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This action works in conjunction with another step that runs Postman tests. That step should include a json reporter like the following npm script: "postman": "newman run postman_collection.json -r cli,json -reporter-json-export postman-results.json".

This action takes the json file and creates a Status Check or PR Comment depending on the flags set with the test outcome. This action does not execute the tests itself, it relies on a previous step to run the Postman tests. It can only process one result file.



The test status & action's conclusion can be viewed in multiple places:

  • In the body of a PR comment this action generates
  • Next to the name of one of the status checks under the Checks section of a PR
  • Next to the name of one of the status checks under the Jobs section of the workflow run
  • In the body of a status check listed on the workflow run

If the test results contain failures, the status check's conclusion will be set to failure. If the status check is required and its conclusion is failure the PR cannot be merged. If this required status check behavior is not desired, the ignore-test-failures input can be set and the conclusion will be marked as neutral if test failures are detected. The status badge that is shown in the comment or status check body will still indicate it was a failure though.


GitHub does have a size limitation of 65535 characters for a Status Check body or a PR Comment. This action would fail if the test results exceeded the GitHub [limit]. To mitigate this size issue only details for failed tests are included in the output in addition to a badge, duration info and outcome info. If the comment still exceeds that size, it will be truncated with a note to see the remaining output in the log.

If you have multiple workflows triggered by the same pull_request or push event, GitHub creates one checksuite for that commit. The checksuite gets assigned to one of the workflows randomly and all status checks for that commit are reported to that checksuite. That means if there are multiple workflows with the same trigger, your status checks may show on a different workflow run than the run that created them.

Action Outputs

Pull Request Comment

This is shown on the pull request when the create-pr-comment is set to true and there is a PR associated with the commit.

Pull Request Status Check

This is shown on the pull request when the create-status-check is set to true and there is a PR associated with the commit.

Workflow Run

This is shown on the workflow run when the create-status-check is set to true.

Failed Test Details

For failed test runs you can expand each failure to view more details.


Parameter Is Required Default Description
github-token true N/A Used for the GitHub Checks API. Value is generally: secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN.
results-file true N/A The json test results file generated by the postman/newman json reporter.
report-name false Postman Test Results The desired name of the report that is shown on the PR Comment and inside the Status Check.
create-status-check false true Flag indicating whether a status check with postman test results should be generated.
ignore-test-failures false false If there are test failures, the check's conclusion is set to neutral so it will not block pull requests.

Only applicable when create-status-check is true.
create-pr-comment false true This flag determines whether a new comment is created or if the action updates an existing comment (if one is found).

Only applicable when create-pr-comment is true.
update-comment-if-one-exists false true When create-pr-comment is true, this flag determines whether a new comment is created or if the action updates an existing comment if one is found which is the default behavior.
comment-identifier false ${{ env.GITHUB-JOB }}_${{ env.GITHUB-ACTION }} A unique identifier which will be added to the generated markdown as a comment (it will not be visible in the PR comment).

This identifier enables creating then updating separate results comments on the PR if more than one instance of this action is included in a single job. This can be helpful when there are multiple test projects that run separately but are part of the same job.

Only applicable when create-pr-comment is true.
timezone false UTC IANA time zone name (e.g. America/Denver) to display dates in.


Output Description
test-outcome Test outcome based on presence of failing tests: Failed,Passed
If exceptions are thrown or if it exits early because of argument errors, this is set to Failed.
test-results-truncated Flag indicating whether test results were truncated due to markdown exceeding character limit of 65535.
test-results-file-path File path for the file that contains the pre-truncated test results in markdown format. This is the same output that is posted in the PR comment.
status-check-id The ID of the Status Check that was created. This is only set if create-status-check is true and a status check was created successfully.
pr-comment-id The ID of the PR comment that was created. This is only set if create-pr-comment is true and a PR was created successfully.

Usage Examples

npm setup

  1. Some npm scripts have also been added to the project

    "scripts": {
      "postman": "newman run postman_collection.json -r cli,json -reporter-json-export postman-results.json"


  PACKAGE_JSON_DIR: 'src'                       # The directory containing package.json
  POSTMAN_NPM_SCRIPT_NAME: 'postman'            # The name of the postman script in package.json
  POSTMAN_RESULTS_NAME: 'postman-results.json'  # The name of the results file set in npm script in package.json

    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04

        shell: bash
        working-directory: ${{ env.PACKAGE_JSON_DIR }}

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Restore npm packages
        run: npm install

      - name: Run Postman Tests
        continue-on-error: true
        run: npm run ${{ env.POSTMAN_NPM_SCRIPT_NAME }}

      - name: Create Status check based on postman results
        id: process-postman
        # You may also reference the major or major.minor version
        uses: im-open/[email protected]
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          results-file: ${{env.PACKAGE_JSON_DIR }}/${{ env.POSTMAN_RESULTS_NAME }}
          report-name: 'Postman ${{ github.run_number }}'     # Default: Postman Test Results
          create-status-check: true                           # Default: true
          create-pr-comment: false                            # Default: true
          update-comment-if-one-exists: false                 # Default: true
          ignore-test-failures: true                          # Default: false
          timezone: 'america/denver'                          # Default: UTC
      - name: Fail if there were errors in the postman tests
        if: steps.process-postman.outputs.test-outcome == 'Failed'
        run: |
          echo "There were postman failures."
          exit 1


When creating PRs, please review the following guidelines:

  • The action code does not contain sensitive information.
  • At least one of the commit messages contains the appropriate +semver: keywords listed under Incrementing the Version for major and minor increments.
  • The action has been recompiled. See Recompiling Manually for details.
  • The has been updated with the latest version of the action. See Updating the for details.

Incrementing the Version

This repo uses git-version-lite in its workflows to examine commit messages to determine whether to perform a major, minor or patch increment on merge if source code changes have been made. The following table provides the fragment that should be included in a commit message to active different increment strategies.

Increment Type Commit Message Fragment
major +semver:breaking
major +semver:major
minor +semver:feature
minor +semver:minor
patch default increment type, no comment needed

Source Code Changes

The files and directories that are considered source code are listed in the files-with-code and dirs-with-code arguments in both the build-and-review-pr and increment-version-on-merge workflows.

If a PR contains source code changes, the should be updated with the latest action version and the action should be recompiled. The build-and-review-pr workflow will ensure these steps are performed when they are required. The workflow will provide instructions for completing these steps if the PR Author does not initially complete them.

If a PR consists solely of non-source code changes like changes to the or workflows under ./.github/workflows, version updates and recompiles do not need to be performed.

Recompiling Manually

This command utilizes esbuild to bundle the action and its dependencies into a single file located in the dist folder. If changes are made to the action's source code, the action must be recompiled by running the following command:

# Installs dependencies and bundles the code
npm run build

Updating the

If changes are made to the action's source code, the usage examples section of this file should be updated with the next version of the action. Each instance of this action should be updated. This helps users know what the latest tag is without having to navigate to the Tags page of the repository. See Incrementing the Version for details on how to determine what the next version will be or consult the first workflow run for the PR which will also calculate the next version.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the im-open's Code of Conduct.


Copyright © 2024, Extend Health, LLC. Code released under the MIT license.