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Rokku STS

STS stands for Short Token Service. The Rokku STS performs operations that are specific to managing service tokens. For a higher level view of purpose of the Rokku STS service, please view the Rokku project.

The Rokku STS simulates the following STS actions:

This is the internal endpoint that is exposed:

  • Checks if a user credentials are active


    Response status:


    • OK

      • With the following body response (for status OK) :
      "userName": "testuser",
      "userGroups": "testGroup",
      "accessKey": "userAccessKey",
      "secretKey": "userSercretKey",
      "userRole": "userRole"


What Do You Need

To get a quickstart on running the Rokku STS, you'll need the following:

  • Docker
  • SBT
  1. Launch the Docker images which contain the dependencies for Rokku STS:

     docker-compose up --build --force-recreate
  2. When the docker services are up and running, you can start the Rokku STS:

     sbt run
  3. Have fun requesting tokens




The STS service is dependant on two services:

  • Keycloak for MFA authentication of users.
  • [Redis] A persistence store to maintain the user and session tokens issued

Test (mock version)

docker run -p 12345:12345 wbaa/rokku-sts:latest

to get the credential you need to provide a valid token in on of the places:

  • header Authorization Bearer valid
  • cookie X-Authorization-Token: valid
  • parameter or form WebIdentityToken=valid







the dev keycloak docker has a userone who has the admin role.


returns status OK or Forbidden

NOTE: since EP is protected with token, you may need to add header with token to access isCredentialsActive endpoint

Default token that should match settings from test reference.conf file

-H "Authorization: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzZXJ2aWNlIjoicm9ra3UiLCJpc3MiOiJyb2trdSJ9.aCpyvC53lWdF_IOdZQp0fO8W4tH_LeK3vQcIvt5W1-0"

aws cli

aws sts get-session-token  --endpoint-url http://localhost:12345 --region localhost --token-code validToken
aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::account-id:role/admin --role-session-name testrole --endpoint-url http://localhost:12345 --token-code validToken

NPA users

STS allows users with the KEYCLOAK_NPA_ROLE to be registered as NPAs. Only these users will have access to the /npa/* endpoints. When a user is registered as an NPA it can authenticate itself without the need of a session token from keycloak. If the user already exists and aws credentials are issued for him then this operation will not be allowed and the request will return a 409 Conflict.

Registering user as an npa

 curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $keycloak_token_session"

The response of the above request will be of the form

    "accessKey": "the-npa-access-key",
    "secretKey": "the-npa-secret-key"

Getting NPAs credentials

 curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $keycloak_token_session"

The response of the above request will be of the form

    "accessKey": "the-npa-access-key",
    "secretKey": "the-npa-secret-key"

Old deprecated admin API for NPA users

STS allows NPA (non personal account) access, in cases where client is not able to authenticate with Keycloak server. In order to notify STS that user is NPA user, below steps needs to be done:

  1. User needs to be in administrator groups (user groups are taken from Keycloak)

  2. Check settings of the value STS_ADMIN_GROUPS in application.conf and set groups accordingly. Config accepts coma separated string: "testgroup, othergroup"

  3. A safe needs to exists with the correct name in vault, otherwise secrets will not be written to vault (404 in logs is an indication of that)

  4. Use postman or other tool of choice to send x-www-form-urlencoded values:

npaAccount = value
safeName = vaule
awsAccessKey = value
awsSecretKey = value

as POST:

curl -X POST \
     -d "npaAccount=${NPA_ACCOUNT}&safeName=${SAFE_NAME}&awsAccessKey=${NPA_ACCESS_KEY}&awsSecretKey=${NPA_SECRET_KEY}" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEYCLOAK_TOKEN}" \

NPA user access key and account names must be unique, otherwise adding NPA will fail.

User must also:

  • be allowed in Ranger Sever policies to access Ceph S3 resources

When accessing Rokku with aws cli or sdk, just export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with NO AWS_SESSION_TOKEN

Enable or disable user account

STS user account details are taken from Keycloak, but additionally one can mark user account as disabled in Rokku-STS by running:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEYCLOAK_TOKEN}" -X PUT http://localhost:12345/admin/account/{USER_NAME}/enable

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEYCLOAK_TOKEN}" -X PUT http://localhost:12345/admin/account/{USER_NAME}/disable

User needs to be in administrator groups (user groups are taken from Keycloak). Check settings of the value STS_ADMIN_GROUPS in application.conf and set groups accordingly.

Production settings

If you plan to run rokku-sts in non-dev mode, make sure you at least set ENV value or edit application.conf

STS_MASTER_KEY = "radomKeyString"