- Convenience function to shutdown theSERVER
- Starts the nrepl-server in async mode according toOPTS
, using a asyncio task to schedule any pending client work every 100ms.
(server-shut server)
Convenience function to shutdown the SERVER
(server-start {:keys [host port dir interval-sec], :as opts, :or {port 0, interval-sec 0.1}})
Starts the nrepl-server in async mode according to OPTS
, using a
asyncio task to schedule any pending client work every 100ms.
is a map that can have the following keys. It defaults to {}.
The directory where the .nrepl-port
file should be created
at. It defaults to the current working directory if not given or
The interface address the server should be bound to. It
defaults to if not given or empty.
The port number the server should listen to. It defaults to
0, which indicates a random available port number.
It return the server
, which is a map with the following keys
The host interface to which the server is bound.
The path to the .nrepl-port
file created by the
The port on the host interface the server listens for client
A function to shutdown the server.