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Installing fruitnanny

Docker-based installation

OS image

Install tools

  • git and extra libs
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -y install git curl libffi-dev python python-pip
  • docker
    curl -fsSL -o
    sudo sh
    sudo usermod -aG docker pi
  • docker-compose
    sudo apt-get -y install  docker-compose

Reboot system

sudo shutdown -r 0

Clone repository

cd /opt
sudo mkdir fruitnanny
sudo chown pi:pi fruitnanny
git clone

Generate certificates

The Docker installation expects certificates available under configuration/ssl. To generate self-signed certificates suitable for all components, run this command.

cd /opt/fruitnanny
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 2650 -newkey rsa:2048 \
  -keyout configuration/ssl/fruitnanny.key -out configuration/ssl/fruitnanny.pem

openssl will prompt for some information during key generation. The only important prompt here is "Common Name" The common name should be the hostname for your Raspberry Pi.

Generate apache passwords

cd /opt/fruitnanny
echo -n 'fruitnanny:' >> ./configuration/nginx/.htpasswd
openssl passwd -apr1 >>  ./configuration/nginx/.htpasswd

openssl will prompt for password

Configure notification function (optional)

First, create an account on

Then, set up your own configuration by editing the notification configuration file (available here in the fruitnanny folder: bin/configuration).

  • Run the system without notifications

cd /opt/fruitnanny
docker-compose up -d
  • Run the system with notifications

cd /opt/fruitnanny
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.notification.yml up -d

Check website

Access http://RASPBERRY_IP/ to see Fruitnanny interface

Debug issues

  • Run docker-compose ps to check if all containers are in 'UP' state
            Name                          Command               State   Ports
fruitnanny_fruitnanny_1        /usr/bin/ node ser ...   Up
fruitnanny_gstreamer-audio_1   /usr/bin/ gst-laun ...   Up
fruitnanny_gstreamer-video_1   /usr/bin/ gst-laun ...   Up
fruitnanny_janus_1             /usr/bin/ /bin/sh  ...   Up
fruitnanny_nginx_1             nginx -g daemon off;             Up
  • Run docker-compose logs to get logs from all containers
gstreamer-audio_1  | Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
fruitnanny_1       | Fruitnanny app listening on port 7000!
gstreamer-video_1  | Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
janus_1            | [WARN] Admin/monitor HTTPS webserver disabled
  • Re-download new docker images for fruitnanny
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f
docker-compose pull   
docker-compose up -d

Non-Docker installation

Please follow