- gitac: build barge.iso>
qcowImg> dcp-kvm-virter{libvirtd_x1: kvm_x20> ctKedge_x20}
- start.sh: curl
|bash -- dcp init: docker run $img sh -c "cp out"
- kedge init: docker run $kcmd sh -c "git clone "
- dcp up kedge --scale=$INST_KEDGE -d
- virter,qcow2
- virter_kvm_env: INST_KEDGE
- qcow2_img: 40G_100G? > virter+dataImg(preGenerate);
# Putting any scripts in the /etc/init.d/S* in the SysV manner.
# Barge's init executes /etc/init.d/init.sh right after mounting the disk and before /etc/init.d scripts including networking.
# Barge's init executes /etc/init.d/start.sh asynchronously right after executing /etc/init.d scripts.
# headless @ mac23-199 in .../_ct/fk-docker-libvirtd |09:07:15 |sam-custom _30 _|
$ git pull; sh imgbuild.sh
# github ac: build iso
# packer-diskimage
headless @ mac23-199 in .../fk-barge-packer/qemu |09:11:35 |sam-custom ?:2 _|
$ pwd
$ git pull; bash _prepare_dcp_up.sh
Successfully built 6d3f60d41987
Successfully tagged registry.cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/infrastlabs/barge-build-diskimage:latest
Rebuilding BuildRoot Configs
# change-ff2: https://github.com/huapox/barge-os/commits/master #x3 @Oct 5, 2019
# BUILD_CONTAINER=barge-built #把构建img保存
# https://github.com/huapox/barge-os/commit/082ebbe63df1844421732a135b68fae32ebd7b8e #sam-ns1/barge-os:src
# https://github.com/ahmedbodi/barge-os/commit/d40763f7389468fb6ae3acf6ba7b9f01c904f382
git clone https://github.com/buildroot/buildroot buildroot
cp ./barge-os/configs/buildroot.config buildroot/.config
cd buildroot
make menuconfig <- make any changes, remove old config settings then copy it back to barge-os
cd ../barge-os