This script takes in a list of HTTP or HTTPS URLs and tries to connect to each one, gathering the HTTP status code (e.g., 200 or 404) from each one. This is put into a TSV results file. If there was an error (e.g., a timeout) connecting to the URL an error message is put in the TSV in place of a status code.
This is not just done from the point of view of a single machine. A list of source machines is also provided on the command line and the URL testing is done for each of those. This allows you to test access from multiple points in your network.
The results file starts with a header row consisting of "url" and one column for each source machine. There will be a row for each of the URLs provided with the status code (or error) for each source machine in the corresponding column.
If the results file already exists, the new results will be appended to it.
If you have the URLs in urls.txt, the source machines in sources.txt, and you want the results to go in status-check-result.tsv, then you would run the script as: sources.txt urls.txt status-check-result.tsv
If you only want to check the access from the local machine you can take advantage of bash's process substitution and run the script as: <(echo urls.txt status-check-result.tsv