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CICD Pipeline

This project contains an reference implementation for a CI/CD pipeline for Apigee using the Apigee Deploy Maven Plugin.

The CICD pipeline consists of:

  • Git branch dependent Apigee environment selection and proxy naming to allow deployment of feature branches as separate proxies in the same environment
  • Static code analysis using eslint
  • Unit testing using mocha
  • Packaging and deployment of the API proxy bundle using Apigee Deploy Maven Plugin
  • Integration testing of the deployed proxy using apickli

It also contains an example configuration for running the CI/CD pipeline in an orchestration tool:

  • Using fully managed Google Cloud Build for Apigee X/hybrid and Edge
  • Using a self-managed Jenkins Server for Apigee Edge


  • Install dependencies:

    npm install
  • Unit testing:

    npm run unit-test
  • Integration testing against host $APIGEE_ORG-$ and default basepath airports-cicd/v1:

    TEST_HOST=$APIGEE_ORG-$ npm run integration-test
  • Integration testing against feature branch deployment on airports-cicd-feature-ABC/v1:

    TEST_HOST=$APIGEE_ORG-$ TEST_BASE_PATH='/airports-cicd-feature-ABC/v1' npm run integration-test

Initialize a Git Repository

Create a Git repository to hold your API Proxy. You can either create a Google Source repository

gcloud services enable
export REPO_NAME="apigee-cicd-demo"
gcloud source repos create $REPO_NAME
GIT_URL=$(gcloud source repos describe $REPO_NAME --format="value(url)")

or create a GitHub repository

cd devrel
git init
git remote add gcp $GIT_URL
git checkout -b feature/cicd-pipeline
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push -u gcp feature/cicd-pipeline

Orchestration using Run Cloud

The instructions below explain how to trigger an Apigee CI/CD pipeline manually via the gcloud command and via a push trigger on a Google Source Repository. Similarly push triggers can also configured on other Git repositories.

Apigee hybrid / Apigee X

Requires the Cloud Build API to be enabled and a Service Account with the following roles (or a custom role with all required permissions):

  • Apigee API Admin
  • Apigee Environment Admin
gcloud services enable
PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)")

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$PROJECT_ID" \
  --member="serviceAccount:$CLOUD_BUILD_SA" \

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$PROJECT_ID" \
  --member="serviceAccount:$CLOUD_BUILD_SA" \

# Required only for org-level config
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$PROJECT_ID" \
  --member="serviceAccount:$CLOUD_BUILD_SA" \

Configure the (externally reachable) hostname of your Apigee environment for the integration test:


Run the deployment (with a simulated git branch name)

gcloud builds submit --config='./references/cicd-pipeline/ci-config/cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml' \

Or set up a push-trigger for the Google source repository

gcloud beta builds triggers create cloud-source-repositories \
    --repo="$REPO_NAME" --branch-pattern='.*' --name="cicd-example" \
    --build-config='references/cicd-pipeline/ci-config/cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml' \

Apigee Edge

Requires the Cloud Build API to be enabled and a Service Account with the following role:

  • Secret Manager Secret Accessor
gcloud services enable

PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)")

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding "$PROJECT_ID" \
  --member="serviceAccount:$CLOUD_BUILD_SA" \

To pass the Apigee user and password securely into the Cloud Build pipeline you have to add these two secrets to the cloud secret manager:

  • devrel_apigee_user that holds the user to use for the CI/CD account
  • devrel_apigee_pass that holds the password for the CI/CD account
echo "$APIGEE_USER" | gcloud secrets create devrel_apigee_user --data-file=-
echo "$APIGEE_PASS" | gcloud secrets create devrel_apigee_pass --data-file=-

Run the deployment (with a simulated git branch name)

gcloud builds submit  --config=./references/cicd-pipeline/ci-config/cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml --substitutions="_API_VERSION=apigee,_INT_TEST_HOST=$APIGEE_ORG-$,_DEPLOYMENT_ORG=$APIGEE_ORG,BRANCH_NAME=experiment" --project "$PROJECT_ID"

Or set up a push-trigger for the Google source repository

gcloud beta builds triggers create cloud-source-repositories \
    --repo="$REPO_NAME" --branch-pattern='.*' --name="cicd-example-edge" \
    --build-config='references/cicd-pipeline/ci-config/cloudbuild/cloudbuild.yaml' \
    --project "$PROJECT_ID"

Orchestration using Jenkins

Requirement: Jenkins Server

You can either use the included instructions to configure a new Jenkins server or use your existing infrastructure. The jenkins-build folder contains instructions on how to set up a dockerized Jenkins environment with all the necessary tooling and plugins required.

Option A: Run a Jenkins Docker Container

See the instructions in ./jenkins-build/

Option B: Use an existing Jenkins Setup

If you already have a current (version 2.200+) Jenkins instance you can also use that one.

You are responsible to ensure you have the following plugins enabled:

The Jenkinsfile provided in this repo expects a credential object to exist for Apigee Edge deployments:

APIGEE_CREDS = credentials('apigee')

The Jenkinsfile provided in this repo also expects several environment variables. The required environment variables must be configured under Global properties in System Configuration -> Configure System or provided as parameters when the pipeline runs.

CI/CD Configuration Instructions

Jenkins Configuration / Start

Start or configure your Jenkins server as described above.

Create a multi-branch Jenkins job

Use the UI to configure the Jenkins Job for multi-branch pipelines:

  1. Set the Git repo e.g.
  2. Path to the Jenkinsfile e.g. ci-config/jenkins/Jenkinsfile
  3. (Optional) Set the build trigger / polling frequency

Jenkins Config

Run the pipeline

  1. Open the multi-branch pipeline you just created.
  2. Click Scan Multi-branch Pipeline Now to detect branches with a Jenkinsfile.
  3. Explore the build(s) that get triggered.
  4. Explore the final build success.

Jenkins Successful Pipeline

Promote to different stages and environments (feature/test/prod)

  1. Explore the newly created api-proxy in the test environment that corresponds to the feature branch
  2. Merge the feature branch into main branch and explore the promotion into the Apigee test environment
  3. Merge the main branch into the prod branch and explore the promotion into the Apigee prod environment


  • The authentication to the Apigee management API is done using OAuth2. If you require MFA, please see the documentation for the Maven deploy plugin for how to configure MFA.