stuff here:
The Mandelbrot set using the Escape Time algorithm, and smooth coloring. 1k iterations is ~1.3 seconds on a 800x600 window on a chromebook.
I stole the smooth coloring algorithm from
uses GL/glut.h=
g++ mandel.cpp -o mandel -lGL -lGLU -lglut -Ofast
to compile on linux. requires freeglut3
multithreading for some reason only slows stuff down (using omp.h), so not doing that.
Drag to move.
Q/E to zoom in/out.
-/= to change the maximum amount of iterations.
1 for Mandelbrot set.
2 for Burning Ship.
3 for Tricorn/mandelbar
4 for weird line fractal with spider web julia sets
5 for Failed Möbius/Depressed mandelbrot
F goes into fullscreen
R resets.
J for julia set at the point where your cursor is.
SPACE prints position + zoom
B to toggle biomorphs
S to toggle smooth coloring
[&] to in/decrease biomorph value o&p to in/decrease bailout
general optimizations, like boundry tracing? (any help really appreciated) better controls
I am a total C++ noob, so do not expect much. I do not know anything about glut, I used tutorials.
here are some epik screenshots using only this program (and the KDE screenshot thing)
I find this one interesting, with a lower bailout value + smooth colors, we get this pretty cool image of a Julia set of the Mandelbrot set.