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359 lines (309 loc) · 10.7 KB

File metadata and controls

359 lines (309 loc) · 10.7 KB


The library primarily targets OData Version 4.01 and provides linq syntax for creating OData queries based on a data model.

Build Status Coverage Status Nuget Status


  • Expression is not used to Compile(), which generates MSIL code, which leads to memory leaks
  • Support:


To install OData.QueryBuilder from Visual Studio, find OData.QueryBuilder in the NuGet package manager user interface or enter the following command in the package manager console:

Install-Package OData.QueryBuilder

To add a link to the main dotnet project, run the following command line:

dotnet add package OData.QueryBuilder


  1. Build instance

    As soon as possible, create a new instance of the OData.QueryBuilder object indicating the data models and the base path:

    var odataQueryBuilder = new ODataQueryBuilder<Your ODataContainerModel>(<Your base url>);
  2. Specify the resource for which the request will be built

    odataQueryBuilder.For<Your ODataEntityModel>(s => s.ODataEntity)
  3. Select request type

    The builder allows you to build queries on the key and the list:

  4. Get Uri request or collection of operators from the builder


Fluent api

var uri = new ODataQueryBuilder<ODataInfoContainer>("http://mock/odata")
    .For<ODataTypeEntity>(s => s.ODataType)


var uri = new ODataQueryBuilder<ODataInfoContainer>("http://mock/odata")
    .For<ODataTypeEntity>(s => s.ODataType)


var uri = new ODataQueryBuilder<ODataInfoContainer>("http://mock/odata")
    .For<ODataTypeEntity>(s => s.ODataType)


Usage options

.Select(s => s.Id)


.Select(s => new { s.Id, s.Sum, s.Type })


.Expand(s => s.BaseType)


.Expand(s => new { s.BaseType, s.ODataKind })


.Expand(f => f
    .For<ODataKindEntity>(s => s.ODataKind)
    .Expand(s=> s
        .For<ODataCodeEntity>(s => s.ODataCode)
        .Filter(s => s.IdKind == 1)
        .OrderBy(s => s.IdKind)
        .Select(s => s.IdCode));

$expand=ODataKind($expand=ODataCode($filter=IdKind eq 1;$orderby=IdKind;$top=1;$select=IdCode))

.Filter(s => s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code >= "test_code" || s.IdType >= 5)

$filter=ODataKind/ODataCode/IdCode eq 'test_code' or IdType ge 5

.Filter(s => s.IdRule != default(int?) && s.IdRule == null)

$filter=IdRule ne null and IdRule eq null

.Filter(s => s.ODataKind.OpenDate == DateTime.Today || s.ODataKind.OpenDate == new DateTime(2019, 7, 9)) || s.ODataKind.OpenDate == DateTime.Now)

$filter=ODataKind/OpenDate eq 2019-02-09T00:00:00Z or ODataKind/OpenDate eq 2019-02-09T00:00:00Z or ODataKind/OpenDate eq 2019-02-09T15:10:20Z

.Filter(s => s.IsActive && s.IsOpen == true && !s.ODataKind.ODataCode.IdActive)

$filter=IsActive and IsOpen eq true and not ODataKind/ODataCode/IdActive

.Filter(s => s.ODataKind.Color == ColorEnum.Blue)

$filter=ODataKind/Color eq 2

ℹ️ Use parenthesis in filter

var constStrIds = new[] { "123", "512" };
var constValue = 3;
.Filter((s, f, o) => s.IdRule == constValue
    && s.IsActive
    && (f.Date(s.EndDate.Value) == default(DateTimeOffset?) || s.EndDate > DateTime.Today)
    && (f.Date((DateTimeOffset)s.BeginDate) != default(DateTime?) || f.Date((DateTime)s.BeginDate) <= DateTime.Now)
    && o.In(s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code, constStrIds), useParenthesis: true)

$filter=(((IdRule eq 3 and IsActive) and (date(EndDate) eq null or EndDate gt 2020-08-29T00:00:00Z)) and (date(BeginDate) ne null or date(BeginDate) le 2020-08-29T18:09:15Z)) and ODataKind/ODataCode/Code in ('123','512')

.OrderBy(s => s.IdType)

$orderby=IdType asc

.OrderBy(s => new { s.IdType, s.Sum })

$orderby=IdType,Sum asc

.OrderBy((entity, sort) => sort

$orderby=BeginDate asc,EndDate desc,IdRule asc,Sum asc,ODataKind/OpenDate desc

.OrderByDescending(s => s.IdType)

$orderby=IdType desc

.OrderByDescending(s => new { s.IdType, s.Sum })

$orderby=IdType,Sum desc









Usage operators

.Filter((s, f, o) => o.In(s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code, new[] { "123", "512" }) && o.In(s.IdType, new[] { 123, 512 }))

$filter=ODataKind/ODataCode/Code in ('123','512') and IdType in (123,512)

.Filter((s, f, o) => o.Any(s.ODataKind.ODataCodes, v => v.IdCode == 1)

$filter=ODataKind/ODataCodes/any(v:v/IdCode eq 1)

.Filter((s, f, o) => o.All(s.ODataKind.ODataCodes, v => v.IdActive))


Usage date functions

.Filter((s, f) => f.Date(s.Open) == DateTime.Today)

$filter=date(Open) eq 2019-02-09T00:00:00Z

Usage string and collections functions

.Filter((s, f) => f.Contains(s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code, "W"))


.Filter((s, f) => f.SubstringOf("W", s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code))


.Filter((s, f) => f.ToUpper(s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code) == "TEST_CODE")

$filter=toupper(ODataKind/ODataCode/Code) eq 'TEST_CODE'

.Filter((s, f) => f.ToLower(s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code) == "test_code")

$filter=tolower(ODataKind/ODataCode/Code) eq 'test_code'

.Filter((s, f) => f.Concat(s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code, "_1") == "test_code_1")

$filter=concat(ODataKind/ODataCode/Code, '_1') eq 'test_code_1'

Usage other functions


.Filter((s, f) => s.ODataKind.Color == f.ConvertEnumToString(ColorEnum.Blue))

$filter=ODataKind/Color eq 'Blue'


.Filter((s, f) => s.ODataKind.OpenDate == f.ConvertDateTimeToString(new DateTime(2019, 2, 9), "yyyy-MM-dd"))

$filter=ODataKind/OpenDate eq 2019-02-09


.Filter((s, f) => s.ODataKind.OpenDate == f.ConvertDateTimeToString(new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2019, 2, 9)), "yyyy-MM-dd"))

$filter=ODataKind/OpenDate eq 2019-02-09


var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "&", "%26" } });
var constValue = "3 & 4";
.Filter((s, f) => s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code == f.ReplaceCharacters(

$filter=ODataKind/ODataCode/Code eq '3 %26 4'

var strings = new string[] {
.Filter((s, f, o) => o.In(s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code, f.ReplaceCharacters(
    new Dictionary<string, string>() { { @"\", "%5C" } })))

$filter=ODataKind/ODataCode/Code in ('test%5C%5CYUYYUT','test1%5C%5CYUYY123')

Suppress exceptions

⚠️ May result in loss of control over the expected result.

Suppression of inclusion excludes the whole expression from the request

By default, suppression of function and operator argument exceptions is disabled. To enable it, you must pass the configuration ODataQueryBuilderOptions when initializing the builder with initialization of the SuppressExceptionOfNullOrEmptyFunctionArgs and SuppressExceptionOfNullOrEmptyOperatorArgs properties.

var builder = new ODataQueryBuilder<ODataInfoContainer>("http://mock/odata", new ODataQueryBuilderOptions {
    SuppressExceptionOfNullOrEmptyFunctionArgs = true,
    SuppressExceptionOfNullOrEmptyOperatorArgs = true,

var uri = builder
    .For<ODataTypeEntity>(s => s.ODataType)
    .Filter((s, f, o) => o.In(s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code, new string[0]) || o.In(s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code, null)
        && f.Contains(s.ODataKind.ODataCode.Code, default(string)) 
        && o.In(s.IdType, new[] { 123, 512 }))

http://mock/odata/ODataType?$filter=IdType in (123,512)