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IRTNOG Salt Style Guide

This document describes rules and guidelines for how state formulas, comments, and commit messages are formatted. This leads to more readable code/messages that are easier to follow when reading formulas or looking through the project history. For more information about change management procedures, see TODO. The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. The keywords "DANGER", "WARNING", and "CAUTION" in this document are to be interpreted as described in OSHA 1910.145.

State Formulas

For more information about the recommended format of Salt state formulas, refer to the Writing Formulas section of the Salt Conventions documentation.





(This has been adapted in part from the GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual, Section D.7 ("Tips on Writing Comments").)

Comments in YAML files (e.g., files ending in .yml, .yaml, or .sls) should take the following forms.

Single Number Sign

Comments that start with a single number sign, #, should all be aligned to the same column on the right of the YAML file, starting at column 32. Such comments explain the meaning of the marked line of code or data and may not form complete sentences. For example:

  'I@environment:development and G@os_family:RedHat':
    - match: compound
    - epel
    - nux.dextop                # requires EPEL
    - nux.misc

Double Number Sign

Comments that start with two number signs, ##, should be aligned to the same level of indentation as the code or data at that point in the YAML file. Such comments usually describe the purpose of the following lines or the condition of a system or service at that point and may be complete sentences. For example:

    - defaults

  ## Make role assignments based on the hostname 'role' field.
    - role.mail-relay
    - role.openstack            # Linux-only
    - role.salt-master

Triple and Quadruple Number Sign

Comments that start with three number signs, ###, should start at the left margin. We use them for comments between top-level YAML elements within a section, which are always full sentences. Comments that start with four number signs, ####, should be aligned to the left margin and are used for headings of major sections of a program. For example:


### Currently, the base environment is not used except for targeting
### (i.e., this file).  This environment corresponds with the master
### branch of this repository.

    []                          # no-op

Comment Annotations

Comments may be annotated in order to indicate active or potential work tasks within a code base. Each annotated comment must follow a special format that includes an annotation plus a one-line message, with a comment prefix and suffix suited to the code base (see above):

<prefix><annotation>: <message><suffix>

The annotation should be one of the following:

  • TODO: marks places requiring additional work, e.g., to handle additional cases or to provide additional functionality

  • HACK: tags the following as needing rework, e.g., to simplify it, to increase performance, or to improve correctness

  • FIXME: indicates that the following code must be revised, e.g., it's a temporary workaround, or it introduces a bug.

  • NOTE: synonymous with TODO

  • OPTIMIZE: synonymous with HACK

  • BUG: synonymous with FIXME

  • XXX: synonymous with FIXME

Git Commit Messages

(This has been adapted from Contributing to AngularJS and the AngularJS Git Commit Message Conventions.)

Commit Message Format

Each commit message must consist of a header, a body, and a footer. The header must follow a special format that includes a type, an optional scope, and a subject:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>



Any line must not be longer than 70 characters. This makes the commit message easier to read on GitHub and in various git tools.


The commit's type should be one of the following:

  • feat: a new feature

  • fix: a bug fix or other correction

  • docs: documentation-only changes

  • style: changes that do not affect the meeting of the code (e.g., whitespace, formatting, missing syntax elements, etc.)

  • refactor: changes that neither fix bugs nor add features

  • perf: changes that improve performance

  • test: adding missing tests

  • chore: changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as document generation


The commit's scope may be anything specifying the place of the commit change, e.g., an SLS module name like "kerberos5" or "poudriere", an environment name like "testing", a role name like "salt-master" or "mail-relay".


The subject must contain a short, one-line description of the change. It must start with a verb in the imperative, present tense ("change", not "changes" nor "changed"). It must all be in lower case except for proper nouns, and it must not have sentence-ending punctuation at the end (such as a period or exclamation mark).


The body should provide a meaningful commit message, which like the subject must use the imperative, present tense, as if giving orders. The message should include the motivations for the change and contrast its implementation with previous behavior. Make sure the explanation can be understood without external resources (e.g., don't just link to a change request ticket, but also summarize the relevant points of the request's discussion or commentary).


Closed service incident or problem reports should be listed with each on a separate line in the footer, prefixed with the "Closes" keyword. For example:

Closes #234