- Starts the nrepl-server in async mode according toopts
, using a bpy timer to schedule any pending client work.
- Creates and returns a Python class with the givenclass-name
, inheriting from the list of
(nrepl-server-start {:keys [host port nrepl-port-dir interval-sec], :as opts, :or {port 0, interval-sec 0.2}})
Starts the nrepl-server in async mode according to opts
, using a
bpy timer to schedule any pending client work.
is a map that can have the following keys
The interface address the server should be bound to. It
defaults to if not given or empty.
The interval in seconds for executing pending
work. Defaults to 200ms.
The port number the server should listen to. It defaults to
0, which indicates a random available port number.
The directory where the .nrepl-port
file should
be created at. It defaults to the current working directory if not
given or empty.
It returns a map with the following keys
An error message in case the server could not be started.
The address the server is bound to.
The path to the .nrepl-port
file with the port
number the server is listening to.
The port the server is listening to.
A function to shutdown the server and stop the bpy
(class-make* class-name class-and-interfaces fields & fns)
Creates and returns a Python class with the given class-name
inheriting from the list of class-and-interfaces
. The class is
defined with the given fields
and fns
Each field in fields
must include at least one of the following
metadata keys, otherwise, an error will be signaled:
The default value for the field.
A type annotation for the field.
Within the fns
methods, field names can be accessed directly as
functions by prefixing them with -
, e.g., (-field)
The fns
parameter defines the methods of the class. Each method
should be specified in the following form:
(method-name1 docstring-maybe [args...] body)
Inside the method body, the self
symbol is available to refer to
the instance of the class.
Methods can accept Python keyword arguments by specifying the
option in the method's metadata. For example:
^{:kwargs :collect} (method-name [args... {:as kwargs}]).