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344 lines (222 loc) · 11.4 KB


All notable changes to the Schematron Rules and this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


This release is compatible with XRechnung ?.?.?

v2.1.0 on 2024-06-20

This release is compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x


  • auxililary function to set non-existent optional elements to zero
  • documentation of harmonization of XRechnung and Peppol BIS Billing


  • slack function to handle rounding without decimal places in currency HUF
  • refactored ant target retrieve-peppol-bis-billing-rules
  • inclusion of utilities namespace in transformation of Peppol BIS Billing to XRechnung rules


  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R046 in CII to handle missing BT-147 "Item price discount"

Advance notification: severity levels of Peppol BIS Billing rules are currently set to "warning" per default in CII. They will be implemented as "error"/"fatal" with an upcoming release.

v2.0.2 on 2023-11-15

This release is compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x


  • Test for BR-DE-18 with invalid reference to default interests ("VERZUG")


  • BR-TMP-1 removed due to resolvement in CEN Schematron #349
  • Removed BR-DE-18a from CII, because it is replaced by CII-SR-453


  • Bug in PEPPOL-EN16931-R055 in CII - now valid without optional BT-110 "Invoice total VAT amount"
  • Invalid code removed from CEF EAS codelist values in extension validation rules that override CEN rules

v2.0.1 on 2023-09-22

This release is compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x


  • Bug in PEPPOL-EN16931-R053 in CII
  • CII tests for PEPPOL-EN16931-R053

v2.0.0 on 2023-07-31

This release is compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x


  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R001 Business process MUST be provided
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R005 VAT accounting currency code MUST be different from invoice currency code when provided
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R008 Document MUST not contain empty elements (disabled in CII for element ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeDelivery)
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R010 Buyer electronic address MUST be provided
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R020 Seller electronic address MUST be provided
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R040 Allowance/charge amount must equal base amount * percentage/100 if base amount and percentage exists
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R041 Allowance/charge base amount MUST be provided when allowance/charge percentage is provided
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R042 Allowance/charge percentage MUST be provided when allowance/charge base amount is provided
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R043 Allowance/charge ChargeIndicator value MUST equal 'true' or 'false'
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R044 Charge on price level is NOT allowed. Only value 'false' allowed
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R046 Item net price MUST equal (Gross price - Allowance amount) when gross price is provided
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R053 Only one tax total with tax subtotals MUST be provided
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R054 Only one tax total without tax subtotals MUST be provided when tax currency code is provided
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R055 Invoice total VAT amount and Invoice total VAT amount in accounting currency MUST have the same operational sign
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R061 Mandate reference MUST be provided for direct debit (Replaces BR-DE-29)
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R101 Element Document reference can only be used for Invoice line object
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R110 Start date of line period MUST be within invoice period
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R111 End date of line period MUST be within invoice period
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R120 Invoice line net amount MUST equal (Invoiced quantity * (Item net price/item price base quantity) + Sum of invoice line charge amount - sum of invoice line allowance amount (disabled in CII due to syntax binding ambiguities)
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R121 Base quantity MUST be a positive number above zero
  • PEPPOL-EN16931-R130 Unit code of price base quantity MUST be same as invoiced quantity
  • Unless otherwise indicated, all PEPPOL EN16931-XXX rules are switched to severity level "warning" in CII during introduction phase


  • ISO 6523 ICD and CEF EAS codelist values in extension validation rules that override CEN rules contain newest codelist values.
  • Schematron Rules
    • temporary BR-TMP-1 to add warning on prohibited multiple BG-30 LINE VAT INFORMATION within BG-25 INVOICE LINE (see ConnectingEurope/eInvoicing-EN16931#349).
    • Ant target retrieve-peppol-bis-billing-rules
  • Ant target merge-peppol-rules-into-xr-rules
  • Add xsl script for merging peppol bis billing rules into xrechnung rules
  • BR-DE-16 adapted to CEN schematron: 'VAT' no longer permitted as BT-31 value
  • "VERZUG" removed from BR-DE-18 SKONTO Regex
  • removed reference to "Verzugszinsen" from Schematron and Test files
  • removed BR-DE-29 (is replaced by PEPPOL-EN16931-R061)
  • removed tests for BR-DE-29
  • removed UBL CreditNote tests for BR-DEX-XXX rules

v1.8.2 on 2023-05-12

This release is compatible with XRechnung 2.3.x


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DEX-13 to validate maximum number of two allowed fraction digits in BT-DEX-002 ("Third party payment amount").
    • BR-DEX-14 to validate currency of BT-DEX-002 is the same as "Invoice Currency Code" (BT-5).
    • BR-DEX-15 to detect possible use of unsupported Sub Invoice Lines in CII.
  • Tests
    • for BR-DE-16 with VAT code "O"
    • cii-br-dex-15-test-on-sub-invoice-lines.xml


  • Schematron Rules
    • merged ubl invoice and ubl creditnote rules
  • References to Schematron files in mutator tests
  • BR-DE-19 and BR-DE-20 IBAN validation is now more robust


  • BR-DE-16 description now includes restriction to all tax codes except "O" (as implemented with XR version 2.0.1 / Schematron 1.5.0).
  • Incorrect ChargeIndicator in BR-DE-16 tests with BT-95.
  • Incorrect ChargeIndicator in BR-DE-16 tests with BT-102.

v1.8.1 on 2023-02-17

This release is compatible with XRechnung 2.3.x


  • Validation of BR-DEX-10, BR-DEX-11 and BR-DEX-12 now restricted to extension

v1.8.0 on 2023-01-31

This release is compatible with XRechnung 2.3.x


  • Schematron Rules
    • Missing Rules BR-DE-29, BR-DE-30, BR-DE-31 for mandatory elements of BG-19.
    • Rules BR-DEX-09, BR-DEX-10, BR-DEX-11, BR-DEX-12 for third party payment


  • ISO 6523 ICD and CEF EAS codelist values in extension validation rules that override CEN rules contain newest codelist values

v1.7.3 on 2022-11-15

This release is compatible with XRechnung 2.2.0


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DE-21 in CII to allow for Extension specification identifier


  • Removed superfluous duplicate unit test from ubl-inv-contact-tests.xml
  • Changed some IDs to German IDs

v1.7.2 on 2022-05-31

This version is compatible with XRechnung 2.2.0


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DE-26 to UBL CreditNote to allow for "Corrected CreditNotes"


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DE-20, that testing is more robust, because type conversion is now explicitly to decimal and thus more compatible with xpath 1.0

v1.7.1 on 2022-02-07

This version is compatible with XRechnung 2.2.0


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DE-28, that - (minus), _ (underscore), and other special characters are allowed in emails

v1.7.0 on 2022-01-31

This version is compatible with XRechnung 2.2.0


  • Schematron Rules

    • BR-DE-27, that a telephone number must have at least three digits
    • BR-DE-28, that an email address must have exactly one @ sign, does not start or end with a dot, the @ sign must not be flanked by a whitespace or a dot and must be preceded and followed by at least two characters.
    • BR-DE-18-a, CII cardinality for BT-20
  • Schematron Rules for XRechnung Extension to include DIGA Codes (XR01, XR02, XR03)

    • BR-DEX-04 replaces CEN rule BR-CL-10 (ISO 6523 ICD Codelist)
    • BR-DEX-05 replaces CEN rule BR-CL-11 (ISO 6523 ICD Codelist)
    • BR-DEX-06 replaces CEN rule BR-CL-21 (ISO 6523 ICD Codelist)
    • BR-DEX-07 replaces CEN rule BR-CL-25 (EAS Codelist)
    • BR-DEX-08 replaces CEN rule BR-CL-26 (ISO 6523 ICD Codelist)
  • numerous tests for BR-DEX-04 to BR-DEX-08 rules


  • BR-DE-18 more robust checking of Skonto rules


  • Corrected UBL invoice test for IBAN, checking for BR-DE-19 instead of BR-DE-21

v1.6.1 on 2021-11-15

This version is compatible with XRechnung 2.1.1


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DE-18 fixed bug, that no newline was not allowed at last not skonto note
  • Tests
    • fixed wrong CII syntax in cii-br-de-23-test-bg-17-with-bg-18.xml

v1.6.0 on 2021-07-31

This version is compatible with XRechnung 2.1.1


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DE-23 replaces BR-DE-13
    • BR-DE-24 replaces BR-DE-13
    • BR-DE-25 replaces BR-DE-13
    • BR-DE-26 (for UBL Invoice and CII only)


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DE-13 removed
  • Now only one Schematron file per Syntax
  • All test source instances valid to EN16931 and XRechnung 2.1

v1.5.0 on 2020-12-31

This version is compatible with XRechnung 2.0.1


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DEX-03 to check existence of BG-DEX-06 in a BG-DEX-01


  • This version is compatible with XRechnung 2.0.1
  • Bump version to 1.5.0 for next release
  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DE-16 is now only relevant, if bt-95, bt-102 or bt-151 exist


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DEX-02 rewrote rule to not give false negative
    • BR-DE-18 now checks last newline and allows negative Basisbetrag
    • BR-DE-19 flag is set to warning for CII

v1.4.0 on 2020-07-31


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DE-22 to check for unique file names
    • BR-DEX-01 to allow mime type 'application/xml' in XRechnung Extension
    • BR-DEX-02 on checking the sum of prices for UBL sub invoice lines in XRechnung extension


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DE-19 and BR-DE-20 refactoring IBAN rules
    • BR-DE-21 to check specification identifier for extension


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DE-19 and BR-DE-20 fixed CII IBAN rules

v1.3.0 on 2019-12-30


  • Schematron Rules
    • BR-DE-19 und BR-DE-20 on IBAN test
    • BR-DE-21 on correct CustomizationID independent of validation scenarios
  • Unit tests on Contact rules and on IBAN using xmute instructions


  • Removed superflous files
  • Build.xml
    • Version string in Schematron files is configured by build script
    • Overwrite of Schematron compilation files is configurable

v1.2.1 on 2019-06-24



  • includes List of XRechnung business rules covered by schematron rules

v1.2.0 on 2018-12-19

This release is compatible to XRechnung 1.2.0.

This version is only by chance the same version as XRechnung!

Because of #19 and #12 it might break your validation and business workflow. Please evaluate impact!


  • Semantic Versioning (see README) #9
  • Codelist term 389 (Self-billed invoice) for BT-3 #19


  • Made descriptions of rules BR-DE-10 (#18), BR-DE-11 (#18), BR-DE-13 (#17), BR-DE-16 (#16), and BR-DE-18 (#22) more precise


  • Workaround to inconsistency in CEN Norm and Rules concerning syntax binding as described in CEN issue #57
  • For now we allow for both 'VA' and 'VAT' (see #12)