In October 1976 Gremlin published a 2-player Maze Game called Blockade. It is the first of what would become known as snake games.
The display was 256 x 224 pixels and the game had only 2 colors. Using four directional buttons, each player could move his character around leaving a solid line behind them, turning at 90 degree angles. To win, a player had to last longer than the opponent before hitting something. The game ended after one player gained six wins (Wikipedia).
We are going to create a blockade clone.
Adjust the webpack.config.js
file as follows:
entry: './src/games/blockade/game.ts'
- Phaser.Game
- Phaser.Config
- Phaser.Scenes.ScenePlugin
- Learn to use Phaser.Input.Keyboard.Key
- Learn to use Phaser.GameObjects.BitmapText
- Learn to use Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics
- Learn to use Phaser.Geom.Circle