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Ralph Soika edited this page Jul 13, 2017 · 5 revisions

In the following section I want to talk about archive strategies from the point of view of this project. There are three general archive strategies possible which I will briefly explain. Only one of this stratagies is implemented by the Imixs-Archive System. But all of these strategies can be implemented in cases the fit better in a specific enterprise BPM szenario.

Client Pull

This approach follows the idea of an external archive client. The client in this scenario can be a java application running on the hadoop cluster or on a separate host. The client pulls all available workitems from the Imixs-Workflow system and stores them into the hadoop cluster. The advantage of this strategy is that the archive process is independent from the workflow system and can be placed on isolated hardware. The client can pull the data via the Imixs Rest API. The workitem itself will not be updated ore manipulated in this strategy. The disadvantage is, that the Imixs-Workflow engine is not aware if and when a workitem will be pulled and moved into the archive.

Client Push

Workflow Push

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