As an educator and practitioner, I believe in free education for the masses to help augment professional training. Here is a curated list of free training that you can utilize. Feel free to send me pull requests and I'll update.
- – Join or create meetups with common interests for free local community events
- Slack Curated Community Channels - Over 2500 Curated Tech Slack Community Channels To Get Connected To Industry Peers
- Google SRE Books - Continually Updated SRE Guide and Wookbook
- Free Tech Books For All Disciplines
- Packt Books
- O’reilly Programming Books
- Microsoft Press eBooks
- eBook Foundation Free Developer Books On Every Development Language
- Edureka YouTube Channel - 800K Subscriptions Can't be wrong. One of, if not the largest collection of HIGH QUALITY, free training videos on virtually every technology discpline or topic.
- Google Cloud Platform Channel - Google's own YouTube channel replete with videos that cover all their events as well as practical application of thier platform across all discipline areas.
- Simplilearn - Great for beginners and advanced how to sections alike.
- AWS Training (Free Courses)
- OWASP SAMM (Security / DevSec)
- Code Academy
- Harvard Online Academy (All Courses)
- Harvard Online Academy (Data Science)
- Harvard Online Academy (Computer Science + Security)
- Harvard Online Academy (Programming)
- Khan Academy
- LinkedIn Learning
- Udemy
- Cybrary (Cyber Security Training)
- Cyber Security