I wrote a shell script to create custom images but it was a hassle because I had to modify the script almos each time I created an image. That's why I switched to osbuild.
# dnf install -y lorax lorax-composer lorax-templates-generic \
composer-cli osbuild cockpit-composer weldr-client
# systemctl enable osbuild-composer.socket
# systemctl start osbuild-composer.socket
cat <<EOF > epel.ini
check_gpg = true
check_repogpg = true
check_ssl = true
id = "EPEL9"
name = "EPEL9"
rhsm = false
system = false
type = "yum-baseurl"
url = "https://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora-epel/9/Everything/x86_64/"
Add the repo to composer
# composer-cli sources add epel.ini
cat <<EOF > elrepo.ini
check_gpg = true
check_repogpg = true
check_ssl = true
id = "ELRepo"
name = "ELRepo"
rhsm = false
system = false
type = "yum-baseurl"
url = "http://elrepo.org/linux/elrepo/el9/$basearch/"
Add the repo to composer
# composer-cli sources add elrepo.ini
cat <<EOF > sotolito.ini
check_gpg = true
check_repogpg = true
check_ssl = true
id = "SotolitoLabs"
name = "SotolitoLabs"
rhsm = false
system = false
type = "yum-baseurl"
url = "http://repos.sotolitolabs.com/linux/sotolito/el9/$basearch/"
Add the repo to composer
# composer-cli sources add sotolito.ini