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When troubleshooting secret-manager your best friend is kubectl describe, this will give you information on the resources as well as recent events. Secret-manager logs may be quite verbose and should be used if following steps do not provide help.

Troubleshooting a failed external secret

  1. Check the status of the ExternalSecret resource
$ kubectl get externalsecret
example-secret              False    1h

If you see one with Synced status False you can get more info using kubectl describe externalscret, if the status is True that means that secret-manager has successfully created the secret.

$ kubectl describe externalsecret <es-name>
    Last Transition Time:        2020-10-17T21:45:22Z
    Message:                     Cannot setup store client: unable to authenticate to Vault store
    Reason:                      Resource is not available for use
    Status:                      False
    Type:                        Ready
  Type    Reason     Age   From          Message
  ----    ------     ----  ----          -------

Here you will find more info about the external secret status under Status field. Future event information is planned to be added to provide more detail about the controllers actions (#68).

Troubleshooting a crashing secret-mananger

The logs of secret-manager should help describe the issue which is causing secret-manager to crash.

"no matches for kind "ExternalSecret" in version ""

  • This likely means that the CustomResourceDefinitions for secret-manager are not installed. If using the official helm chart to install, ensure that installCRDs is set to true. Check if the crds are installed with kubectl get crd | grep secret-manager.