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Fix TxTraceSpec
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v0d1ch committed Jul 3, 2024
1 parent e2b5a96 commit 7680c30
Showing 1 changed file with 38 additions and 92 deletions.
130 changes: 38 additions & 92 deletions hydra-node/test/Hydra/Chain/Direct/TxTraceSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
-- | Stateful model-based testing of the transactions created by the "Direct"
-- chain modules.
-- FIXME: update description of tactics
-- The model is focusing on transitions between Open and Closed states of the
-- head right now. Snapshots are only modeled "in proxy" where we generate
-- snapshot numbers and the fact whether they have something to decommit or not,
-- but not the actual snapshot contents. All snapshots are correctly signed by a
-- fixed list of participants and other fixtures are used for head parameters
-- etc.
-- head right now. We have a simple UTxO model that consists of `SingleUTxO`
-- constructor and value is represented as a natural number. Snapshot versions
-- are tracked in the `AppM` monad (together with the _real_ Cardano UTxO) and
-- we update those on each successfull decommit transaction.
module Hydra.Chain.Direct.TxTraceSpec where

import Hydra.Prelude hiding (Any, State, label, show)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +53,7 @@ import Hydra.Party (partyToChain)
import Hydra.Snapshot (ConfirmedSnapshot (..), Snapshot (..), SnapshotNumber (..), SnapshotVersion (..), number)
import PlutusTx.Builtins (toBuiltin)
import Test.Hydra.Fixture qualified as Fixture
import Test.QuickCheck (Property, Smart (..), checkCoverage, choose, cover, elements, forAll, frequency, ioProperty, oneof, shuffle, sublistOf, withMaxSuccess, (===))
import Test.QuickCheck (Property, Smart (..), checkCoverage, choose, cover, elements, forAll, frequency, ioProperty, oneof, sublistOf, withMaxSuccess, (===))
import Test.QuickCheck.Monadic (monadic)
import Test.QuickCheck.StateModel (
ActionWithPolarity (..),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,7 +214,7 @@ prop_runActions actions =
-- * ============================== MODEL WORLD ==========================

data SingleUTxO = A | B | C | D | E
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Generic)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Generic)

instance Arbitrary SingleUTxO where
arbitrary = genericArbitrary
Expand All @@ -229,7 +227,6 @@ data Model = Model
, latestSnapshot :: SnapshotNumber
, alreadyContested :: [Actor]
, utxoInHead :: ModelUTxO
, decommitUTxOInHead :: ModelUTxO
deriving (Show)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,6 +275,11 @@ data TxResult = TxResult
initialAmount :: Natural
initialAmount = 10

startingUTxO :: ModelUTxO
startingUTxO =
let utxo = [minBound .. maxBound]
in map (,initialAmount) utxo & Map.fromList

balanceUTxOInHead :: Ord k => Map k Natural -> Map k Natural -> Map k Natural
balanceUTxOInHead currentUtxoInHead someUTxOToDecrement =
currentUtxoInHead `Map.difference` someUTxOToDecrement
Expand All @@ -297,8 +299,7 @@ instance StateModel Model where
{ headState = Open
, latestSnapshot = 0
, alreadyContested = []
, utxoInHead = fromList [(A, initialAmount)]
, decommitUTxOInHead = Map.empty
, utxoInHead = startingUTxO

arbitraryAction :: VarContext -> Model -> Gen (Any (Action Model))
Expand All @@ -324,15 +325,21 @@ instance StateModel Model where
not (null utxoInHead)
Closed{} ->
oneof $
[ do
snapshot <- genSnapshot
pure $ Some $ Fanout{snapshot}
frequency $
( 5
, do
snapshot <- genSnapshot
pure $ Some $ Fanout{snapshot}
<> [ do
actor <- elements allActors
snapshot <- genSnapshot
pure $ Some Contest{actor, snapshot}
<> [
( 5
, do
actor <- elements allActors
snapshot <- genSnapshot
pure $ Some Contest{actor, snapshot}
Final -> pure $ Some Stop
Expand All @@ -347,34 +354,8 @@ instance StateModel Model where
, decommitUTxO = filteredSomeUTxOToDecrement
[ -- valid
pure validSnapshot
, -- unbalanced
pure validSnapshot{snapshotUTxO = utxoInHead}
, do
-- old
let snapshotNumber' = if latestSnapshot == 0 then 0 else latestSnapshot - 1
pure validSnapshot{snapshotNumber = snapshotNumber'}
, -- new
pure validSnapshot{snapshotNumber = latestSnapshot + 1}
, do
-- shuffled
someUTxOToDecrement' <- shuffleValues filteredSomeUTxOToDecrement
pure validSnapshot{decommitUTxO = someUTxOToDecrement'}
, do
-- more in head
utxoInHead' <- increaseValues utxoInHead
pure validSnapshot{snapshotUTxO = utxoInHead'}
, do
-- more in decommit
someUTxOToDecrement' <- increaseValues =<< genSubModelOf utxoInHead
let balancedUTxOInHead' = balanceUTxOInHead utxoInHead someUTxOToDecrement'
{ snapshotUTxO = balancedUTxOInHead'
, decommitUTxO = someUTxOToDecrement'
, arbitrary
[ arbitrary
, pure validSnapshot

genSubModelOf :: ModelUTxO -> Gen ModelUTxO
Expand All @@ -392,27 +373,16 @@ instance StateModel Model where
let reduced = if n' < reduction then 0 else n' - reduction
return (naturalFromInteger reduced)

increaseValues :: ModelUTxO -> Gen ModelUTxO
increaseValues = Map.traverseWithKey (\_ n -> pure (n + naturalFromInteger 1))

shuffleValues :: ModelUTxO -> Gen ModelUTxO
shuffleValues utxo = do
let x = Map.keys utxo
let y = Map.elems utxo
x' <- shuffle x
let shuffledUTxO = Map.fromList $ zip x' y
pure shuffledUTxO

-- Determine actions we want to perform and expect to work. If this is False,
-- validFailingAction is checked too.
precondition :: Model -> Action Model a -> Bool
precondition Model{headState, latestSnapshot, alreadyContested, utxoInHead, decommitUTxOInHead} = \case
precondition Model{headState, latestSnapshot, alreadyContested, utxoInHead} = \case
Stop -> headState /= Final
Decrement{snapshot} ->
headState == Open
&& snapshotNumber snapshot > latestSnapshot
-- XXX: you are decrementing from existing utxo in the head
&& all (`elem` Map.keys utxoInHead) (Map.keys (decommitUTxO snapshot) <> Map.keys (snapshotUTxO snapshot))
&& all (`elem` Map.keys utxoInHead) (Map.keys (snapshotUTxO snapshot))
-- XXX: your tx is balanced with the utxo in the head
&& sum (decommitUTxO snapshot) + sum (snapshotUTxO snapshot) == sum utxoInHead
&& (not . null $ decommitUTxO snapshot)
Expand All @@ -422,30 +392,22 @@ instance StateModel Model where
then snapshotUTxO snapshot == initialUTxOInHead
else snapshotNumber snapshot >= latestSnapshot
-- XXX: you are decrementing from existing utxo in the head
&& all (`elem` Map.keys utxoInHead) (Map.keys (decommitUTxO snapshot) <> Map.keys (snapshotUTxO snapshot))
-- XXX: your tx is balanced with the utxo in the head
&& sum (decommitUTxO snapshot) + sum (snapshotUTxO snapshot) == sum utxoInHead
&& all (`elem` Map.keys utxoInHead) (Map.keys (snapshotUTxO snapshot))
Model{utxoInHead = initialUTxOInHead} = initialState
Contest{actor, snapshot} ->
headState == Closed
&& actor `notElem` alreadyContested
&& snapshotNumber snapshot > latestSnapshot
-- XXX: you are decrementing from existing utxo in the head
&& all (`elem` Map.keys utxoInHead) (Map.keys (decommitUTxO snapshot) <> Map.keys (snapshotUTxO snapshot))
-- XXX: your tx is balanced with the utxo in the head
&& sum (decommitUTxO snapshot) + sum (snapshotUTxO snapshot) == sum utxoInHead
Fanout{snapshot} ->
&& all (`elem` Map.keys utxoInHead) (Map.keys (snapshotUTxO snapshot))
Fanout{} ->
headState == Closed
&& snapshotUTxO snapshot == utxoInHead
&& decommitUTxO snapshot == decommitUTxOInHead

-- Determine actions we want to perform and want to see failing. If this is
-- False, the action is discarded (e.g. it's invalid or we don't want to see
-- it tried to perform).
validFailingAction :: Model -> Action Model a -> Bool
validFailingAction Model{headState, utxoInHead, decommitUTxOInHead} = \case
validFailingAction Model{headState, utxoInHead} = \case
Stop -> False
-- Only filter non-matching states as we are not interested in these kind of
-- verification failures.
Expand All @@ -455,28 +417,19 @@ instance StateModel Model where
-- TODO: make them fail gracefully and test this?
&& sum (decommitUTxO snapshot) + sum (snapshotUTxO snapshot) == sum utxoInHead
-- XXX: Ignore decrements that work with non existing utxo in the head
&& all (`elem` Map.keys utxoInHead) (Map.keys (decommitUTxO snapshot) <> Map.keys (snapshotUTxO snapshot))
&& all (`elem` Map.keys utxoInHead) (Map.keys (snapshotUTxO snapshot))
-- XXX: Ignore decrement without something to decommit
&& (not . null $ decommitUTxO snapshot)
Close{snapshot} ->
headState == Open
-- XXX: Ignore unbalanced close.
-- TODO: make them fail gracefully and test this?
&& sum (decommitUTxO snapshot) + sum (snapshotUTxO snapshot) == sum utxoInHead
-- XXX: Ignore close that work with non existing utxo in the head
&& all (`elem` Map.keys utxoInHead) (Map.keys (decommitUTxO snapshot) <> Map.keys (snapshotUTxO snapshot))
&& all (`elem` Map.keys utxoInHead) (Map.keys (snapshotUTxO snapshot))
Contest{snapshot} ->
headState == Closed
-- XXX: Ignore unbalanced close.
-- TODO: make them fail gracefully and test this?
&& sum (decommitUTxO snapshot) + sum (snapshotUTxO snapshot) == sum utxoInHead
-- XXX: Ignore close that work with non existing utxo in the head
&& all (`elem` Map.keys utxoInHead) (Map.keys (decommitUTxO snapshot) <> Map.keys (snapshotUTxO snapshot))
Fanout{snapshot} ->
&& all (`elem` Map.keys utxoInHead) (Map.keys (snapshotUTxO snapshot))
Fanout{} ->
headState == Closed
-- XXX: Ignore fanouts which does not preserve the closing head
&& snapshotUTxO snapshot == utxoInHead
&& decommitUTxO snapshot == decommitUTxOInHead

nextState :: Model -> Action Model a -> Var a -> Model
nextState m t _result =
Expand All @@ -494,15 +447,13 @@ instance StateModel Model where
, latestSnapshot = snapshotNumber snapshot
, alreadyContested = []
, utxoInHead = snapshotUTxO snapshot
, decommitUTxOInHead = decommitUTxO snapshot
Contest{actor, snapshot} ->
{ headState = Closed
, latestSnapshot = snapshotNumber snapshot
, alreadyContested = actor : alreadyContested m
, utxoInHead = snapshotUTxO snapshot
, decommitUTxOInHead = decommitUTxO snapshot
Fanout{} -> m{headState = Final}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -868,8 +819,3 @@ expectInvalid = \case
counterexample' $ renderTxWithUTxO spendableUTxO tx
fail "But it did not fail"
_ -> pure ()

-- | Generate sometimes a value with given generator, bur more often just use
-- the given value.
orArbitrary :: a -> Gen a -> Gen a
orArbitrary a gen = frequency [(1, pure a), (2, gen)]

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