Used internally by both the test
task of the
lein-immutant plugin and
Immutant's own integration tests, this library enables you to test
against your application while deployed on
WildFly or even run your tests within the
deployed application itself. Here's an example:
(ns your.test-code
(:use clojure.test)
(:require [clj-http.client :as http]
[fntest.core :as fnt]))
;;; Run Immutant and deploy our application
(use-fixtures :once
(fnt/with-deployment "some-name" "/path/to/war-file/or/lein/project")))
;;; Run browser tests against the deployed app
(deftest remote-http-test
(let [result (http/get (format "http://localhost:%d/foo" (fnt/offset-port :http)))]
(is (.contains (:body result) "Howdy!"))))
;;; Alternatively, deploy and run all tests in one shot, but be
;;; careful not to invoke test-in-container inside the container!
(deftest run-all-tests-inside-immutant
(is (fnt/test-in-container "some-name" "./" :dirs ["container"])))
Midje, Expectations
and clojure.test
tests are supported by fntest.core/test-in-container
. Which tests are
run depends on which testing library is found on the classpath. If Midje is present, then both
Midje and clojure.test
tests are run via the Midje test runner. If Midje is not found, but
Expectations is present, then only the Expectations tests are run. If neither Midje nor
Expectations is found, the standard clojure.test
test runner is used.