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116 lines (94 loc) · 4.95 KB

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116 lines (94 loc) · 4.95 KB


Lifecycle: experimental Travis build status DOI

An R package to run you R code in different R implementations and platforms in Docker containers.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


pull_docker_image(c('gnu-r', 'mro'), c('debian', 'ubuntu', 'fedora'))
#> Warning in pull_docker_image(c("gnu-r", "mro"), c("debian", "ubuntu",
#> "fedora")): Docker image for debian and gnu-r is not supported
#> Warning in pull_docker_image(c("gnu-r", "mro"), c("debian", "ubuntu",
#> "fedora")): Docker image for debian and mro is not supported
#> Warning in pull_docker_image(c("gnu-r", "mro"), c("debian", "ubuntu",
#> "fedora")): Docker image for ubuntu and gnu-r is not supported
#> Warning in pull_docker_image(c("gnu-r", "mro"), c("debian", "ubuntu",
#> "fedora")): Docker image for ubuntu and mro is not supported
#> Warning in pull_docker_image(c("gnu-r", "mro"), c("debian", "ubuntu",
#> "fedora")): Docker image for fedora and gnu-r is not supported
#> Warning in pull_docker_image(c("gnu-r", "mro"), c("debian", "ubuntu",
#> "fedora")): Docker image for fedora and mro is not supported

benchmark_result = benchmarks_code(
  code = "1 + 1", 
  r_implementations = c('gnu-r', 'mro'), 
  platforms = c('debian', 'ubuntu', 'fedora', 'archlinux'),
  times = 3
#> Warning in benchmarks("run_code", code_or_file = code, platforms =
#> platforms, : Docker image for gnu-r and ubuntu not found, not running
#> benchmark
#> Warning in benchmarks("run_code", code_or_file = code, platforms =
#> platforms, : Docker image for mro and debian not found, not running
#> benchmark
#> Warning in benchmarks("run_code", code_or_file = code, platforms =
#> platforms, : Docker image for mro and archlinux not found, not running
#> benchmark
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading
#> Detected API version '1.40' is above max version '1.39'; downgrading

#> Coordinate system already present. Adding new coordinate system, which will replace the existing one.


Documentation is created with roxygen2 and the website with pkgdown. Render both with the following commands:

roxygen2::roxygenise(roclets = c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace', 'vignette'))

The file is generated from README.Rmd. A pre-commit hook added with usethis should be configured to make sure the Markdown file is always up to date with the R Markdown file. Add the following to a file .git/hooks/pre-commit:

README=($(git diff --cached --name-only | grep -Ei '^README\.[R]?md$'))
MSG="use 'git commit --no-verify' to override this check"

if [[ ${#README[@]} == 0 ]]; then
  exit 0

if [[ README.Rmd -nt ]]; then
  echo -e " is out of date; please re-knit README.Rmd\n$MSG"
  exit 1
elif [[ ${#README[@]} -lt 2 ]]; then
  echo -e "README.Rmd and should be both staged\n$MSG"
  exit 1


Please note that the 'altRnative' project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


This project is published under MIT license, see file LICENSE.