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NodeJs Typescript Jest Yarn Docker Hardhat

Bounty Granter on ETH


Home of the mono repository for the development of the Bounty Granter dApp running on Ethereum/EVM chains.


Decentralized contract-based definition and handling of project activities' asset transfers following their deliverables validation via reviewers and oracles.

More details are available in this project Wiki.

Status: Alpha - Work in Progress

Dev Framework

Build tools

Latest stable Node.js LTS version 16.x is used to develop this project. We recommend using the nodejs version manager nvm.

pnpm is used as the main packages manager, along with yarn. You can use yarn only.

If you are not set yet with these tools, use:

$ npm install -g yarn pnpm


All yarn worspaces get installed using pnpm:

$ pnpm install

You can install the modules individually by using the command:

packages/X$ pnpm install

Building on-chain

Start a local Hardhat chain: yarn chain

Generate a deployer address: yarn generate

View your deployer address: yarn account

Deploy the contracts: yarn deploy

Verify the deployed contracts: yarn verify

Use the CLI parameter --network X, e.g. yarn deploy --network goerli, to override the defaultNetwork set in packages/onchain/hardhat.config.js.

Running the Web UI locally

Dev mode

$ yarn start


packages/webui$ yarn start

Production build

packages/webui$ yarn build
packages/webui$ yarn serve # Run locally


Deploy the webui/build on

yarn surge

The generated static web resources can be deployed on IPFS, Surge or AWS S3. Refer to dedicated deployment scripts in packages/webui/package.json.



This mono repo structure and its tooling have been bootstrap by a scaffold-eth boilerplate.


Package: webui

A ReactJS responsive Web app based on:

Smart Contracts

Package: onchain

The EVM-compatible smart contracts are reported there, implemented with Solidity 0.8 and the HardHart development framework for building on ETH L1 & L2 blockchains.


Package: subgraph

Home of The Graph subgraphes for the automated integration of deployed smart contracts.


Package: services

Backend services / nodes for local deployments: data servers & chains

Integrated Solutions

Refer to this wiki page for an overview.


Distributed under the Affero General Public License 3.0+ license.


Jabba 01
