;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ bytesRead = Inflater.Inflate(array, currentOffset, remainingCount);
+ currentOffset += bytesRead;
+ remainingCount -= bytesRead;
+ if (remainingCount == 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (Inflater.Finished())
+ {
+ // if we finished decompressing, we can't have anything left in the outputwindow.
+ Debug.Assert(Inflater.AvailableOutput == 0, "We should have copied all stuff out!");
+ break;
+ }
+ //Calculate the availble buffer size according to the file compressed size, otherwise additional data will be read
+ int availableToRead = (_compressedSize - _reachedSize >= _buffer.Length) ? _buffer.Length : Convert.ToInt32(_compressedSize - _reachedSize);
+ int bytes = _stream.Read(_buffer, 0, availableToRead > 0 ? availableToRead : 1);
+ _reachedSize += bytes;
+ if (bytes <= 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (bytes > _buffer.Length)
+ {
+ // The stream is either malicious or poorly implemented and returned a number of
+ // bytes larger than the buffer supplied to it.
+ throw new InvalidDataException();
+ }
+ Inflater.SetInput(_buffer, 0, bytes);
+ }
+ return count - remainingCount;
+ }
+ private void ValidateParameters(byte[] array, int offset, int count)
+ {
+ if (array == null)
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array));
+ if (offset < 0)
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(offset));
+ if (count < 0)
+ throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(count));
+ if (array.Length - offset < count)
+ throw new ArgumentException("InvalidArgumentOffsetCount");
+ }
+ private void EnsureNotDisposed()
+ {
+ if (_stream == null)
+ ThrowStreamClosedException();
+ }
+ private static void ThrowStreamClosedException()
+ {
+ throw new ObjectDisposedException(null, "ObjectDisposed_StreamClosed");
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Asynchronous reads are not supported a NotSupportedException is always thrown
+ ///
+ public override IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object asyncState)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Asynchronous writes arent supported, a NotSupportedException is always thrown
+ ///
+ public override int EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
+ {
+ throw new NotImplementedException();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Writes bytes from an array to the decompressed stream
+ /// The method is not supported
+ ///
+ public override void Write(byte[] array, int offset, int count)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidOperationException("CannotWriteToDeflateStream");
+ }
+ // This is called by Dispose:
+ private void PurgeBuffers(bool disposing)
+ {
+ if (!disposing)
+ return;
+ if (_stream == null)
+ return;
+ Flush();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Stream disposal
+ ///
+ protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ PurgeBuffers(disposing);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ // Close the underlying stream even if PurgeBuffers threw.
+ // Stream.Close() may throw here (may or may not be due to the same error).
+ // In this case, we still need to clean up internal resources, hence the inner finally blocks.
+ try
+ {
+ if (disposing && _stream != null)
+ _stream.Dispose();
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ _stream = null;
+ try
+ {
+ if (Inflater != null)
+ Inflater.Dispose();
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ Inflater = null;
+ base.Dispose(disposing);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // This class can be used to read bits from an byte array quickly.
+ // Normally we get bits from 'bitBuffer' field and bitsInBuffer stores
+ // the number of bits available in 'BitBuffer'.
+ // When we used up the bits in bitBuffer, we will try to get byte from
+ // the byte array and copy the byte to appropiate position in bitBuffer.
+ //
+ // The byte array is not reused. We will go from 'start' to 'end'.
+ // When we reach the end, most read operations will return -1,
+ // which means we are running out of input.
+ internal sealed class InputBuffer
+ {
+ private byte[] _buffer; // byte array to store input
+ private int _start; // start poisition of the buffer
+ private int _end; // end position of the buffer
+ private uint _bitBuffer = 0; // store the bits here, we can quickly shift in this buffer
+ private int _bitsInBuffer = 0; // number of bits available in bitBuffer
+ /// Total bits available in the input buffer.
+ public int AvailableBits => _bitsInBuffer;
+ /// Total bytes available in the input buffer.
+ public int AvailableBytes => (_end - _start) + (_bitsInBuffer / 8);
+ /// Ensure that count bits are in the bit buffer.
+ /// Can be up to 16.
+ /// Returns false if input is not sufficient to make this true.
+ public bool EnsureBitsAvailable(int count)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(0 < count && count <= 16, "count is invalid.");
+ // manual inlining to improve perf
+ if (_bitsInBuffer < count)
+ {
+ if (NeedsInput())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(_buffer != null);
+ // insert a byte to bitbuffer
+ _bitBuffer |= (uint)_buffer[_start++] << _bitsInBuffer;
+ _bitsInBuffer += 8;
+ if (_bitsInBuffer < count)
+ {
+ if (NeedsInput())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // insert a byte to bitbuffer
+ _bitBuffer |= (uint)_buffer[_start++] << _bitsInBuffer;
+ _bitsInBuffer += 8;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// This function will try to load 16 or more bits into bitBuffer.
+ /// It returns whatever is contained in bitBuffer after loading.
+ /// The main difference between this and GetBits is that this will
+ /// never return -1. So the caller needs to check AvailableBits to
+ /// see how many bits are available.
+ ///
+ public uint TryLoad16Bits()
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_buffer != null);
+ if (_bitsInBuffer < 8)
+ {
+ if (_start < _end)
+ {
+ _bitBuffer |= (uint)_buffer[_start++] << _bitsInBuffer;
+ _bitsInBuffer += 8;
+ }
+ if (_start < _end)
+ {
+ _bitBuffer |= (uint)_buffer[_start++] << _bitsInBuffer;
+ _bitsInBuffer += 8;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (_bitsInBuffer < 16)
+ {
+ if (_start < _end)
+ {
+ _bitBuffer |= (uint)_buffer[_start++] << _bitsInBuffer;
+ _bitsInBuffer += 8;
+ }
+ }
+ return _bitBuffer;
+ }
+ private uint GetBitMask(int count) => ((uint)1 << count) - 1;
+ /// Gets count bits from the input buffer. Returns -1 if not enough bits available.
+ public int GetBits(int count)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(0 < count && count <= 16, "count is invalid.");
+ if (!EnsureBitsAvailable(count))
+ {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ int result = (int)(_bitBuffer & GetBitMask(count));
+ _bitBuffer >>= count;
+ _bitsInBuffer -= count;
+ return result;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Copies length bytes from input buffer to output buffer starting at output[offset].
+ /// You have to make sure, that the buffer is byte aligned. If not enough bytes are
+ /// available, copies fewer bytes.
+ ///
+ /// Returns the number of bytes copied, 0 if no byte is available.
+ public int CopyTo(byte[] output, int offset, int length)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(output != null);
+ Debug.Assert(offset >= 0);
+ Debug.Assert(length >= 0);
+ Debug.Assert(offset <= output.Length - length);
+ Debug.Assert((_bitsInBuffer % 8) == 0);
+ // Copy the bytes in bitBuffer first.
+ int bytesFromBitBuffer = 0;
+ while (_bitsInBuffer > 0 && length > 0)
+ {
+ output[offset++] = (byte)_bitBuffer;
+ _bitBuffer >>= 8;
+ _bitsInBuffer -= 8;
+ length--;
+ bytesFromBitBuffer++;
+ }
+ if (length == 0)
+ {
+ return bytesFromBitBuffer;
+ }
+ int avail = _end - _start;
+ if (length > avail)
+ {
+ length = avail;
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(_buffer != null);
+ Array.Copy(_buffer, _start, output, offset, length);
+ _start += length;
+ return bytesFromBitBuffer + length;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Return true is all input bytes are used.
+ /// This means the caller can call SetInput to add more input.
+ ///
+ public bool NeedsInput() => _start == _end;
+ ///
+ /// Set the byte array to be processed.
+ /// All the bits remained in bitBuffer will be processed before the new bytes.
+ /// We don't clone the byte array here since it is expensive.
+ /// The caller should make sure after a buffer is passed in.
+ /// It will not be changed before calling this function again.
+ ///
+ public void SetInput(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(buffer != null);
+ Debug.Assert(offset >= 0);
+ Debug.Assert(length >= 0);
+ Debug.Assert(offset <= buffer.Length - length);
+ if (_start == _end)
+ {
+ _buffer = buffer;
+ _start = offset;
+ _end = offset + length;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Skip n bits in the buffer.
+ public void SkipBits(int n)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_bitsInBuffer >= n, "No enough bits in the buffer, Did you call EnsureBitsAvailable?");
+ _bitBuffer >>= n;
+ _bitsInBuffer -= n;
+ }
+ /// Skips to the next byte boundary.
+ public void SkipToByteBoundary()
+ {
+ _bitBuffer >>= (_bitsInBuffer % 8);
+ _bitsInBuffer = _bitsInBuffer - (_bitsInBuffer % 8);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Deflate64/HuffmanTree.cs b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Deflate64/HuffmanTree.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..737585ef9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Deflate64/HuffmanTree.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+// The content of the class is borrowed from DEFLATE64 support implementation for DotNetZip
+// which on its part contains modified code from the .NET Core Libraries (CoreFX and System.IO.Compression/DeflateManaged)
+// where deflate64 decompression is implemented.
+// https://github.com/haf/DotNetZip.Semverd/blob/master/src/Zip.Shared/Deflate64/HuffmanTree.cs
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+namespace ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Deflate64
+ // Strictly speaking this class is not a HuffmanTree, this class is
+ // a lookup table combined with a HuffmanTree. The idea is to speed up
+ // the lookup for short symbols (they should appear more frequently ideally.)
+ // However we don't want to create a huge table since it might take longer to
+ // build the table than decoding (Deflate usually generates new tables frequently.)
+ // Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler gave a very good explanation about this.
+ // The full text (algorithm.txt) can be found inside
+ // ftp://ftp.uu.net/pub/archiving/zip/zlib/zlib.zip.
+ // Following paper explains decoding in details:
+ // Hirschberg and Lelewer, "Efficient decoding of prefix codes,"
+ // Comm. ACM, 33,4, April 1990, pp. 449-459.
+ internal sealed class HuffmanTree
+ {
+ internal const int MaxLiteralTreeElements = 288;
+ internal const int MaxDistTreeElements = 32;
+ internal const int EndOfBlockCode = 256;
+ internal const int NumberOfCodeLengthTreeElements = 19;
+ private readonly int _tableBits;
+ private readonly short[] _table;
+ private readonly short[] _left;
+ private readonly short[] _right;
+ private readonly byte[] _codeLengthArray;
+#if DEBUG
+ private uint[] _codeArrayDebug;
+ private readonly int _tableMask;
+ // huffman tree for static block
+ public static HuffmanTree StaticLiteralLengthTree { get; } = new HuffmanTree(GetStaticLiteralTreeLength());
+ public static HuffmanTree StaticDistanceTree { get; } = new HuffmanTree(GetStaticDistanceTreeLength());
+ public HuffmanTree(byte[] codeLengths)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(
+ codeLengths.Length == MaxLiteralTreeElements ||
+ codeLengths.Length == MaxDistTreeElements ||
+ codeLengths.Length == NumberOfCodeLengthTreeElements,
+ "we only expect three kinds of Length here");
+ _codeLengthArray = codeLengths;
+ if (_codeLengthArray.Length == MaxLiteralTreeElements)
+ {
+ // bits for Literal/Length tree table
+ _tableBits = 9;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // bits for distance tree table and code length tree table
+ _tableBits = 7;
+ }
+ _tableMask = (1 << _tableBits) - 1;
+ _table = new short[1 << _tableBits];
+ // I need to find proof that left and right array will always be
+ // enough. I think they are.
+ _left = new short[2 * _codeLengthArray.Length];
+ _right = new short[2 * _codeLengthArray.Length];
+ CreateTable();
+ }
+ // Generate the array contains huffman codes lengths for static huffman tree.
+ // The data is in RFC 1951.
+ private static byte[] GetStaticLiteralTreeLength()
+ {
+ byte[] literalTreeLength = new byte[MaxLiteralTreeElements];
+ for (int i = 0; i <= 143; i++)
+ literalTreeLength[i] = 8;
+ for (int i = 144; i <= 255; i++)
+ literalTreeLength[i] = 9;
+ for (int i = 256; i <= 279; i++)
+ literalTreeLength[i] = 7;
+ for (int i = 280; i <= 287; i++)
+ literalTreeLength[i] = 8;
+ return literalTreeLength;
+ }
+ private static byte[] GetStaticDistanceTreeLength()
+ {
+ byte[] staticDistanceTreeLength = new byte[MaxDistTreeElements];
+ for (int i = 0; i < MaxDistTreeElements; i++)
+ {
+ staticDistanceTreeLength[i] = 5;
+ }
+ return staticDistanceTreeLength;
+ }
+ // Reverse 'length' of the bits in code
+ private static uint BitReverse(uint code, int length)
+ {
+ uint new_code = 0;
+ Debug.Assert(length > 0 && length <= 16, "Invalid len");
+ do
+ {
+ new_code |= (code & 1);
+ new_code <<= 1;
+ code >>= 1;
+ } while (--length > 0);
+ return new_code >> 1;
+ }
+ // Calculate the huffman code for each character based on the code length for each character.
+ // This algorithm is described in standard RFC 1951
+ private uint[] CalculateHuffmanCode()
+ {
+ uint[] bitLengthCount = new uint[17];
+ foreach (int codeLength in _codeLengthArray)
+ {
+ bitLengthCount[codeLength]++;
+ }
+ bitLengthCount[0] = 0; // clear count for length 0
+ uint[] nextCode = new uint[17];
+ uint tempCode = 0;
+ for (int bits = 1; bits <= 16; bits++)
+ {
+ tempCode = (tempCode + bitLengthCount[bits - 1]) << 1;
+ nextCode[bits] = tempCode;
+ }
+ uint[] code = new uint[MaxLiteralTreeElements];
+ for (int i = 0; i < _codeLengthArray.Length; i++)
+ {
+ int len = _codeLengthArray[i];
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ code[i] = BitReverse(nextCode[len], len);
+ nextCode[len]++;
+ }
+ }
+ return code;
+ }
+ private void CreateTable()
+ {
+ uint[] codeArray = CalculateHuffmanCode();
+#if DEBUG
+ _codeArrayDebug = codeArray;
+ short avail = (short)_codeLengthArray.Length;
+ for (int ch = 0; ch < _codeLengthArray.Length; ch++)
+ {
+ // length of this code
+ int len = _codeLengthArray[ch];
+ if (len > 0)
+ {
+ // start value (bit reversed)
+ int start = (int)codeArray[ch];
+ if (len <= _tableBits)
+ {
+ // If a particular symbol is shorter than nine bits,
+ // then that symbol's translation is duplicated
+ // in all those entries that start with that symbol's bits.
+ // For example, if the symbol is four bits, then it's duplicated
+ // 32 times in a nine-bit table. If a symbol is nine bits long,
+ // it appears in the table once.
+ //
+ // Make sure that in the loop below, code is always
+ // less than table_size.
+ //
+ // On last iteration we store at array index:
+ // initial_start_at + (locs-1)*increment
+ // = initial_start_at + locs*increment - increment
+ // = initial_start_at + (1 << tableBits) - increment
+ // = initial_start_at + table_size - increment
+ //
+ // Therefore we must ensure:
+ // initial_start_at + table_size - increment < table_size
+ // or: initial_start_at < increment
+ //
+ int increment = 1 << len;
+ if (start >= increment)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("InvalidHuffmanData");
+ }
+ // Note the bits in the table are reverted.
+ int locs = 1 << (_tableBits - len);
+ for (int j = 0; j < locs; j++)
+ {
+ _table[start] = (short)ch;
+ start += increment;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // For any code which has length longer than num_elements,
+ // build a binary tree.
+ int overflowBits = len - _tableBits; // the nodes we need to respent the data.
+ int codeBitMask = 1 << _tableBits; // mask to get current bit (the bits can't fit in the table)
+ // the left, right table is used to repesent the
+ // the rest bits. When we got the first part (number bits.) and look at
+ // tbe table, we will need to follow the tree to find the real character.
+ // This is in place to avoid bloating the table if there are
+ // a few ones with long code.
+ int index = start & ((1 << _tableBits) - 1);
+ short[] array = _table;
+ do
+ {
+ short value = array[index];
+ if (value == 0)
+ {
+ // set up next pointer if this node is not used before.
+ array[index] = (short)-avail; // use next available slot.
+ value = (short)-avail;
+ avail++;
+ }
+ if (value > 0)
+ {
+ // prevent an IndexOutOfRangeException from array[index]
+ throw new InvalidDataException("InvalidHuffmanData");
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(value < 0, "CreateTable: Only negative numbers are used for tree pointers!");
+ if ((start & codeBitMask) == 0)
+ {
+ // if current bit is 0, go change the left array
+ array = _left;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if current bit is 1, set value in the right array
+ array = _right;
+ }
+ index = -value; // go to next node
+ codeBitMask <<= 1;
+ overflowBits--;
+ } while (overflowBits != 0);
+ array[index] = (short)ch;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // This function will try to get enough bits from input and
+ // try to decode the bits.
+ // If there are no enought bits in the input, this function will return -1.
+ public int GetNextSymbol(InputBuffer input)
+ {
+ // Try to load 16 bits into input buffer if possible and get the bitBuffer value.
+ // If there aren't 16 bits available we will return all we have in the
+ // input buffer.
+ uint bitBuffer = input.TryLoad16Bits();
+ if (input.AvailableBits == 0)
+ { // running out of input.
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // decode an element
+ int symbol = _table[bitBuffer & _tableMask];
+ if (symbol < 0)
+ { // this will be the start of the binary tree
+ // navigate the tree
+ uint mask = (uint)1 << _tableBits;
+ do
+ {
+ symbol = -symbol;
+ if ((bitBuffer & mask) == 0)
+ symbol = _left[symbol];
+ else
+ symbol = _right[symbol];
+ mask <<= 1;
+ } while (symbol < 0);
+ }
+ int codeLength = _codeLengthArray[symbol];
+ // huffman code lengths must be at least 1 bit long
+ if (codeLength <= 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("InvalidHuffmanData");
+ }
+ //
+ // If this code is longer than the # bits we had in the bit buffer (i.e.
+ // we read only part of the code), we can hit the entry in the table or the tree
+ // for another symbol. However the length of another symbol will not match the
+ // available bits count.
+ if (codeLength > input.AvailableBits)
+ {
+ // We already tried to load 16 bits and maximum length is 15,
+ // so this means we are running out of input.
+ return -1;
+ }
+ input.SkipBits(codeLength);
+ return symbol;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Deflate64/InflaterManaged.cs b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Deflate64/InflaterManaged.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4dc5a7a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/Deflate64/InflaterManaged.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,794 @@
+// The content of the class is borrowed from DEFLATE64 support implementation for DotNetZip
+// which on its part contains modified code from the .NET Core Libraries (CoreFX and System.IO.Compression/DeflateManaged)
+// where deflate64 decompression is implemented.
+// https://github.com/haf/DotNetZip.Semverd/blob/master/src/Zip.Shared/Deflate64/InflaterManaged.cs
+using System;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.IO;
+namespace ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Deflate64
+ internal sealed class InflaterManaged
+ {
+ // Const tables used in decoding:
+ // Extra bits for length code 257 - 285.
+ private static readonly byte[] s_extraLengthBits =
+ {
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3,
+ 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 16
+ };
+ // The base length for length code 257 - 285.
+ // The formula to get the real length for a length code is lengthBase[code - 257] + (value stored in extraBits)
+ private static readonly int[] s_lengthBase =
+ {
+ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51,
+ 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 3
+ };
+ // The base distance for distance code 0 - 31
+ // The real distance for a distance code is distanceBasePosition[code] + (value stored in extraBits)
+ private static readonly int[] s_distanceBasePosition =
+ {
+ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513,
+ 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 32769, 49153
+ };
+ // Code lengths for code length alphabet is stored in following order
+ private static readonly byte[] s_codeOrder = { 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 };
+ private static readonly byte[] s_staticDistanceTreeTable =
+ {
+ 0x00, 0x10, 0x08, 0x18, 0x04, 0x14, 0x0c, 0x1c, 0x02, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x1a,
+ 0x06, 0x16, 0x0e, 0x1e, 0x01, 0x11, 0x09, 0x19, 0x05, 0x15, 0x0d, 0x1d,
+ 0x03, 0x13, 0x0b, 0x1b, 0x07, 0x17, 0x0f, 0x1f
+ };
+ private readonly Deflate64OutputWindow _output;
+ private readonly InputBuffer _input;
+ private HuffmanTree _literalLengthTree;
+ private HuffmanTree _distanceTree;
+ private InflaterState _state;
+ private readonly bool _hasFormatReader;
+ private int _bfinal;
+ private BlockType _blockType;
+ // uncompressed block
+ private readonly byte[] _blockLengthBuffer = new byte[4];
+ private int _blockLength;
+ // compressed block
+ private int _length;
+ private int _distanceCode;
+ private int _extraBits;
+ private int _loopCounter;
+ private int _literalLengthCodeCount;
+ private int _distanceCodeCount;
+ private int _codeLengthCodeCount;
+ private int _codeArraySize;
+ private int _lengthCode;
+ private readonly byte[] _codeList; // temporary array to store the code length for literal/Length and distance
+ private readonly byte[] _codeLengthTreeCodeLength;
+ private readonly bool _deflate64;
+ private HuffmanTree _codeLengthTree;
+ private readonly long _uncompressedSize;
+ private long _currentInflatedCount;
+ private readonly IFileFormatReader _formatReader; // class to decode header and footer (e.g. gzip)
+ internal InflaterManaged(IFileFormatReader reader, bool deflate64, long uncompressedSize)
+ {
+ _output = new Deflate64OutputWindow();
+ _input = new InputBuffer();
+ _codeList = new byte[HuffmanTree.MaxLiteralTreeElements + HuffmanTree.MaxDistTreeElements];
+ _codeLengthTreeCodeLength = new byte[HuffmanTree.NumberOfCodeLengthTreeElements];
+ _deflate64 = deflate64;
+ _uncompressedSize = uncompressedSize;
+ if (reader != null)
+ {
+ _formatReader = reader;
+ _hasFormatReader = true;
+ }
+ Reset();
+ }
+ private void Reset()
+ {
+ _state = _hasFormatReader ?
+ InflaterState.ReadingHeader : // start by reading Header info
+ InflaterState.ReadingBFinal; // start by reading BFinal bit
+ }
+ public void SetInput(byte[] inputBytes, int offset, int length) =>
+ _input.SetInput(inputBytes, offset, length); // append the bytes
+ public bool Finished() => _state == InflaterState.Done || _state == InflaterState.VerifyingFooter;
+ public int AvailableOutput => _output.AvailableBytes;
+ public int Inflate(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
+ {
+ // Copy bytes from output to outputbytes if we have available bytes
+ // if buffer is not filled up. Keep decoding until no input are available.
+ // If decodeBlock returns false, throw an exception.
+ int count = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ int copied = 0;
+ if (_uncompressedSize == -1)
+ {
+ copied = _output.CopyTo(bytes, offset, length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_uncompressedSize > _currentInflatedCount)
+ {
+ length = (int)Math.Min(length, _uncompressedSize - _currentInflatedCount);
+ copied = _output.CopyTo(bytes, offset, length);
+ _currentInflatedCount += copied;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _state = InflaterState.Done;
+ _output.ClearBytesUsed();
+ }
+ }
+ if (copied > 0)
+ {
+ if (_hasFormatReader)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_formatReader != null);
+ _formatReader.UpdateWithBytesRead(bytes, offset, copied);
+ }
+ offset += copied;
+ count += copied;
+ length -= copied;
+ }
+ if (length == 0)
+ { // filled in the bytes array
+ break;
+ }
+ // Decode will return false when more input is needed
+ } while (!Finished() && Decode());
+ if (_state == InflaterState.VerifyingFooter)
+ { // finished reading CRC
+ // In this case finished is true and output window has all the data.
+ // But some data in output window might not be copied out.
+ if (_output.AvailableBytes == 0)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_formatReader != null);
+ _formatReader.Validate();
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ //Each block of compressed data begins with 3 header bits
+ // containing the following data:
+ // first bit BFINAL
+ // next 2 bits BTYPE
+ // Note that the header bits do not necessarily begin on a byte
+ // boundary, since a block does not necessarily occupy an integral
+ // number of bytes.
+ // BFINAL is set if and only if this is the last block of the data
+ // set.
+ // BTYPE specifies how the data are compressed, as follows:
+ // 00 - no compression
+ // 01 - compressed with fixed Huffman codes
+ // 10 - compressed with dynamic Huffman codes
+ // 11 - reserved (error)
+ // The only difference between the two compressed cases is how the
+ // Huffman codes for the literal/length and distance alphabets are
+ // defined.
+ //
+ // This function returns true for success (end of block or output window is full,)
+ // false if we are short of input
+ //
+ private bool Decode()
+ {
+ bool eob = false;
+ bool result = false;
+ if (Finished())
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (_hasFormatReader)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_formatReader != null);
+ if (_state == InflaterState.ReadingHeader)
+ {
+ if (!_formatReader.ReadHeader(_input))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingBFinal;
+ }
+ else if (_state == InflaterState.StartReadingFooter || _state == InflaterState.ReadingFooter)
+ {
+ if (!_formatReader.ReadFooter(_input))
+ return false;
+ _state = InflaterState.VerifyingFooter;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_state == InflaterState.ReadingBFinal)
+ {
+ // reading bfinal bit
+ // Need 1 bit
+ if (!_input.EnsureBitsAvailable(1))
+ return false;
+ _bfinal = _input.GetBits(1);
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingBType;
+ }
+ if (_state == InflaterState.ReadingBType)
+ {
+ // Need 2 bits
+ if (!_input.EnsureBitsAvailable(2))
+ {
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingBType;
+ return false;
+ }
+ _blockType = (BlockType)_input.GetBits(2);
+ if (_blockType == BlockType.Dynamic)
+ {
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingNumLitCodes;
+ }
+ else if (_blockType == BlockType.Static)
+ {
+ _literalLengthTree = HuffmanTree.StaticLiteralLengthTree;
+ _distanceTree = HuffmanTree.StaticDistanceTree;
+ _state = InflaterState.DecodeTop;
+ }
+ else if (_blockType == BlockType.Uncompressed)
+ {
+ _state = InflaterState.UncompressedAligning;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("UnknownBlockType");
+ }
+ }
+ if (_blockType == BlockType.Dynamic)
+ {
+ if (_state < InflaterState.DecodeTop)
+ {
+ // we are reading the header
+ result = DecodeDynamicBlockHeader();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = DecodeBlock(out eob); // this can returns true when output is full
+ }
+ }
+ else if (_blockType == BlockType.Static)
+ {
+ result = DecodeBlock(out eob);
+ }
+ else if (_blockType == BlockType.Uncompressed)
+ {
+ result = DecodeUncompressedBlock(out eob);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("UnknownBlockType");
+ }
+ // If we reached the end of the block and the block we were decoding had
+ // bfinal=1 (final block)
+ if (eob && (_bfinal != 0))
+ {
+ if (_hasFormatReader)
+ _state = InflaterState.StartReadingFooter;
+ else
+ _state = InflaterState.Done;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ // Format of Non-compressed blocks (BTYPE=00):
+ //
+ // Any bits of input up to the next byte boundary are ignored.
+ // The rest of the block consists of the following information:
+ //
+ // 0 1 2 3 4...
+ // +---+---+---+---+================================+
+ // | LEN | NLEN |... LEN bytes of literal data...|
+ // +---+---+---+---+================================+
+ //
+ // LEN is the number of data bytes in the block. NLEN is the
+ // one's complement of LEN.
+ private bool DecodeUncompressedBlock(out bool end_of_block)
+ {
+ end_of_block = false;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ switch (_state)
+ {
+ case InflaterState.UncompressedAligning: // initial state when calling this function
+ // we must skip to a byte boundary
+ _input.SkipToByteBoundary();
+ _state = InflaterState.UncompressedByte1;
+ goto case InflaterState.UncompressedByte1;
+ case InflaterState.UncompressedByte1: // decoding block length
+ case InflaterState.UncompressedByte2:
+ case InflaterState.UncompressedByte3:
+ case InflaterState.UncompressedByte4:
+ int bits = _input.GetBits(8);
+ if (bits < 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ _blockLengthBuffer[_state - InflaterState.UncompressedByte1] = (byte)bits;
+ if (_state == InflaterState.UncompressedByte4)
+ {
+ _blockLength = _blockLengthBuffer[0] + ((int)_blockLengthBuffer[1]) * 256;
+ int blockLengthComplement = _blockLengthBuffer[2] + ((int)_blockLengthBuffer[3]) * 256;
+ // make sure complement matches
+ if ((ushort)_blockLength != (ushort)(~blockLengthComplement))
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("InvalidBlockLength");
+ }
+ }
+ _state += 1;
+ break;
+ case InflaterState.DecodingUncompressed: // copying block data
+ // Directly copy bytes from input to output.
+ int bytesCopied = _output.CopyFrom(_input, _blockLength);
+ _blockLength -= bytesCopied;
+ if (_blockLength == 0)
+ {
+ // Done with this block, need to re-init bit buffer for next block
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingBFinal;
+ end_of_block = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // We can fail to copy all bytes for two reasons:
+ // Running out of Input
+ // running out of free space in output window
+ if (_output.FreeBytes == 0)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ default:
+ Debug.Fail("check why we are here!");
+ throw new InvalidDataException("UnknownState");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private bool DecodeBlock(out bool end_of_block_code_seen)
+ {
+ end_of_block_code_seen = false;
+ int freeBytes = _output.FreeBytes; // it is a little bit faster than frequently accessing the property
+ while (freeBytes > 65536)
+ {
+ // With Deflate64 we can have up to a 64kb length, so we ensure at least that much space is available
+ // in the Deflate64OutputWindow to avoid overwriting previous unflushed output data.
+ int symbol;
+ switch (_state)
+ {
+ case InflaterState.DecodeTop:
+ // decode an element from the literal tree
+ Debug.Assert(_literalLengthTree != null);
+ symbol = _literalLengthTree.GetNextSymbol(_input);
+ if (symbol < 0)
+ {
+ // running out of input
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (symbol < 256)
+ {
+ // literal
+ _output.Write((byte)symbol);
+ --freeBytes;
+ }
+ else if (symbol == 256)
+ {
+ // end of block
+ end_of_block_code_seen = true;
+ // Reset state
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingBFinal;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // length/distance pair
+ symbol -= 257; // length code started at 257
+ if (symbol < 8)
+ {
+ symbol += 3; // match length = 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
+ _extraBits = 0;
+ }
+ else if (!_deflate64 && symbol == 28)
+ {
+ // extra bits for code 285 is 0
+ symbol = 258; // code 285 means length 258
+ _extraBits = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (symbol < 0 || symbol >= s_extraLengthBits.Length)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("GenericInvalidData");
+ }
+ _extraBits = s_extraLengthBits[symbol];
+ Debug.Assert(_extraBits != 0, "We handle other cases separately!");
+ }
+ _length = symbol;
+ goto case InflaterState.HaveInitialLength;
+ }
+ break;
+ case InflaterState.HaveInitialLength:
+ if (_extraBits > 0)
+ {
+ _state = InflaterState.HaveInitialLength;
+ int bits = _input.GetBits(_extraBits);
+ if (bits < 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (_length < 0 || _length >= s_lengthBase.Length)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException("GenericInvalidData");
+ }
+ _length = s_lengthBase[_length] + bits;
+ }
+ _state = InflaterState.HaveFullLength;
+ goto case InflaterState.HaveFullLength;
+ case InflaterState.HaveFullLength:
+ if (_blockType == BlockType.Dynamic)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_distanceTree != null);
+ _distanceCode = _distanceTree.GetNextSymbol(_input);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // get distance code directly for static block
+ _distanceCode = _input.GetBits(5);
+ if (_distanceCode >= 0)
+ {
+ _distanceCode = s_staticDistanceTreeTable[_distanceCode];
+ }
+ }
+ if (_distanceCode < 0)
+ {
+ // running out input
+ return false;
+ }
+ _state = InflaterState.HaveDistCode;
+ goto case InflaterState.HaveDistCode;
+ case InflaterState.HaveDistCode:
+ // To avoid a table lookup we note that for distanceCode > 3,
+ // extra_bits = (distanceCode-2) >> 1
+ int offset;
+ if (_distanceCode > 3)
+ {
+ _extraBits = (_distanceCode - 2) >> 1;
+ int bits = _input.GetBits(_extraBits);
+ if (bits < 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ offset = s_distanceBasePosition[_distanceCode] + bits;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offset = _distanceCode + 1;
+ }
+ _output.WriteLengthDistance(_length, offset);
+ freeBytes -= _length;
+ _state = InflaterState.DecodeTop;
+ break;
+ default:
+ Debug.Fail("check why we are here!");
+ throw new InvalidDataException("UnknownState");
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Format of the dynamic block header:
+ // 5 Bits: HLIT, # of Literal/Length codes - 257 (257 - 286)
+ // 5 Bits: HDIST, # of Distance codes - 1 (1 - 32)
+ // 4 Bits: HCLEN, # of Code Length codes - 4 (4 - 19)
+ //
+ // (HCLEN + 4) x 3 bits: code lengths for the code length
+ // alphabet given just above, in the order: 16, 17, 18,
+ // 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15
+ //
+ // These code lengths are interpreted as 3-bit integers
+ // (0-7); as above, a code length of 0 means the
+ // corresponding symbol (literal/length or distance code
+ // length) is not used.
+ //
+ // HLIT + 257 code lengths for the literal/length alphabet,
+ // encoded using the code length Huffman code
+ //
+ // HDIST + 1 code lengths for the distance alphabet,
+ // encoded using the code length Huffman code
+ //
+ // The code length repeat codes can cross from HLIT + 257 to the
+ // HDIST + 1 code lengths. In other words, all code lengths form
+ // a single sequence of HLIT + HDIST + 258 values.
+ private bool DecodeDynamicBlockHeader()
+ {
+ switch (_state)
+ {
+ case InflaterState.ReadingNumLitCodes:
+ _literalLengthCodeCount = _input.GetBits(5);
+ if (_literalLengthCodeCount < 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ _literalLengthCodeCount += 257;
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingNumDistCodes;
+ goto case InflaterState.ReadingNumDistCodes;
+ case InflaterState.ReadingNumDistCodes:
+ _distanceCodeCount = _input.GetBits(5);
+ if (_distanceCodeCount < 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ _distanceCodeCount += 1;
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingNumCodeLengthCodes;
+ goto case InflaterState.ReadingNumCodeLengthCodes;
+ case InflaterState.ReadingNumCodeLengthCodes:
+ _codeLengthCodeCount = _input.GetBits(4);
+ if (_codeLengthCodeCount < 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ _codeLengthCodeCount += 4;
+ _loopCounter = 0;
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingCodeLengthCodes;
+ goto case InflaterState.ReadingCodeLengthCodes;
+ case InflaterState.ReadingCodeLengthCodes:
+ while (_loopCounter < _codeLengthCodeCount)
+ {
+ int bits = _input.GetBits(3);
+ if (bits < 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ _codeLengthTreeCodeLength[s_codeOrder[_loopCounter]] = (byte)bits;
+ ++_loopCounter;
+ }
+ for (int i = _codeLengthCodeCount; i < s_codeOrder.Length; i++)
+ {
+ _codeLengthTreeCodeLength[s_codeOrder[i]] = 0;
+ }
+ // create huffman tree for code length
+ _codeLengthTree = new HuffmanTree(_codeLengthTreeCodeLength);
+ _codeArraySize = _literalLengthCodeCount + _distanceCodeCount;
+ _loopCounter = 0; // reset loop count
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingTreeCodesBefore;
+ goto case InflaterState.ReadingTreeCodesBefore;
+ case InflaterState.ReadingTreeCodesBefore:
+ case InflaterState.ReadingTreeCodesAfter:
+ while (_loopCounter < _codeArraySize)
+ {
+ if (_state == InflaterState.ReadingTreeCodesBefore)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(_codeLengthTree != null);
+ if ((_lengthCode = _codeLengthTree.GetNextSymbol(_input)) < 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // The alphabet for code lengths is as follows:
+ // 0 - 15: Represent code lengths of 0 - 15
+ // 16: Copy the previous code length 3 - 6 times.
+ // The next 2 bits indicate repeat length
+ // (0 = 3, ... , 3 = 6)
+ // Example: Codes 8, 16 (+2 bits 11),
+ // 16 (+2 bits 10) will expand to
+ // 12 code lengths of 8 (1 + 6 + 5)
+ // 17: Repeat a code length of 0 for 3 - 10 times.
+ // (3 bits of length)
+ // 18: Repeat a code length of 0 for 11 - 138 times
+ // (7 bits of length)
+ if (_lengthCode <= 15)
+ {
+ _codeList[_loopCounter++] = (byte)_lengthCode;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int repeatCount;
+ if (_lengthCode == 16)
+ {
+ if (!_input.EnsureBitsAvailable(2))
+ {
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingTreeCodesAfter;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (_loopCounter == 0)
+ {
+ // can't have "prev code" on first code
+ throw new InvalidDataException();
+ }
+ byte previousCode = _codeList[_loopCounter - 1];
+ repeatCount = _input.GetBits(2) + 3;
+ if (_loopCounter + repeatCount > _codeArraySize)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException();
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < repeatCount; j++)
+ {
+ _codeList[_loopCounter++] = previousCode;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (_lengthCode == 17)
+ {
+ if (!_input.EnsureBitsAvailable(3))
+ {
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingTreeCodesAfter;
+ return false;
+ }
+ repeatCount = _input.GetBits(3) + 3;
+ if (_loopCounter + repeatCount > _codeArraySize)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException();
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < repeatCount; j++)
+ {
+ _codeList[_loopCounter++] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // code == 18
+ if (!_input.EnsureBitsAvailable(7))
+ {
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingTreeCodesAfter;
+ return false;
+ }
+ repeatCount = _input.GetBits(7) + 11;
+ if (_loopCounter + repeatCount > _codeArraySize)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException();
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < repeatCount; j++)
+ {
+ _codeList[_loopCounter++] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _state = InflaterState.ReadingTreeCodesBefore; // we want to read the next code.
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Debug.Fail("check why we are here!");
+ throw new InvalidDataException("UnknownState");
+ }
+ byte[] literalTreeCodeLength = new byte[HuffmanTree.MaxLiteralTreeElements];
+ byte[] distanceTreeCodeLength = new byte[HuffmanTree.MaxDistTreeElements];
+ // Create literal and distance tables
+ Array.Copy(_codeList, 0, literalTreeCodeLength, 0, _literalLengthCodeCount);
+ Array.Copy(_codeList, _literalLengthCodeCount, distanceTreeCodeLength, 0, _distanceCodeCount);
+ // Make sure there is an end-of-block code, otherwise how could we ever end?
+ if (literalTreeCodeLength[HuffmanTree.EndOfBlockCode] == 0)
+ {
+ throw new InvalidDataException();
+ }
+ _literalLengthTree = new HuffmanTree(literalTreeCodeLength);
+ _distanceTree = new HuffmanTree(distanceTreeCodeLength);
+ _state = InflaterState.DecodeTop;
+ return true;
+ }
+ public void Dispose() { }
+ }
+ // Do not rearrange the enum values.
+ internal enum InflaterState
+ {
+ ReadingHeader = 0, // Only applies to GZIP
+ ReadingBFinal = 2, // About to read bfinal bit
+ ReadingBType = 3, // About to read blockType bits
+ ReadingNumLitCodes = 4, // About to read # literal codes
+ ReadingNumDistCodes = 5, // About to read # dist codes
+ ReadingNumCodeLengthCodes = 6, // About to read # code length codes
+ ReadingCodeLengthCodes = 7, // In the middle of reading the code length codes
+ ReadingTreeCodesBefore = 8, // In the middle of reading tree codes (loop top)
+ ReadingTreeCodesAfter = 9, // In the middle of reading tree codes (extension; code > 15)
+ DecodeTop = 10, // About to decode a literal (char/match) in a compressed block
+ HaveInitialLength = 11, // Decoding a match, have the literal code (base length)
+ HaveFullLength = 12, // Ditto, now have the full match length (incl. extra length bits)
+ HaveDistCode = 13, // Ditto, now have the distance code also, need extra dist bits
+ /* uncompressed blocks */
+ UncompressedAligning = 15,
+ UncompressedByte1 = 16,
+ UncompressedByte2 = 17,
+ UncompressedByte3 = 18,
+ UncompressedByte4 = 19,
+ DecodingUncompressed = 20,
+ // These three apply only to GZIP
+ StartReadingFooter = 21, // (Initialisation for reading footer)
+ ReadingFooter = 22,
+ VerifyingFooter = 23,
+ Done = 24 // Finished
+ }
+ internal enum BlockType
+ {
+ Uncompressed = 0,
+ Static = 1,
+ Dynamic = 2
+ }
+ internal interface IFileFormatReader
+ {
+ bool ReadHeader(InputBuffer input);
+ bool ReadFooter(InputBuffer input);
+ void UpdateWithBytesRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int bytesToCopy);
+ void Validate();
+ }
diff --git a/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/ZipEntry.cs b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/ZipEntry.cs
index b0bf15821..d32855b95 100644
--- a/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/ZipEntry.cs
+++ b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/ZipEntry.cs
@@ -1085,6 +1085,7 @@ public object Clone()
/// Returns true if the compression method is supported; false otherwise
public static bool IsCompressionMethodSupported(CompressionMethod method)
=> method == CompressionMethod.Deflated
+ || method == CompressionMethod.Deflate64
|| method == CompressionMethod.Stored
|| method == CompressionMethod.BZip2;
diff --git a/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/ZipInputStream.cs b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/ZipInputStream.cs
index 4d258afc8..7821b25d4 100644
--- a/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/ZipInputStream.cs
+++ b/src/ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib/Zip/ZipInputStream.cs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
+using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Deflate64;
namespace ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip
@@ -73,6 +74,9 @@ public class ZipInputStream : InflaterInputStream
private Crc32 crc = new Crc32();
private ZipEntry entry;
+ Deflate64Stream inputDeflate64Stream;
+ byte[] buffer;
private long size;
private CompressionMethod method;
private int flags;
@@ -197,6 +201,12 @@ public ZipEntry GetNextEntry()
+ int bufferSize = inputBuffer.RawData.Length;
+ //Resize the input buffer in order to read file information only and keep the correct position in the stream
+ //needed for forward-only stream support
+ //At first step is needed to read the header and after that the file info
+ inputBuffer.ResizeBuffer(ZipConstants.LocalHeaderBaseSize);
if (!SkipUntilNextEntry())
@@ -216,6 +226,8 @@ public ZipEntry GetNextEntry()
bool isCrypted = (flags & 1) == 1;
+ //Resize to read the file name and extra data if available
+ inputBuffer.ResizeBuffer(nameLen + extraLen);
byte[] buffer = new byte[nameLen];
@@ -223,6 +235,9 @@ public ZipEntry GetNextEntry()
string name = entryEncoding.GetString(buffer);
var unicode = entryEncoding.IsZipUnicode();
+ //Back to the original size
+ inputBuffer.ResizeBuffer(bufferSize);
entry = new ZipEntry(name, versionRequiredToExtract, ZipConstants.VersionMadeBy, method, unicode)
Flags = flags,
@@ -286,6 +301,12 @@ public ZipEntry GetNextEntry()
throw new ZipException("Stored, but compressed != uncompressed");
+ else if (method == CompressionMethod.Deflate64)
+ {
+ //All the needed information for decompression is gathered, no need to proceed
+ this.inputDeflate64Stream = null;
+ return entry;
+ }
// Determine how to handle reading of data if this is attempted.
if (IsEntryCompressionMethodSupported(entry))
@@ -425,6 +446,12 @@ public void CloseEntry()
+ if (entry.CompressionMethod == CompressionMethod.Deflate64)
+ {
+ //There is no need of inputBuffer processing, all information is available; this would move the stream position
+ return;
+ }
if (method == CompressionMethod.Deflated)
if ((flags & 8) != 0)
@@ -658,7 +685,18 @@ public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid offset/count combination");
- return internalReader(buffer, offset, count);
+ if (entry.CompressionMethod == CompressionMethod.Deflate64)
+ {
+ if (inputDeflate64Stream == null)
+ {
+ inputDeflate64Stream = new Deflate64Stream(base.baseInputStream, entry.CompressedSize);
+ }
+ return inputDeflate64Stream.Read(buffer, 0, count);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return internalReader(buffer, offset, count);
+ }