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Snakemake workflow: prspipe

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Snakemake pipeline to run Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) prediction and evaluation for biobank-scale data. Implements and extends the GenoPred suite of scripts, i.e., a reference standardized framework for the prediction of PRS using different state of the art methods using summary statistics.


  • Remo Monti & Sophie Wharrie
  • GenoPred: Oliver Pain


If you use this workflow in a paper, don't forget to give credits to the authors by citing the URL of this (original) repository and, if available, its DOI (see above).

Tutorial for Collaborators

The full pipeline can roughly be devided into two stages: (1) Download of summary statistics, running PRS methods and predicting on the 1000 Genomes reference data (public stage), and (2) prediction and evaluation using the scores from step 1, which includes hyper-parameter tuning using cross validation. The second step uses private data e.g. from the UK Biobank or your biobank of interest. We are currently evaluating running the second step in other biobanks.

Follow the steps below to make the pipeline work with your data (i.e., the target data). For collaborators, we distribute pre-computed scoring files from the different PRS methods, which means most of the pipeline can be skipped. However, the rules to run the different PRS methods are available to everyone - feel free to try!

In the steps below, we will install all the dependencies to run polygenic scoring. We will then harmonize the target genotype data and perform ancestry scoring. Finally, we will run polygenic scoring and score evaluation. Evaluation requires the target phenotype data.

Steps that need internet access are marked with 🌐 and steps that require access to sensitive data are marked with 🚨.

If you will run score evaluation in a trusted research environment (TRE) without access to the internet, consider using to download all PRS and ancestry reference data. This will avoid having to set up snakemake (singularity/docker) twice, i.e., inside and outside of the TRE.


Here is a breakdown of what is covered, including the most important commands

  1. 🌐 Clone this repository and switch to the base directory (prspipe) for all subsequent steps
  2. 🌐 Use the prspipe docker/singularity container to run snakemake (or install snakemake and R-packages manually).
  3. 🌐 run the setup script to install basic dependencies
  4. 🌐 run the snakemake rules to download and pre-process the 1000 Genomes reference (skipped with
    bash all_setup
    bash cleanup_after_setup
  5. 🌐 Download pre-calculated PRS for 15 phenotypes (skipped with
    bash unpack_prs_for_methods_comparison_may2022
  6. Edit the sample-sheet for your target genetic data (config/target_list.tsv), and change the studies: entry in config/config.yaml to config/studies_for_methods_comparison.tsv.
  7. 🚨 Run ancestry scoring, predict and evaluate PRS, and generate ensemble PRS models
    bash all_get_best_models_ext

The tutorial below covers the steps above (and more) in greater detail.

Preface on Singularity and Docker 🥡

Genopred, i.e., the repository this pipeline depends on, relies on R and dependency management with conda (i.e., python). The pipeline itself is run with snakemake. Snakemake comes with built-in support for Singularity containers. In theory, different steps of the pipeline (correspinding to different snakemake rules), can be run in different containers. However, this pipeline only relies on a single container available on dockerhub. This container works both with Docker and Singularity.

# get the container with docker
docker pull rmonti/prspipe:0.1.1

# ... or with singularity
# this should work without root permissions
singularity pull docker://rmonti/prspipe:0.1.1

Both singularity and docker allow exporting containers, e.g., for transferring to a trusted research environment.

Preface on Snakemake 🐍

Snakemake will handle all the steps to get from a set of input files (typically defined in a samplesheet or config-file) to a set of output files. The user requests specific output files, and snakemake will figure out how to produce them given previously defined rules. Snakemake has been build with HPC clusters in mind, which often rely on schedulers such as slurm. Snakemake will work with the scheduler to distribute the computational workload over many different hosts (in parallel, if possible). Running snakemake this way typically requires setting up HPC-cluster-specific configuration files (example shown in slurm/config.yaml).

However, snakemake can also be run interactively on a single host (i.e, a single server or virtual machine). This will be easier for most users to set up. To run the polygenic scoring of your target data, this setup will be sufficient. Therefore, these instructions will handle the interactive case.

In the tutorial, we will be running snakemake using the script.

# ajust the number of cores / parallel processes

# this is how we request certain "rules" to run, or specific output files
bash [ rule | output-file-name ]

To learn more about how snakemake works, consider the sections at the end of the readme.

🌐 Basic Setup and Dependencies

Clone the repository. The base directory of the repository will be your working directory.

git clone [email protected]:intervene-EU-H2020/prspipe.git && cd prspipe

Harmonizing target genotype data and performing polygenic scoring require a number of software dependencies, which can be installed by running the


This will clone our fork of the GenoPred repository, download qctool2 and the latest versions of plink1 and plink2. If you already have these tools installed, you can also change the paths in config/config.yaml. However, this can lead to bugs 🪳 and is not recommended. The default software paths in config/config.yaml should work when using the pipeline container.

⚠️ If workflow/scripts/GenoPred does not exist after running bash, try to clone the repo manually: git clone [email protected]:intervene-EU-H2020/GenoPred.git workflow/scripts/GenoPred. Getting an error? Make sure you have access, and your git is configured to use ssh!

🌐 Set up Snakemake using Singularity

Snakemake is installed in the prspipe container. If singularity is available, you can create a local container image which will be able to run the pipeline (at least the polygenic scoring and genotype harmonization steps):

# this will create a local image called prspipe.sif
singularity pull prspipe.sif docker://rmonti/prspipe:0.1.1

After that, you can run snakemake interactively by first starting an interactive shell inside the container, and then running snakemake:

# on the host, in the working directory:
singularity shell -e --no-home -B $PWD --pwd $PWD prspipe.sif

# inside the container:
snakemake --help

# should be the container's R (located at /usr/local/bin/R):
which R

# to exit the container

⚠️ Note: When running with singularity make sure to clear environment variables related to R such as R_LIBS, R_LIBS_SITE and R_LIBS_USER.

Beware, if the path displayed after which R is not /usr/local/bin/R, your environment variables, .bashrc or .bash_profile might be interfering with R in the container. Try changing the parameter Rscript: inside config/config.yaml to force using the container's R installation (see the comments in that file).

Note: If you do not have singularity you can also install R-packages manually. You will then also have to install snakemake, and adjust software paths in config/config.yaml.

Container mounts 📁

⚠️ When running the container, you have to "mount" any directories that you want access to, unless they are subdirectories of the main working directory. For example, if you want to access genotype data at /some/random/path/, you will have to mount this directory (i.e., make it accessible) inside the container. You can do this by specifying mounts on the command-line when running singularity. The command above becomes singularity -e --no-home -B $PWD --pwd $PWD -B /some/random/ prspipe.sif. This would make /some/random and all its sub-directories available inside the container.

🌐 Download the 1000 Genomes Reference

Assuming you have snakemake running, you can now download and pre-process the 1000 Genomes data. This data will serve as an external reference throughout the analysis and is used for ancestry scoring. First we perform a "quiet" (-q) "dry-run" (-n).

bash -n -q all_setup

The command above will display a summary of what will be done. To then actually run these steps:

bash all_setup

Once you have successfully completed these steps, you can clear up space by running

bash cleanup_after_setup

🌐 Download pre-computed PRS

Download the pre-computed PRS for the studies defined in config/studies_for_methods_comparison.tsv.

bash unpack_prs_for_methods_coparison_may2022

Ancestry and polygenic scoring for new target genotype/phenotye data

The steps below will guide you through the process of setting up the pipeline to work with new target genotype/phenotype data. If your research environment does not have access to the internet and is located at a different location, you will have to make sure to transfer the entire working directory tree into your new environment. Also, you have to successfully run at least bash all_setup, bash cleanup_after_setup and downloading of the pre-computed scores (unpack_prs_for_methods_coparison_may2022) before transferring to the protected research environment. You also have to transfer the singularity/docker container image.

🚨 Setting up target genetic data

Target genetic data are defined using a sample-sheet, i.e, a tab-separated-values file (tsv), by default this is config/target_list.tsv. This file has three columns:

name path type
the name of the target data (e.g., "ukbiobank") the path/prefix of the imputed per-chromosome genotype data (e.g.,"some/path/prefix_chr") the format (see below)

Genotype data paths are expected to follow the pattern <prefix>_chr<1-22>.<.bed/.bim/.fam/.bgen/.vcf.gz> (mind the gap, i.e., the underscore). For bgen-formatted data, the sample-file should be called called <prefix>.sample, and .bgen.bgi-indexes have to be present for each .bgen-file. Both hg19 and hg38 are accepted. Note that the path will have to be accessible inside the container, see the section on container mounts above.

Supported data types are

  • samp_imp_plink1: plink 1 formated data (.bed/.bim/.fam)
  • samp_imp_bgen_ref_first, samp_imp_bgen_ref_last or samp_imp_bgen_ref_unknown: Bgen formatted data (.bgen/.sample). UK Biobank imputed genpotypes are ref-first, others typically ref-last. Specifying only "samp_imp_bgen" will default to ref-last.
  • samp_imp_vcf: VCF format

As mentioned above, genotype data are expected to be split by chromosome. For plink 1 formatted data, the following bash one-liner will split data by chromosome. Asumming your main file is called main.bed/.bim/.fam:

# replace "main" with the prefix of your data
# this will generate files tmp_chr{1-22}.{bed,bim,fam}
for i in {1..22}; do plink --bfile main --chr $i --make-bed --out tmp_chr${i}; done

🚨 Target genotype harmonization

Prspipe uses the same script as GenoPredPipe to convert all target genetic data to plink1 hard-calls. Genotypes are harmonized based on variant positions and allele codes to match the HapMap3 referece intersected with the 1000 Genomes variants. Any existing variant identifiers wil be replaced by rsids.

To perform harmonization of the target genetic data, run

bash all_harmonize_target_genotypes

Harmonization can take several hours to finish depending on the size of your data. Once completed, the harmonized target data are located at custom_input/{target-name}/genotypes/, where target-name matches the entry in the name-column of the target_list.tsv (see above).

🚨 Ancestry scoring

Once the target genotype data are harmonized, we can perform ancestry scoring:

bash all_ancestry_scoring_ext

this will create output files at results/{target-name}/Ancestry_idenitfier/.

🚨 Setting up target phenotype data

The sample-sheet containing the GWAS studies used in the methods comparison is config/studies_for_methods_comparison.tsv. It contains the GWAS catalog identifiers, sample sizes, reference ancestry and other information. Their summary statistics are the input to the different polygenic scoring methods. The name-column defines one or more phenotypes we want to evaluate the polygenic scores coming from the different methods on.

Phenotypes should be placed in separate files with three tab-separated columns (no header): The family ID, the individual ID, and the Phenotype value (see the plink "pheno" format here), for example

fid_1 iid_1 0
fid_2 iid_2 1
... ... ...

An example is provided at resources/synthetic_data/pheno250.tsv.gz.

The IDs should have matches in the plink .fam-files generated above (the harmonized target genetic data), but it is not necessary to have phenotype values for all genotyped individuals. This way only a sub-set of individuals can be analysed for each phenotype (e.g., only females for breast cancer). If you do not want to analyse a specific phenotype or study, you can delete the corresponding entry/row from the studies_for_methods_comparison.tsv configuration file.

Place the phenotype files in custom_input/{target-name}/phenotypes/. Name them {phenotype}.tsv, where {phenotype} should match the entries in the name-column of the study sample-sheet, i.e ./custom_input/ukbb/phenotypes/T2D.tsv, ./custom_input/ukbb/phenotypes/BMI.tsv and so on. You may gzip these files to save space. If more than one phenotype is listed in the name-column (separated by a comma), these need to be placed in separate files.

Finally, in order to configure the pipeline to use the pre-calculated scores downloaded above, you have to edit config.yaml (by default it is configured to work with synthetic data).

Replace studies: config/studies.tsv with studies: config/studies_for_methods_comparison.tsv, e.g.

sed -i "s/studies.tsv/studies_for_methods_comparison.tsv/g" config/config.yaml

🚨 Run polygenic risk scoring and evaluation for target data

Assuming you have downloaded PRS as described above and replaced studies: config/studies.tsv with studies: config/studies_for_methods_comparison.tsv inside the config.yaml, you can now perform hyper-parameter tuning (model selection), evaluation, and construction of ensemble PRS on your data. First, validate that all required data are there:

bash -n validate_setup_ext


Building DAG of jobs...
Nothing to be done.

Then execute a dryrun to see what will happen

bash -n --quiet all_get_best_models_ext


Job counts:
  count	jobs
  1	all_get_best_models_ext
  1	ancestry_outlier_ext
  1	ancestry_scoring_ext
  1	biobank_get_best_models_ext
  22	harmonize_target_genotypes
  95	model_eval_ext
  75	model_eval_ext_prep
  525	run_scaled_polygenic_scorer

If you see significantly more jobs listed, your pipeline is misconfigured, or it doesn't recognise the pre-computed PRSs. Please contact me in this case ([email protected]). You may have already run the ancestry scoring and genotype harmonization steps (ancestry_scoring_ext, ancestry_outlier_ext, harmonize_target_genotypes), so they might not appear.

Before you run these jobs, make sure you have sufficient resources available. Especially the model_eval_ext steps can take long to complete. It's strongly advised to run on many cores! If you run into memory issues, contact me and I can help you reduce the memory footprint, if necessary.

To run the jobs listed above:

export SNAKEMAKE_CORES=16 # define the number of cores
bash -p all_get_best_models_ext

🚨 Export Allele Frequencies and Missingness

21.11.2022 - added script to calculate allele frequencies and missingness for the HapMap3-1kg variants

Use the script located at workflow/scripts/bash/ to calculate allele frequencies and missingness of the HapMap3-1kg variants, as follows:

# replace "ukbb" with your biobank identifier ({target-name}, i.e., the one you used for phenotypes and genotypes at custom_input/{target-name}/...)
export BIOBANK="ukbb"
bash workflow/scripts/bash/

this will create a file ${BIOBANK}_hapmap3_1kg_allele_frequencies.tar.gz, which you can share with me.

Other Documentation

Other information related to running the pipeline and setting it up for new summary statistics.

running snakemake rules

The user can request specific output files on the command-line, and snakemake will figure out how to produce them, for example

snakemake --cores 1 --snakefile workflow/Snakefile resources/HapMap3_snplist/w_hm3.snplist

will request resources/HapMap3_snplist/w_hm3.snplist.

If the output files do not contain any wildcards, the user can also request to run rules using the rule name directly. Rules are the different steps defining the snakemake workflow and are located in workflow/Snakefile and workflow/rules/...smk.

For example, the file above could also be requested by the rule name:

# "download_hapmap3_snplist" is the rule name
snakemake --cores 1 --snakefile workflow/Snakefile download_hapmap3_snplist

the corresponding rule looks like this (located in workflow/rules/setup.smk:

rule download_hapmap3_snplist:
        "zcat {input} | cut -f2-4 | "
        ' awk \'BEGIN{{OFS="\t"; print "SNP", "A1", "A2"}}{{if(NR > 1){{print $0}}}}\' > {output} '
        ") &> {log}"

The shell:-directive defines what will be executed. As you can see, this rule also defines a log-file. The log files often contain useful diagnostic messages. If a rule fails, make sure to check both the snakemake output and the log file!

In order to avoid writing a long command every time you run snakemake, the shell script in the main directory can be used to wrap default parameters, i.e.

bash download_hapmap3_snplist

is equivalent to the two commands in the examples above.

Testing PRS methods with synthetic data

In the sections below, we will cover how to run the pipeline on synthetic data. This will help you verify your setup is working, and will show the basics of how the pipeline can be used.

Test your setup by running pruning & thresholding

The pipeline ships with synthetic data (genotypes, phenotypes and summary statistics) generated by Sophie Wharrie, Vishnu Raj and Zhiyu Yang. By default, the pipeline is configured to work with this synthetic data. Run the following rule, to extract the synthetic data:

bash initialize_synthetic

You can now create polygenic scores using plink and summary statistics from a GWAS run on synthetic data:

# first, check what will be executed:
bash -n -q prs/pt_clump/synth01/ok

# second, run the rule
bash prs/pt_clump/synth01/ok

config/studies.tsv by default is the sample-sheet that contains the information on available summary statistics:

study_id ancestry n_cases n_controls ftp_address local_path binary name
The GWAS acccession The ancestry abbreviation (EUR, EAS, AMR, SAS and AFR) The number of case samples The number of control samples The GWAS catalog ftp address of the .h.tsv.gz harmonized summary statistics file, given in the form /pub/databases/gwas/summary_statistics.../harmonised/....h.tsv.gz) alternatively a local path to a "munged" summary statistics file the GWAS phenotype is binary (yes/no) one or more evaluation phenotype names (like "T2D", or comma-separated "Urate,Gout", can be repeated)

config/studies.tsv is configured to work with summary statistics generated from synthetic data. In order to create scores with a specific PRS method "{method}" and GWAS stummary statistics "{study}", the user can request output files which follow the pattern: prs/{method}/{study}/ok. Available methods are dbslmm,lassosum,ldpred2,megaprs,prscs,pt_clump.

Predict polygenic scores for synthetic dataset

Check out the polygenic scoring files created by the rule above:

ls -1 prs/pt_clump/synth01/

Output (only showing those that are common between methods):


While 1KGPhase3.w_hm3.synth01.score.gz contains the weights for the different SNPs, the scale-files contain the mean and standard deviation of the scores for the different ancestries, which are used for normalization later.

To predict all available scores for all ancestries and target data, run:

# dryrun
# this should only trigger scoring for the scores we just created above

bash -n -q all_target_prs_available
# run the scoring
bash all_target_prs_available

Evaluate polygenic score performance for the synthetic dataset

We now want to evaluate the performance of the polygenic scores we just created. Because we only have scores for pruning & thresholding + clump (pt_clump) available, we edit config/config.yaml to only consider that method:

# this will swap the default
#     prs_methods: ['dbslmm','lassosum','ldpred2','megaprs','prscs','pt_clump']
# with
#     prs_methods: ['pt_clump']

sed -i -e "s/^prs_methods: .\+/prs_methods: ['pt_clump']/g" config/config.yaml

The synthetic phenotype data for phenotype "synthetic01" and target data "synth" are located at custom_input/synth/phenotypes/synthetic01.tsv.gz. In general, the pipeline will look for phenotype data in the directories matching the pattern custom_input/{target-name}/phenotypes/{phenotype-name}.tsv.gz (more about that later).

We can then run polygenic score evaluation and model selection by running the rule all_model_eval_ext

bash all_model_eval_ext

Finally, we revert our changes to the config/config.yaml:

sed -i "s/prs_methods: \['pt_clump'\]/prs_methods: ['dbslmm','lassosum','ldpred2','megaprs','prscs','pt_clump']/g" config/config.yaml

⚠️Note: if the above sed-commands don't work for you, you can of course just manually edit config/config.yaml. To revert all changes, do git checkout -- config/config.yaml.

Installing Snakemake with conda

To install snakemake with conda:

conda create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -n snakemake snakemake

Note: make sure to update conda, or use mamba to get the latest version of snakemake i.e. 6.2.1

For installation details, see the instructions in the Snakemake documentation.

Manual installation of R packages

The pipeline relies heavily on R. There are two options to handle R-package dependencies: (1, recommended) running the pipeline using singularity containers, or (2) running with a local conda and R installation and installing R-packages manually.

If manually installing R-packages, the following commands will install all dependencies:

install.packages(c('data.table','doMC','optparse','foreach','caret','ggplot2','cowplot','glmnet','MLmetrics','e1071','stringr','verification', 'RcppArmadillo', 'Matrix', 'fdrtool', 'psych', 'bigsnpr', 'bigreadr', 'runonce', 'NbClust', 'GGally'), dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("bin/lassosum/lassosum_0.4.5.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")

Incorporating new GWAS summary statistics

The code implements rules for automatically downloading and pre-processing summary statistics from the GWAS catalog.

To configure and run the code for downloading summary statistics:

  1. Select the studies from the GWAS catalog that you want to use
  2. For each study, enter the details in the config/studies.tsv file:
study_id ancestry n_cases n_controls ftp_address local_path binary name
The study acccession number given in the GWAS catalog The ancestry abbreviation (we currently support EUR, EAS, AMR, SAS and AFR) The number of case samples The number of control samples The ftp address of the .h.tsv.gz harmonized summary statistics file, given in the form /pub/databases/gwas/summary_statistics.../harmonised/....h.tsv.gz) alternatively a local path to a "munged" summary statistics file GWAS phenotype is binary (yes/no) evaluation phenotype name(s)
e.g. GCST000998 e.g. EUR e.g. 22233 e.g. 64762 e.g. /pub/databases/gwas/summary_statistics/GCST000001-GCST001000/GCST000998/harmonised/21378990-GCST000998-EFO_0001645.h.tsv.gz e.g. ./munged_ss.tsv.gz e.g. yes e.g. HDL_cholesterol,CAD

If summary statistics are not available in the harmonized format, consider using this script to convert them to munged format.

  1. Run the all_QC rule in the base_sumstats.smk rule file. Snakemake will download the summary statistics and run scripts to format and QC the data
./ all_QC

Disease prevalence estimates

Model evaluation requires an estimate of disease prevalence in the general population for dichotomous traits. These can be found in the pop_prevalence.tsv. Make sure to add a corresponding row in that file when adding new endpoints.