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Align offchain protocol to spec and documment missing gaps
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ffakenz committed Jul 3, 2024
1 parent 26e9129 commit b8751f6
Showing 1 changed file with 122 additions and 98 deletions.
220 changes: 122 additions & 98 deletions hydra-node/src/Hydra/HeadLogic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -273,11 +273,16 @@ onInitialChainCollectTx ::
ChainStateType tx ->
Outcome tx
onInitialChainCollectTx st newChainState =
newState HeadOpened{chainState = newChainState, initialUTxO = u0}
<> cause (ClientEffect $ ServerOutput.HeadIsOpen{headId, utxo = u0})
-- Spec: 𝑈₀ ← ⋃ⁿⱼ₌₁ 𝑈ⱼ
let u0 = fold committed
in -- Spec: L̂ ← 𝑈₀
-- S⁻ ← snObj(0, 0, 𝑈₀, ∅, ⊥)
-- vˆ , ŝ ← 0
-- T̂ ← ∅
-- txω ← ⊥
newState HeadOpened{chainState = newChainState, initialUTxO = u0}
<> cause (ClientEffect $ ServerOutput.HeadIsOpen{headId, utxo = u0})
u0 = fold committed

-- TODO: Do we want to check whether this even matches our local state? For
-- example, we do expect `null remainingParties` but what happens if it's
-- untrue?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -313,24 +318,17 @@ onOpenNetworkReqTx ::
tx ->
Outcome tx
onOpenNetworkReqTx env ledger st ttl tx =
-- REVIEW: would it brake the retry mechanism
-- if we produce this inside `waitApplyTx`?
-- REVIEW: would it brake the retry mechanism if we produce this inside `waitApplyTx`?
-- Spec Gap: this event is missing
(newState TransactionReceived{tx} <>) $
-- Spec: wait L̂ ◦ tx ≠ ⊥ combined with calculating L̂ ◦ tx
-- Spec: wait L̂ ◦ tx ≠ ⊥
waitApplyTx $ \newLocalUTxO ->
-- Spec: if ŝ = s̄ ∧ leader(s̄ + 1) = i
( if not snapshotInFlight && isLeader parameters party nextSn
then -- REVIEW: this is done in both branches, can we extract it to
-- make it look closer to spec?
-- Spec: Tall ← ̂Tall ∪ {tx} combined with L̂ ← L̂ ◦ tx

newState TransactionAppliedToLocalUTxO{tx = tx, newLocalUTxO}
<> newState SnapshotRequestDecided{snapshotNumber = nextSn}
-- Spec: multicast (reqSn, vˆ, s̄ + 1, Tˆ , txω )
cause (NetworkEffect $ ReqSn version nextSn (txId <$> localTxs') decommitTx)
else -- Spec: Tall ← ̂Tall ∪ {tx} combined with L̂ ← L̂ ◦ tx
newState TransactionAppliedToLocalUTxO{tx, newLocalUTxO}
( -- Spec: T̂ ← T̂ ⋃ {tx}
-- L̂ ← L̂ ◦ tx
newState TransactionAppliedToLocalUTxO{tx, newLocalUTxO}
-- Spec: if ŝ = S⁻.s ∧ leader(S⁻.s + 1) = i
-- multicast (reqSn, vˆ, S⁻.s + 1, T̂ , txω )
& maybeEmitSnapshot
<> cause (ClientEffect $ ServerOutput.TxValid headId tx)
Expand All @@ -353,6 +351,17 @@ onOpenNetworkReqTx env ledger st ttl tx =
-- from allTxs, we would make the head stuck.
cause . ClientEffect $ ServerOutput.TxInvalid headId localUTxO tx err

maybeEmitSnapshot outcome =
-- Spec Gap: how snapshotInFlight is calculated
if not snapshotInFlight && isLeader parameters party nextSn
then -- Spec Gap: this event is missing

<> newState SnapshotRequestDecided{snapshotNumber = nextSn}
-- Spec: multicast (reqSn, vˆ, S⁻.s + 1, T̂ , txω )
cause (NetworkEffect $ ReqSn version nextSn (txId <$> localTxs') decommitTx)
else outcome
Environment{party} = env

Ledger{applyTransactions} = ledger
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,57 +411,70 @@ onOpenNetworkReqSn ::
Maybe tx ->
Outcome tx
onOpenNetworkReqSn env ledger st otherParty sv sn requestedTxIds mDecommitTx =
-- Spec: require v = vˆ
requireReqSv $
-- Spec: require s = ŝ + 1 and leader(s) = j
requireReqSn $
-- Spec: wait s̅ = ŝ
waitNoSnapshotInFlight $
-- Spec: require Ū ◦ txω /= ⊥ combined with ηω ← combine(outputs(txω)) and Ū_active ← Ū ◦ txω
requireApplicableDecommitTx $ \(activeUTxO, mUtxoToDecommit) ->
-- REVIEW: Gap
-- Spec: wait ∀h ∈ Treq : (h, ·) ∈ Tall
waitResolvableTxs $ do
-- REVIEW: Gap
-- Spec: Treq ← {Tall [h] | h ∈ Treq#}
let requestedTxs = mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` allTxs) requestedTxIds
-- Spec: require Ū_active ◦ Treq /= ⊥ combined with η′ ← combine(Û) and Û ← Ū_active ◦ Treq
requireApplyTxs activeUTxO requestedTxs $ \u -> do
-- Spec: ŝ ← s̅ + 1
let nextConfSn = confSn + 1
-- NOTE: confSn == seenSn == sn here
let nextSnapshot =
{ headId
, number = nextConfSn
, utxo = u
, confirmed = requestedTxIds
, utxoToDecommit = mUtxoToDecommit
, version = version
-- Spec: σᵢ
let snapshotSignature = sign signingKey nextSnapshot
-- Spec: multicast (ackSn, ŝ, σᵢ)
(cause (NetworkEffect $ AckSn snapshotSignature sn) <>) $
-- Spec: for loop which updates T̂ and L̂
let (newLocalTxs, newLocalUTxO) = pruneTransactions u
-- Spec (in aggregate): Tall ← {tx | ∀tx ∈ Tall : tx ∉ Treq }
{ snapshot = nextSnapshot
, requestedTxIds
, newLocalUTxO
, newLocalTxs
-- Spec: require v = vˆ ∧ s = ŝ + 1 ∧ leader(s) = j
requireReqSn $
-- Spec: wait ŝ = S⁻.s
waitNoSnapshotInFlight $
-- Spec: require S⁻.𝑈 ◦ txω ≠ ⊥
-- ηω ← combine(outputs(txω))
-- 𝑈_active ← S⁻.𝑈 ◦ txω
requireApplicableDecommitTx $ \(activeUTxO, mUtxoToDecommit) ->
-- Spec Gap: this is missing
-- Spec: wait ∀h ∈ Treq : (h, ·) ∈ T̂
waitResolvableTxs $ do
-- Spec Gap: this is missing
-- Spec: Treq ← {T̂ [h] | h ∈ Treq#}
let requestedTxs = mapMaybe (`Map.lookup` allTxs) requestedTxIds
-- Spec: require 𝑈_active ◦ Treq ≠ ⊥
-- 𝑈 ← 𝑈_active ◦ Treq
-- η ← combine(𝑈)
requireApplyTxs activeUTxO requestedTxs $ \u -> do
-- Spec: ŝ ← S⁻.s + 1
let nextConfSn = confSn + 1
-- NOTE: confSn == seenSn == sn here
let nextSnapshot =
{ headId
, number = nextConfSn
, utxo = u
, confirmed = requestedTxIds
, utxoToDecommit = mUtxoToDecommit
, version = version
-- Spec: σᵢ ← MS-Sign(kₕˢⁱᵍ, (cid‖v‖ŝ‖η‖ηω))
let snapshotSignature = sign signingKey nextSnapshot
-- Spec Gap: missing Σ̂ ← ∅
-- Spec: multicast (ackSn, ŝ, σᵢ)
(cause (NetworkEffect $ AckSn snapshotSignature sn) <>) $
-- Spec Gap: missing ∀tx ∈ Treq : output (seen, tx)
-- L̂ ← 𝑈
-- 𝑋 ← T̂
-- T̂ ← ∅

-- Spec: for tx ∈ 𝑋 : L̂ ◦ tx ≠ ⊥
-- T̂ ← T̂ ⋃ {tx}
-- L̂ ← L̂ ◦ tx
let (newLocalTxs, newLocalUTxO) = pruneTransactions u
{ snapshot = nextSnapshot
, requestedTxIds
, newLocalUTxO
, newLocalTxs
requireReqSn continue =
requireReqSv $
requireReqSnbr continue

requireReqSv continue
| sv /= version =
Error $ RequireFailed $ ReqSvNumberInvalid{requestedSv = sv, lastSeenSv = version}
| otherwise =

requireReqSn continue
requireReqSnbr continue
| sn /= seenSn + 1 =
Error $ RequireFailed $ ReqSnNumberInvalid{requestedSn = sn, lastSeenSn = seenSn}
| not (isLeader parameters otherParty sn) =
Expand All @@ -475,14 +497,14 @@ onOpenNetworkReqSn env ledger st otherParty sv sn requestedTxIds mDecommitTx =
case mDecommitTx of
Nothing -> cont (confirmedUTxO, Nothing)
Just decommitTx ->
-- Spec: require ◦ txω /= ⊥
-- Spec: require S⁻.𝑈 ◦ txω /= ⊥
case applyTransactions ledger currentSlot confirmedUTxO [decommitTx] of
Left (_, err) ->
Error $ RequireFailed $ DecommitDoesNotApply decommitTx err
Right newConfirmedUTxO -> do
-- Spec: ηω ← combine(outputs(txω))
let utxoToDecommit = utxoFromTx decommitTx
-- Spec: Ū_active ◦ txω
-- Spec: 𝑈_activeS⁻.𝑈 ◦ txω
let activeUTxO = newConfirmedUTxO `withoutUTxO` utxoToDecommit
cont (activeUTxO, Just utxoToDecommit)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -553,34 +575,31 @@ onOpenNetworkAckSn Environment{party} openState otherParty snapshotSignature sn
requireValidAckSn $ do
-- Spec: wait ŝ = s
waitOnSeenSnapshot $ \snapshot sigs -> do
-- Spec: (j,.) ∉ ̂Σ
-- Spec: require (j,) ∉ Σ̂
requireNotSignedYet sigs $ do
-- Spec: if ∀k ∈ [1..n] : (k, ·) ∈ Σ̂
-- Spec Gap: missing Σ̂[j] ← σⱼ
-- Spec: if ∀k ∈ [1..n] : (k,·) ∈ Σ̂
ifAllMembersHaveSigned snapshot sigs $ \sigs' -> do
-- Spec: σ̃ ← MS-ASig(k_H, ̂Σ̂)
-- Spec: σ̃ ← MS-ASig(kₕˢᵉᵗᵘᵖ,Σ̂)
let multisig = aggregateInOrder sigs' parties
-- REVIEW: Gap
-- η ← combine()
-- Spec Gap: missing
-- η ← combine(𝑈ˆ)
-- ηω ← combine(outputs(txω ))

-- Spec: require MS-Verify(k ̃H, (cid||vˆ||ŝ||η′||ηω), σ̃)
-- Spec: require MS-Verify(k ̃H, (cid‖v^‖ŝ‖η‖ηω), σ̃)
requireVerifiedMultisignature multisig snapshot $
-- Spec: S ̄ ← snObj(vˆ, sˆ, Uˆ, Tˆ , txω )
-- S ̄.σ ← σ ̃
-- Spec: S← snObj(vˆ, ŝ, 𝑈ˆ, T̂ , txω)
-- S.σ ← σ ̃
newState SnapshotConfirmed{snapshot, signatures = multisig}
-- REVIEW: Gap
-- Spec: ∀tx ∈ Treq : output(conf, tx)
<> cause (ClientEffect $ ServerOutput.SnapshotConfirmed headId snapshot multisig)
-- REVIEW: Gap
-- Spec: if leader(s̄ + 1) = i ∧ Tˆ ≠ ∅
-- multicast (reqSn, vˆ, s̄ + 1, Tˆ, txω )
& maybeEmitSnapshot
-- REVIEW: Gap
-- Spec: if txω ̸= ⊥
-- postTx (decrement, vˆ, sˆ, η, ηω )
-- output(conf, txω )
-- Spec: if txω ≠ ⊥
-- postTx (decrement, vˆ, ŝ, η, ηω)
-- output (conf, txω )
& maybeEmitDecrementTx snapshot multisig
-- Spec: if leader(s + 1) = i ∧ T̂ ≠ ∅
-- multicast (reqSn, vˆ, S⁻.s + 1, T̂, txω)
& maybeEmitSnapshot
seenSn = seenSnapshotNumber seenSnapshot

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -629,6 +648,7 @@ onOpenNetworkAckSn Environment{party} openState otherParty snapshotSignature sn
<> newState SnapshotRequestDecided{snapshotNumber = nextSn}
-- Spec Gap: how S⁻.s + 1 is calculated is not the same as nextSn
<> cause (NetworkEffect $ ReqSn version nextSn (txId <$> localTxs) decommitTx)
else outcome

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -746,18 +766,17 @@ onOpenNetworkReqDec ::
tx ->
Outcome tx
onOpenNetworkReqDec env ledger ttl openState decommitTx =
-- Spec: wait txω =⊥ ∧ L̂ ◦ tx ≠ ⊥ combined
-- Spec: wait txω =⊥ ∧ L̂ ◦ tx ≠ ⊥
waitOnApplicableDecommit $ \newLocalUTxO ->
let decommitUTxO = utxoFromTx decommitTx
activeUTxO = newLocalUTxO `withoutUTxO` decommitUTxO
in -- Spec: txω ← tx combined with L̂ \ inputs(tx)
in -- Spec: L̂ ← L̂ \ inputs(tx)
-- txω ← tx
newState (DecommitRecorded decommitTx activeUTxO)
<> cause (ClientEffect $ ServerOutput.DecommitRequested headId decommitUTxO)
-- Spec: if ŝ = s̄ ∧ leader(s̄ + 1) = i
<> if isLeader parameters party nextSn
then -- Spec: multicast (reqSn, vˆ, s̄ + 1, Tˆ , txω )
cause (NetworkEffect (ReqSn version nextSn (txId <$> localTxs) (Just decommitTx)))
else noop
-- Spec: if ŝ = S⁻.s ∧ leader(S⁻.s + 1) = i
-- multicast (reqSn, vˆ, S⁻.s + 1, T̂ , txω )
<> maybeEmitSnapshot
waitOnApplicableDecommit cont =
case mExistingDecommitTx of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -785,6 +804,11 @@ onOpenNetworkReqDec env ledger ttl openState decommitTx =
-- REVIW: cause . ClientEffect $ ServerOutput.DecommitInvalid
Error $ RequireFailed $ DecommitTxInFlight{decommitTx = existingDecommitTx}

maybeEmitSnapshot =
if isLeader parameters party nextSn
then cause (NetworkEffect (ReqSn version nextSn (txId <$> localTxs) (Just decommitTx)))
else noop

Environment{party} = env

Ledger{applyTransactions} = ledger
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -818,15 +842,15 @@ onOpenNetworkReqDec env ledger ttl openState decommitTx =
-- __Transition__: 'OpenState' → 'OpenState'
onOpenChainDecrementTx :: IsTx tx => Environment -> OpenState tx -> Outcome tx
onOpenChainDecrementTx Environment{party} openState
| -- Spec: if outputs(txω) =
| -- Spec: if outputs(txω) = 𝑈ω
-- REVIEW: should we get Uω from observation instead of local state?
(utxoFromTx <$> decommitTx) == utxoToDecommit =
-- Spec: txω ← ⊥
-- vˆ ← v
newState DecommitFinalized
<> cause (ClientEffect $ ServerOutput.DecommitFinalized{headId})
-- Spec: if ŝ = ∧ leader( + 1) = i
-- multicast (reqSn, vˆ, + 1, , txω )
-- Spec: if ŝ = S⁻.s ∧ leader(S⁻.s + 1) = i
-- multicast (reqSn, vˆ, S⁻.s + 1, , txω )
& maybeEmitSnapshot
| otherwise = noop
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -863,10 +887,10 @@ onOpenClientClose ::
OpenState tx ->
Outcome tx
onOpenClientClose st =
-- Spec: η ← combine(S ̄.U)
-- ηω ← combine(outputs(S ̄.txω))
-- ξ ← S ̄
-- postTx (close, S ̄.v, S ̄.s, η, ηω,ξ)
-- Spec: η ← combine(S⁻.𝑈)
-- ηω ← combine(outputs(S.txω))
-- ξ ← S
-- postTx (close, S.v, S.s, η, ηω,ξ)
{ postChainTx =
Expand Down

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