C. Laurent, 2019, v.0 (beta) https://github.com/inogs/LTRANS_Zlev
The present manual consists of a guide detailing the options and setup instructions that are specific to the Zlev version of LTRANS. For this reason, the user should refer to the original v.2b publications and user guide for the options and setup instructions that are in common between the versions, and for details about the methods implemented. More details are given in section 1.1. Users of LTRANS with the OILTRANS oil spill module can find details on the methods implemented in the OilSpill module in the reference cited section 1.2.
Users should make reference to the following article relative to the present Zlev version:
For any issue relative to the present version of the software, the users can write to : [email protected]
This user manual is an integration of the original user manual provided by the developers of the v.2b version, available at the address https://github.com/LTRANS/LTRANSv.2b/blob/master/LTRANSv2_UsersGuide_6Jan12.pdf.
The original LTRANS v.2b web page is: http://northweb.hpl.umces.edu/LTRANS.htm; it contains the code and instructions as well as grids, hydrodynamic fields and input files to test the v.2b version on a ROMS sigma coordinates domain. The LTRANS v.2b updated source code can be found in https://github.com/LTRANS/LTRANSv.2b . The materials provided by the LTRANS v.2b authors at these addresses provide instructions to install the netcdf and hdf5 external libraries as well as information regarding two proprietary programs used by LTRANS that require particular permissions if employed for commercial use.
- Mersenne Twister random number generator
- TSPACK: tension spline curve-fitting package
Note that the use of TSPACK can be deactivated in the Zlev version.
The code structure and algorithms presented in section I of the LTRANS v.2b user guide (https://github.com/LTRANS/LTRANSv.2b/blob/master/LTRANSv2_UsersGuide_6Jan12.pdf) provide a complete overview of the original version of the code.
The use of the Zlev version relays on dependencies to the same libraries as the original v.2b version; the user can have detailed instructions on their set-up in section II of the LTRANS v.2b user guide (https://github.com/LTRANS/LTRANSv.2b/blob/master/LTRANSv2_UsersGuide_6Jan12.pdf)
Users of LTRANS should make reference to the following papers and User's Guide:
North, E. W., E. E. Adams, Z. Schlag, C. R. Sherwood, R. He, S. Socolofsky. 2011. Simulating oil droplet dispersal from the Deepwater Horizon spill with a Lagrangian approach. AGU Book Series: Monitoring and Modeling the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: A Record Breaking Enterprise link to paper
North, E. W., Z. Schlag, R. R. Hood, M. Li, L. Zhong, T. Gross, and V. S. Kennedy. 2008. Vertical swimming behavior influences the dispersal of simulated oyster larvae in a coupled particle-tracking and hydrodynamic model of Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 359: 99-115 link to paper
Schlag, Z. R., and E. W. North. 2012. Lagrangian TRANSport model (LTRANS v.2) User’s Guide. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Horn Point Laboratory. Cambridge, MD. 183 pp. link to guide
Users of LTRANS with the oil spill module should make reference to the following paper:
Berry, A., Dabrowski, T., Lyons, K., "The oil spill model OILTRANS and its application to the Celtic Sea", Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 64, Issue 11, pp. 2489-2501, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.07.036, http://hdl.handle.net/10793/837
├── LTRANS_src
│ ├── behavior_module.f90
│ ├── boundary_module.f90
│ ├── conversion_module.f90
│ ├── gridcell_module.f90
│ ├── hor_turb_module.f90
│ ├── hydrodynamic_module.f90
│ ├── interpolation_module.f90
│ ├── LTRANS.f90
│ ├── LTRANS.h
│ ├── makefile
│ ├── norm_module.f90
│ ├── oil_module_Zlev.f90
│ ├── parameter_module.f90
│ ├── point_in_polygon_module.f90
│ ├── random_module.f90
│ ├── readme.txt
│ ├── settlement_module.f90
│ ├── tension_module.f90
│ └── ver_turb_module.f90
├── MITgcm_outputs
│ ├── Computational_batimetry
│ ├── Computational_hFacC
│ ├── Computational_XC
│ ├── Computational_XG
│ ├── Computational_YC
│ ├── Computational_YG
│ ├── STDOUT.0000
│ ├── U.dat
│ ├── V.dat
│ └── W.dat
├── MITgcm_pretreatment_scripts
│ ├── LTRANS_model_file.batch
│ ├── LTRANS_model_file.data
│ ├── pre-treat_MITgcm_output_files.py
│ ├── tools_module.py
├── plot_scripts
├── SIM
├── LTRANS_input_file_example.data
| ├── input
The source code is in the directory LTRANS_Zlev/LTRANS_src
, where a makefile
is provided. It can be parameterized in the following way:
To activate the use of OpenMp in the compilation, the user should activate the OMP flag:
OMP := on
which leads to the creation of an executable (LTRANS_Zlev/LTRANS_Zlev_OMP.exe
) that allows the parallelization of the simulation for a number of threads that the user should specify at run-time (See section 5.2 of the present manual).
Otherwise, to create a sequential executable (LTRANS_Zlev/LTRANS_Zlev_SEQ.exe
) :
OMP :=
The user can choose to create a non-optimized executable with debugging flags activated at compile time, by activating the Debug flag (at this time, the option is parameterized for “Fluxus” and “Galileo” clusters only):
Debug := on
To create instead the optimized executable the user must leave the flag blank:
Debug :=
The makefile is already configured to run on one of the following clusters/systems.
If the user is using one of these clusters, it only needs to activate it, for example:
Galileo := on
Otherwise, a new configuration can be added to the makefile to include any other cluster, linking the netcdf and hdf5 libraries as well as compiler and flags chosen by the user.
WARNING, when adding the configuration of a new system using an intel compiler, the compilation flag -assume byterecl
should be employed, otherwise by default the MITgcm binary files will be read assuming by defaults a record unit of 4 bytes while the record length indicated in the hydrodynamic module is based on a unit of 1 byte.
On a linux machine, the compilation can be run by the make
command producing the following output:
$ make
Compiling gridcell_module.f90
Compiling interpolation_module.f90
Compiling parameter_module.f90
Compiling point_in_polygon_module.f90
Compiling random_module.f90
Compiling tension_module.f90
Compiling conversion_module.f90
Compiling oil_module_Zlev.f90
Compiling hydrodynamic_module.f90
Compiling norm_module.f90
Compiling boundary_module.f90
Compiling hor_turb_module.f90
Compiling settlement_module.f90
Compiling ver_turb_module.f90
Compiling behavior_module.f90
Compiling LTRANS_vZ.f90
Removing .o and .mod files
Compilation Successfully Completed
The executable is ../LTRANS_Zlev_OMP.exe
- Compilation included OPENMP flags. To compile instead in sequential mode, deactivate the OMP flag in the makefile
- When no debugging flags are used for the compilation, the executable is optimised. To create instead a debugging executable, activate the Debug flag in the makefile
The user should update the address of the LTRANS package directory writing its own PACKAGE_ADDRESS
, in LTRANS_Zlev/MITgcm_pretreatment_scripts/pre-treat_MITgcm_output_files.py
An example test case is provided, it can be downloaded at the address https://zenodo.org/record/3560264#.XeVsuvd7k3E. The files that is contains should be downloaded and unzipped in the MITgcm output directory LTRANS_Zlev/MITgcm_outputs
. The following grids and a few hydrodynamic files (U,V,W
) are provided :
Note that the MITgcm output directory should necessarily include a STDOUT.0000 file, since the pre-treatment script uses it to setup the grid and general features of the binary files to be read.
├── Computational_batimetry
├── Computational_hFacC
├── Computational_XC
├── Computational_XG
├── Computational_YC
├── Computational_YG
├── STDOUT.0000
├── U_hr_ave.0000001224.data
├── V_hr_ave.0000001224.data
├── W_hr_ave.0000001224.data
├── U_hr_ave.0000001260.data
├── V_hr_ave.0000001260.data
├── W_hr_ave.0000001260.data
├── U_hr_ave.0000002196.data
├── V_hr_ave.0000002196.data
└── W_hr_ave.0000002196.data
Executing this python script in the terminal:
$ cd LTRANS_Zlev/MITgcm_pretreatment_scripts/
$ python pre-treat_MITgcm_output_files.py
results in the creation of the following LTRANS input files:
├── plot_scripts
│ └── setup_boxes_NiNj256.py
└── SIM
├── LTRANS_input_file_example.data
├── input
│ ├── Adjacentelements-boxes_NiNj256-c1.data
│ ├── GridforLTRANS-boxes_NiNj256-c1.nc
│ ├── Iniparloc_boxes_NiNj256_every_5-i_5-j_rhowaternode.csv
│ └── Polygon_boxes_NiNj256_global.csv
├── output_boxes_NiNj256
│ ├── boxes_NiNj256-endfile.csv
│ ├── boxes_NiNj256.nc
│ └── metadata
│ ├── BottomHitsboxes_NiNj256.csv
│ ├── boxes_NiNj256PartErrors.py
│ ├── boxes_NiNj256PartinEle.py
│ ├── ErrorLogboxes_NiNj256.txt
│ └── LandHitsboxes_NiNj256.csv
├── rundir_boxes_NiNj256
├── LTRANS_boxes_NiNj256.batch
└── LTRANS_boxes_NiNj256.data
The automatized pre-processing script LTRANS_Zlev/MITgcm_pretreatment_scripts/pre-treat_MITgcm_output_files.py
contains the address of the directory containing the MITgcm output files.
Note that any MITgcm output directory can be provided here, and the name of the simulation (in this case set as boxes_NiNj256
) can be changed to create new directories for simulations on distinct water domains.
- To personalize the domain, the user should modify the values of the following variables :
indicates the address of the directory where the MITgcm output files are stored.
- The list of hydrodynamic files should be indicated in the following lines:
The f_VAR
strings should be modified if the names of the corresponding MITgcm flow field files are different, and note that, even though only the U,V and W files are present, the user should leave the name of the missing files indicated as in the example.
The user shall not specify the suffix (in this case, dat
- If the grid and bathymetry files (those named
in the above example) were provided by another MITgcm simulation using a different precision while writing the binary files, then the user should indicate if the binary files were written in single (BATI_PREC=32
) or double (BATI_PREC=32
) precision:
if the grid and hyrodynamic files were all created by the same simulation, so that the BATI_PREC
value will be set to be equal to the precision read in STDOUT
- Setting a string identifying the computational domain:
The user may specify any string (without empty spaces) as an identifier
. This string is used to identify a computational domain: it will be used to name the input files, grid files and directories created by the pre-treatment procedure.
The automatized pre-processing script LTRANS_Zlev/MITgcm_pretreatment_scripts/pre-treat_MITgcm_output_files.py
contains the following lines that can be modified by the user to create the file of initial release positions of the particles :
Setting both to (0,0,1)
, particles will be released at every cell center of the horizontal grid. These two lines can be modified by the user to indicate a restricted range of i
or j
indexes or to set a step
between release positions, i.e. how many cells to skip between every release position (in the i
and j
directions respectively). For example, for the i
index, the numbers on the right hand side indicate which range of grid cell centers should be used to define the release positions, using (10,50,5)
uses one grid cell center every 5 grid cells centers for i
indexes varying between 10 and 50.
The user should then move to the directory containing the .data
file created by the pre-treatment script
$ cd LTRANS_Zlev/SIM/rundir_boxes_NiNj256
Then, the code can be executed (in sequential mode) by using the command:
$ ../../LTRANS_Zlev_SEQ.exe LTRANS_boxes_NiNj256.data
The code can be executed in parallel mode, setting OMP_NUM_THREADS
to the number of threads requested, for example for 2 threads:
$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
$ ../../LTRANS_Zlev_OMP.exe LTRANS_boxes_NiNj256.data
Which will produce the following output files:
└── SIM
├── LTRANS_input_file_example.data
├── input
│ ├── Adjacentelements-boxes_NiNj256-c1.data
├── output_boxes_NiNj256
| ├── boxes_NiNj256-endfile.csv
| ├── boxes_NiNj256.nc
| └── metadata
| ├── BottomHitsboxes_NiNj256.csv
| ├── boxes_NiNj256PartErrors.py
| ├── boxes_NiNj256PartinEle.py
| ├── ErrorLogboxes_NiNj256.txt
| └── LandHitsboxes_NiNj256.csv
|── rundir_boxes_NiNj256
├── LandBoundaryMidpoints.csv
├── llbounds.bln
├── OpenOceanBoundaryMidpoints.csv
├── rho_kwele.csv
├── u_kwele.csv
├── v_kwele.csv
├── water_rho_nodes.csv
└── xybounds.bln
After the first run, in order to save time, the user should modify the file LTRANS_boxes_NiNj256.data
to avoid re-creating, at every new simulation, SIM/input/Adjacentelements-boxes_NiNj256-c1.data
and the diagnostic files in SIM/rundir_boxes_NiNj256
(LandBoundaryMidpoints.csv llbounds.bln OpenOceanBoundaryMidpoints.csv rho_kwele.csv u_kwele.csv v_kwele.csv water_rho_nodes.csv xybounds.bln
) :
ADJele_file= .TRUE.
BoundaryBLNs = .FALSE.
To customize the simulation, the .data
file read by LTRANS can be modified by the user, together with the input files, whose addresses are indicated in the .data
An example of such an input file is provided :
└── SIM
└── LTRANS_input_file_example.data
The .data
input file consists of different sets of parameters organized by namelists, according to their thematic field. The content of this file is given in subsections 6.[...], by looking at one thematic field at a time. Some details on the parameters developed in the Zlev version are also given. The comments that the authors of LTRANS v.2b included in the original input file provided with the v.2b version were kept and new comments were added next to every new parameter of the Zlev version.
The number of particles indicated should correspond to the number of lines provided in the file LTRANS_Zlev/SIM/input/Iniparloc_[...].csv
containing the coordinates of the release positions of the particles, unless an oil spill simulation is run (in this particular case, a single release position should be indicated in the Iniparloc
file, and numpar
can be set to any number.)
numpar = 2601 ! Number of particles (total number for whole simulation)
! numpar should equal the number of rows in the particle
! locations input file
days = 1.0 ! Number of days to run the model (in days, float)
iprint = 3600 ! Print interval for LTRANS output (s); 3600 = every hour
iprinto= 0 ! Initial delay in printing after Ext0, (in seconds)
! (leave iprinto=0 to start printing at Ext0)
dt = 3600 ! External time step=duration between hydro model predictions (s)
idt = 120 ! Internal (particle tracking) time step (s)
Ext0 = 0 ! Initial time t0 (in seconds)
and Ext0
are specific to the Zlev version: they allow a relative interpretation of the time of release of the particles defined in the Iniparloc_[...].csv
files and permit to print this relative time in the output files of the model.
Another new feature is the possibility to provide negative dt
and idt
for backward tracking, which can be enabled for (non-merged-in-time) hydrodynamic files, if the user provides a negative filestep
(see section 6.10).
us = 60 ! Number of Rho grid s-levels in hydro model
ws = 61 ! Number of W grid s-levels in hydro model
tdim = 0 ! Number of time steps per hydro predictions file
recordnum = 1 ! Record number of first time step to be read (when no
! previous time steps in the hydro file: recordnum=1)
hc = 0.2 ! Min Depth - used in ROMS S-level transformations
z0 = 0.0005 ! ROMS bottom roughness parameter (Zob).
! Bottom layer is considered to be
! between z0 and BottomLayerThickness
Vtransform = 0 ! 0: z-coordinate ; 1: WikiRoms Eq. 1 ;
! 2: WikiRoms Eq. 2 ;
! 3: Song/Haidvogel 1994 Eq. 0-sigma coordinate system
! 4: z*=H(z-Eta)/(H+Eta) Where H is bottom depth
! and Eta is the sea surface elevation
VInterpUVinSurfWater = .TRUE. ! If False keep U,V velocities of last level in surface
! water instead of running the vertical interpolation
BottomLayerThickness = 2.0 ! If > 0.0 this value will be used instead of the
! half height of the bottom grid cell
PercentVelinBottomLayer = 0.0 ! If > 0.0 this value will be used instead of the
! logarithmic law (must be in range ]0.0,1.0[)
PercentVel_under_z0 =0.05 ! This value will be used to perform advection
! between botttom and z0
readZeta = .FALSE. ! If .TRUE. read in sea-surface height (zeta) from file,
! else use constZeta
constZeta = 0.0 ! Constant value for Zeta if readZeta is .FALSE.
readSalt = .FALSE. ! If .TRUE. read in salinity (salt) from file,
! else use constSalt
constSalt = 0.0 ! Constant value for Salt if readSalt is .FALSE.
readTemp = .FALSE. ! If .TRUE. read in temperature (temp) from file,
! else use constTemp
constTemp = 0.0 ! Constant value for Temp if readTemp is .FALSE.
readU = .TRUE. ! If .TRUE. read in u-momentum component (U )
! from file, else use constU
constU = 0.0 ! Constant value for U if readU is .FALSE.
readV = .TRUE. ! If .TRUE. read in v-momentum component (V )
! from file, else use constV
constV = 0.0 ! Constant value for V if readV is .FALSE.
readW = .TRUE. ! If .TRUE. read in w-momentum component (W )
! from file, else use constW
constW = 0.0 ! Constant value for W if readW is .FALSE.
readAks = .FALSE. ! If .TRUE. read in salinity vertical diffusion
! coefficient (Aks ) from file, else use constAks
constAks = 0.0 ! Constant value for Aks if readAks is .FALSE.
readDens = .FALSE.
constDens = 1000.0
readUwind = .FALSE. ! If .TRUE. read in Uwind from file, else use constUwind
constUwind = 0.00 ! Constant value for Uwind if readUwind is .FALSE.
readVwind = .FALSE. ! If .TRUE. read in Vwind from file, else use constVwind
constVwind = 0.00 ! Constant value for Vwind if readVwind is .FALSE.
readIwind = .False. ! If .TRUE. read in Iwind from file, else use constIwind
constIwind = 0.00 ! Constant value for Iwind if readIwind is .FALSE.
Wind = .False. ! If .TRUE. then WindDrift and StokesDrift are enabled
! set to .TRUE. to enable the oil module to compute
! the weathering using the wind fields
WindIntensity = .False. ! If .TRUE. Then the wind intensity field will be used
! for oil weathering
! in place of the calculation of the intensity as
! a function of UWind and VWind.
WindWeatherFac = 0.6 ! Set to 1 to use the full wind intensity for
! oil weathering
! set to lower values (0<WindWeatherFac<=1) to use
! a reduced wind intensity for the weathering
WindDriftFac=0.035 ! Wind Drift factor, initially 0.035 in OILTRANS
WindDriftDev=5.0 ! Wind Drift deviation in degrees (offset to RHS of
! wind vector), initially 5.0 in OILTRANS
Wind_hc=0.1 ! Wind_hc and Wind_ke used to create a vertical profile of wind drift with 100% wind drift in depth range [-hc, 0] m,
Wind_ke=15.0 ! while bellow hc the exponential decay is ruled by Wind_ke following WindDrift = WindDrift0 * exp( |Wind_ke| * min( 0 , Wind_hc-Z ) )
StokDriftFac=0.016 ! Stokes Drift factor, initially 0.016 in OILTRANS
Stokes = .False. ! Include Stokes drift effects (T/F)
LinearVInterp=.False. ! if .TRUE. then TSPACK is disabled and a
! linear interpolation is performed
! along the vertical direction instead of the
! tension spline fitting
New parameters specific to the Zlev version of LTRANS are
Vtransform = 0
should be used for Z-level grids -
Vtransform = 4
should be used for $Z^$-level grids, where $Z^=H\frac{(z-Zeta)}{(H+Zeta)}$Where H is bottom depth and Zeta is the sea surface elevation -
which allows, when set to.False.
, to disable the vertical interpolation of the hydrodynamic fields above the upper cell center. -
which allow to define the height above the bottom of the bottom boundary layer, and give the possibility to use within this layer a percentage of the advection velocities instead of applying the logarithmic law. -
are options used to read and test the effects of using the average wind intensity calculated by the Eulerian model instead of calculating it from the wind fields within the Lagrangian model. -
allows to use, during the weathering processes, only a percentage of the wind intensity (read or calculated by LTRANS) which may be useful in case of high time resolution fields presenting peaks of elevated intensity. -
allow to customize the wind drift factor and deviation (in degrees) to the right hand side of the wind vector, as well as the Stokes Drift Factor. -
are used to create a vertical profile with 100% wind drift in depth range[-|Wind_hc|,0] m
, while bellowWind_hc
an exponential decay ruled by the parameterWind_ke
is applied according toWindDrift = WindDrift0 * exp( |Wind_ke| * min( 0 , Wind_hc-Z ) )
flag, when set to.True.
, enables the linear interpolation of the hydrodynamic fields in the vertical direction, instead of using the TSPACK tension spine fitting.
HTurbOn = .TRUE. ! Horizontal Turbulence on (.TRUE.) or off (.FALSE.)
VTurbOn = .FALSE. ! Vertical Turbulence on (.TRUE.) or off (.FALSE.)
ConstantHTurb = 1.0 ! Constant value of horizontal turbulence (m2/s)
Behavior = 0 ! Behavior type (specify a number)
! Note: The behavior types numbers are:
! 0 Passive, 1 near-surface, 2 near-bottom, 3 DVM,
! 4 C.virginica oyster larvae, 5 C.ariakensis oyster larvae,
! 6 : vertical sinking or floating without random motion
! 7 Tidal Stream Transport,
! 8: Nephrops Norvegicus
! 9 : Solea
! 10 : Mullus Barbatus
! 11 : Parametrizable larvae
! 998 : Keep constant depth under zero
! 999 : Keep constant depth under zeta
! 1000: Oil Spill
OpenOceanBoundary = .TRUE. ! Note: If you want to allow particles to "escape" via
! open ocean boundaries, set this to TRUE; Escape means
! that the particle will stick to the boundary and
! stop moving
mortality = .TRUE. ! TRUE if particles can die; else FALSE
deadage = 2678400 ! Age at which a particle stops moving (i.e., dies) (s)
! Note: deadage stops particle motion for all behavior types
pediage = 000000001 ! Age when particle reaches max swim speed and can settle (s)
! Note: keep pediage > 0 in any case
! Note: for oyster larvae behavior types (4 & 5),
! pediage = age at which a particle becomes a pediveliger
! Note: pediage does not cause particles to settle if
! the Settlement module is not on
swimstart = 0.0 ! Age that swimming or sinking begins (s)
swimslow = 0.000 ! Swimming speed when particle begins to swim (m/s)
swimfast = 0.000 ! Maximum swimming speed (m/s) 0.05 m/s for 5 mm/s
! Note: for constant swimming speed for behavior 1,2, 3 only
! set swimslow = swimfast = constant speed
Sgradient = 1.0 ! Salinity gradient threshold that cues larval behavior
! (psu/m)
! Note: This parameter is only used if Behavior = 4 or 5.
sink = 0.0 ! Sinking velocity for behavior type 6 and 8 to 11
rise = 0.0 ! Rising velocity after spawning for behavior type 8 to 11
! Tidal Stream Transport behavior type:
Hswimspeed = 0.9 ! Horizontal swimming speed (m/s)
Swimdepth = 2 ! Depth at which fish swims during flood time
! in meters above bottom (this should be a positive value
! Note: this formulation may need some work
! For behaviors types 8 to 11:
GrainSize_fname = "[...]/LTRANS_Zlev/SIM/input/GRAINSIZEFILENAME" ! for Behavior 8 only
read_GrainSize = .False. ! for Behavior 8
DVMtime = 0 ! maximum time spent doing DVM
! (if DVMtime>0, used for behavior 8 and 9 and 11)
SettlementSize = 14 ! For behaviors 8, 9 and 11
surflayer_upperdepth =25.0 ! Minimal Depth of the surface layer (Behavior 9,11)
surflayer_lowerdepth =30.0 ! Maximal Depth of the surface layer (Behavior 8,9,11)
surflayer_upperdepth_night = 0.0 ! Minimal Depth of the surface layer (Behavior 9,11)
surflayer_lowerdepth_night = 5.0 ! Maximal Depth of the surface layer (Behavior 8,9,11)
SeabedRelease = .False. ! Set to .True. to set initial depth of the particles
! at `SeabedRelease_meters` above the bottom
SeabedRelease_meters = 1.0 ! Height above the bottom at which particles are
! released if SeabedRelease is True
Seabed_layerheight = 1.0 ! Height of the layer just above the sea bed were
! particles shall stay for post DVM phase (grown
! larvae searching for sediment)
Write_Temp_min_max_ins = 'ins' ! values 'min', 'max', or 'ins' per "instantaneous"
Write_Salt_min_max_ins = 'ins' ! values 'min', 'max', or 'ins' per "instantaneous"
Write_coastdist =.False. ! if True write closest coast distance in the
! netcdf output file
8, 9, 10, 11
were developed to model respectively- Nephrops Norvegicus
- Solea Solea
- Mullus Barbatus
- Parametrizable larvae
998, 999
were respectively developed to model the following behaviors:- Keep the particles at a constant depth under zero
- Keep the particles at a constant depth under zeta
in both cases, if particles happen to be lifted by a sea bottom elevation, they will return back at their target depth as soon as they enter an area where the bottom depth is suitable.
velocity was defined to set, for particles released at the sea bottom, the rising speed of this larvae during the first life stage, and the speed of their vertical motion during the DVM phase, when swimming upward to reach the target DVM layer. -
enable to read a file containing a grain size map to define if the settlement conditions are fulfilled. -
defines the maximum time that the particles can spend running Dial Vertical Migration. -
is the critical size above which settlement can happen, for behaviors 8, 9 and 11 -
define the upper and lower depths of the day and night layers used as target layers for the dial vertical migration in behaviors 8 to 11, -
are used to release particles at a given height above the seabed, they can be used for any behavior type. -
defines the height above the bottom, where larvae-particles are confined when searching for the adequate sediment for settlement, in the last larval stage before settlement. -
allow to write in the netcdf output file either the min, or max, or instantaneous values of temperature and salinity encountered since the last output extraction, to make a more accurate post-processing of the success in settling. -
enables the creation of the Coast Distance field in the netcdf output file to track for every particle its distance from the coast and enable post-processing of the success in settling.
! Note: The following parameters are only used if Behavior = 3 for the Diurnal Vertical Migration (DVM) behavior type
! Note: These values were calculated for September 1 at the latitude of 37.0 (Chesapeake Bay mouth)
! Note: Variables marked with ** were calculated with light_v2BlueCrab.f (not included in LTRANS yet)
twistart = 4.801821 ! Time of twilight start (hr) **
twiend = 19.19956 ! Time of twilight end (hr) **
daylength = 14.39774 ! Length of day (hr) **
Em = 1814.328 ! Irradiance at solar noon (microE m^-2 s^-1) **
Kd = 1.07 ! Vertical attenuation coefficient
thresh = 0.0166 ! Light threshold that cues behavior (microE m^-2 s^-1)
! Note: The following parameters are only used if Behavior = 8,9,10 or 11
swdown_ASCII = .FALSE. ! Set to .True. to read swdown_ASCIIfname file
swdown_ASCIIfname = '[...]/LTRANS_Zlev/SIM/input/swdown_test.txt'
swdown_dt = 3600 ! timestep between two swdown data
swdown_rec = 36230 ! first record to be read
swdown_thresh = 50. ! swdown threshold to set the day or night upper layer
! as a target layer
swdown_t0 = 1800. ! time in seconds (same referential as Ext0) of the
! record corresponding to swdown_rec
In the dvmparam
list, the swdown_[...]
parameters are specific to the Zlev version, they allow to read the swdown values extracted from the atmospheric model and base the target layer to be the daily or nightly one, according to the threshold defined by swdown_thresh
settlementon = .FALSE. ! settlement module on (.TRUE.) or off (.FALSE.)
! Note: If settlement is off:
! set minholeid, maxholeid, minpolyid,maxpolyid, pedges,
! & hedges to 1 to avoid both wasted variable space
! and errors due to arrays of size 0.
! If settlement is on and there are no holes: set minholeid,
! maxholeid, and hedges to 1
holesExist = .FALSE. ! Are there holes in habitat? yes(TRUE) no(FALSE)
minpolyid = 100000 ! Lowest habitat polygon id number
maxpolyid = 100000 ! Highest habitat polygon id number
minholeid = 1 ! Lowest hole id number
maxholeid = 1 ! Highest hole id number
pedges = 5 ! Number of habitat polygon edge points
! (pedges = number of rows in habitat polygon file)
hedges = 1 ! Number of hole edge points
! (hedges= number of rows in holes file)
storedincolor=1 ! defines what is stored in the color array:
! if ==0: store Status in color array
! if ==1: If particle is in a polygon, store the poly-number
! if ==2: store the element number in which is the particle in color array
The storedincolor
flag was created to the settlement module to allow the output of quantities useful for debugging issues.
stranding_on = .FALSE. ! stranding module on (.TRUE.) or off (.FALSE.)
StrandingDist= 50.0 ! Stranding Distance in meters from land
strandingMaxDistFromSurf = 3.50 ! maximal distance from surface at which stranding can occur
! (if strandingMaxDistFromSurf > maximal depth of the domain,
! then stranding becomes independent of the distance from the surface)
strandingMaxDistFromBott = 9999999 ! maximal distance from bottom depth at which stranding can occur
! (if strandingMaxDistFromBott > maximal depth of the domain,
! then stranding becomes independent of the distance from the bottom)
In the Zlev version of LTRANS the stranding module allows to consider as stranded any particle approaching the coast at a distance StrandingDist
, if the depth at that instant is not greater than StrandingMaxDistFromSurf
and the height of the particle above the bottom is not bigger than StrandingMaxDistFromBott
. All those conditions must be fullfilled so that particles an strand, as illustrated in the next two graphics.
Flat sea bottom | Sloppy sea bottom |
![]() |
![]() |
PI = 3.14159265358979 ! Pi
Earth_Radius = 6378000 ! Equatorial radius of Earth (m)
SphericalProjection = .TRUE. ! Spherical Projection from ROMS if TRUE.
! If FALSE, mercator projection is used.
latmin = 40.94140625 ! Minimum longitude value, only used
! if SphericalProjection is .TRUE.
lonmin = 16.94140625 ! Minimum latitude value, only used
! if SphericalProjection is .TRUE.
NCgridfile='[...]/LTRANS_Zlev/SIM/input/GridforLTRANS-boxes_NiNj256-c1.nc' ! Name of the grid file created by the pre-processing tool
Zgrid = .TRUE. ! If .TRUE. read in MITgcm z-coordinate grid
! and hydrodynamic variables
Zgrid_depthinterp = .TRUE. ! If .TRUE. interpolates depth to make the Z grid
! bathymetry
! smoother (for Zgrid bathymetry only)
ADJele_fname= '[...]/LTRANS_Zlev/SIM/input/Adjacentelements-boxes_NiNj256-c1.data' ! Binary file of adjacent element matrix
ADJele_file= .FALSE. ! set to True if file already exists
In the hydromodelgrid
list, the parameters:
should be activated if the grid is based on a vertical discretization based on the Z coordinate -
enables the setup of a smooth-interpolated bathymetry instead of the sharp non-interpolated boundary for a Z grid. -
were developed in the Zlev version to store the lists of adjacent elements and enable a quicker restart without recomputing this list at every new simulation.
!Filename = prefix + filenum + suffix
!First indicate the NetCDF Input Filename prefix (keep same order and leave names of the missing file):
prefix_Zeta = 'Eta'
prefix_Salt = 'S'
prefix_Temp = 'T'
prefix_Uvel = 'U'
prefix_Vvel = 'V'
prefix_Wvel = 'W'
prefix_Aks = 'KPPdiffS'
prefix_Dens = 'RHOAnoma'
prefix_Uwind= 'EXFuwind'
prefix_Vwind= 'EXFvwind'
prefix_Iwind= 'EXFiwind'
numdigits = 0 ! Number of digits in number portion of file name
! (with leading zeros)
suffix='.dat' ! NetCDF Input Filename suffix
filenum = 0 ! Number in first NetCDF input filename
filestep = 0 ! Number between NetCDF input filename
hydrobytes = 4 ! Number of bytes of float variables: single =4 bytes,
! double = 8 bytes
startfile = .TRUE. ! Is it the first file, i.e. does the file have
! an additional time step?
, filestep
and hydrobytes
parameters are specific to the Zlev version, they handle the native MITgcm hydrodynamic field files.
Note that filestep
should be set to a negative value to enable backtracking.
For Z-level simulations reading MITgcm binary files the prefix of the different variables contain different file names. Instead when ROMs netcdf are read all variables are stored in the same file so that every prefix can contain the same file name.
parfile = '[...]/LTRANS_Zlev/SIM/input/Iniparloc_boxes_NiNj256_every_5-i_5-j_rhowaternode.csv' ! Particle location file
habitatfile = '[...]/LTRANS_Zlev/SIM/input/Polygon_boxes_NiNj256_global.csv' !Habitat polygons
holefile = '[...]/LTRANS_Zlev/SIM/input/End_holes.csv' !Holes in habitat polygons
!NOTE: Full path must already exist. Model can create files, but not directories.
outpath = '[...]/LTRANS_Zlev/SIM/output_boxes_NiNj256//' ! Location to write output .csv
! and/or .nc files. Use outpath = './' to write
! in same folder as the executable
NCOutFile = 'boxes_NiNj256' ! Name of the NetCDF output files (do not include .nc)
outpathGiven = .TRUE. ! If TRUE files are written to the path given in outpath
writeCSV = .TRUE. ! If TRUE write CSV output files
writePARA = .FALSE. ! If TRUE write PARA.CSV output files
writeNC = .TRUE. ! If TRUE write .NC output files
NCtime = 0 ! Time interval between creation of new NetCDF
! output files (seconds)
! Note: setting this to 0 will result in just one
! large output file
! NetCDF Model Metadata (these will be stale unless you edit them):
SVN_Version = 'https://cmgsoft.repositoryhosting.com/svn/cmgsoft_ltrans/trunk'
RunName = 'LTRANS vZlev with Partial Bottom Cells'
ExeDir = '.'
OutDir = '[...]/LTRANS_Zlev/SIM/output_boxes_NiNj256/metadata'
RunBy = 'Celia Laurent'
Institution = 'OGS'
StartedOn = '1st of December 2019'
seed = 9 ! Seed value for random number generator (Mersenne Twister)
ErrorFlag = 2 ! What to do if an error is encountered: 0=stop,
! 1=return particle to previous location,
! 2=kill particle & stop tracking that particle,
! 3=set particle out of bounds &
! stop tracking that particle
! Note: Options 1-3 will output information to ErrorLog.txt
! Note: This is only for particles that travel out of
! bounds illegally
BndOut = .FALSE. ! Write on stdout and in python files detail of the
! boundary computations
BoundaryBLNs = .TRUE. ! Create Surfer Blanking Files of boundaries?
! .TRUE.=yes, .FALSE.=no
SaltTempOn = .TRUE. ! Calculate salinity and temperature at particle
! location: yes (.TRUE.) or no (.FALSE.)
TrackCollisions = .TRUE. ! Write Bottom and Land Hit Files? .TRUE.=yes, .FALSE.=no
WriteHeaders = .FALSE. ! Write .txt files with column headers?
! .TRUE.=yes, .FALSE.=no
WriteModelTiming = .FALSE. ! Write .csv file with model timing data?
! .TRUE.=yes, .FALSE.=no
WriteParfile = .FALSE. ! Write .csv file with particle locations for
! each external timestep ? .TRUE.=yes, .FALSE.=no
WriteCurrents = .FALSE. ! Write .csv file with particle advection currents and
! locations at each internal timestep?
! .TRUE.=yes, .FALSE.=no
ijbuff = 70 ! number of extra elements to read in on every
! side of the particles
FreeSlip = .FALSE. ! enable the use of the free slip condition
OilOn = .FALSE. ! Set to True to perform oil spill simulations
New parameters specific to the current version were developed for debugging purposes; they incude:
enables a verbose output during the boundary creationWriteParfile
writes a csv file with particle's locations at every external time stepWriteCurrents
writes a csv file with the currents interpolated at the particle's locations at every external time step
The OilOn
flag and the parameters detailed in section 6.15 were developed by the authors of the OILTRANS module.
VolumeSpill = 391
SecSpill = 0
API = 36.4
! Following parameters Oil_Dens & Oil_Dens_RefT not indispensable,
! if not given density is computed from API
Oil_Dens = 0 ! 843 ! if (Oil_Dens>0.0) need to give values to Oil_Dens_RefT
Oil_Dens_RefT = 0 ! 288 ! Ref Temp at which density is calculated (273+15)
Watertemp = -99999.0
! Dyn_Visc can be set to null if Kin_Visc is given!
Dyn_Visc = 0.0 !
Kin_Visc = 0.0000045 ! (m2/s)
Dyn_Visc_RefT = 273 ! Ref Temp at which Dyn_Visc is calculated
Kin_Visc_RefT = 293 ! Ref Temp at which Kin_Visc is calculated
Cut_Unit = 'weight'
Oil_Asph = 0
Oil_Resin = 0
Oil_Sat = 45
! for Fingas Evap:choose net 3 parameters according to table in "Modeling Oil and Petroleum Evaporation" by Fingas, 2013
Fingas_B = 0.39 !for Fingas Evap:
Fingas_T = 0.013 !for Fingas Evap:
Fingas_TYP = 2 !for Fingas Evap:
! Fingas_TYP= 1 For oils (most oils and petroleum products)
! and 2 for oils like diesel fuel
Cut_Temp = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ! For Mackay Evap
Cut_Frac = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ! For Mackay Evap
Spreading = .True.
AreaOption = 'ADIOS2'
SprdOption = 'ADIOS2'
Evaporation = .True.
EvapOption = 'MACKAY'
Emulsification = .True.
Remove_Stranded_Oil= .False.
Dispersion = .True.
Langmuir = .False.
WindWaveModel = .False.
swan_prefix = '/swan_model_his_'
swan_filenum = 1000
swan_suffix = '.nc'
SigWaveHeight = -999
SigWavePeriod = -999
SigWaveLength = -999
MeanWavePeriod = -999
PeakDirection = -999
PeakWaveLength = -999
MixingDepth = -999
Cd = -999
Disper = -999
meson is an open source build system meant to be both extremely fast, and, even more importantly, as user friendly as possible.
A meson build system was developped for LTRANS_Zlev, together with an automatized testing environment.
To build LTRANS meson
and Ninja
must be installed on your system (Install meson and Ninja.
If the installation folders of netcdff, netcdf-c, hdf5 and curl libraries, are per example defined in the environment variables NETCDF_FORTRAN_HOME
, then you can build a new meson environment by command
This command checks that all the library files are found and sets up a build environment for LTRANS in the folder BUILD_RELEASE/
Once the above command was run, go into the built folder (here BUILD_RELEASE/
) and enter command:
ninja test
This command will :
- compile the source code
- create a set of fake input files (grids, iniparloc, fields) for both Z-levels and Sigma-levels test cases (using the scripts defined in SIM/tests)
- run a set of tests cases (whose files .data are given in SIM/tests)
The command outputs show how many of those tests were successfull.
The tests implemented at this stage rely on the comparison of the endfile
file created by LTRANS with a reference file. New tests can be added in SIM/tests