It is my python based private desktop assistant project named- “MALGO” which helps us to send Email, Play Music, Open Google, YouTube, LinkedIn, GitHub, Tell us about current time etc. It can search anything from Wikipedia through voice commands. It can greet us according to time if time is in between 12 noon to 6 p.m. then it says Good Afternoon Sir Have Your Lunch or not, in Microsoft Agent voice [API used-sapi5]. It can also send WhatsApp messages through voice command to any phone number which you enter in the code. I am also using energy and pause threshold concept for minimize the surrounding noise so that it can easily recognize our voice within that range. Have you ever wondered how cool it would be to have your own A.I. assistant? Imagine how easier it would be to send emails without typing a single word, doing Wikipedia searches without opening web browsers, and performing many other daily tasks like playing music with the help of a single voice command. I can take screenshot our screen through voice command and save it to our local storage. To make a virtual assistant using python which will be able to perform day-to-day action according to user preferences. From fetching his/her attendance from UIMS to joining a Blackboard class to setting an alarm and much more. Most importantly it won’t be stealing your data in any form (unlike other virtual assistants). I can also use as many as module using pip install command in future. Using Libraries: - pyttsx3, Speech-recognition, datetime, Wikipedia, smtplib, Pywhatkit (For WhatsApp Messaging Automation), webbrowser, datetime etc. So, it is very much helpful in the tasks which we all are doing or performing on regular basis.