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177 lines (135 loc) · 7.31 KB

CSS586 Project: Generative Modeling of Symbolic Music

Jack Phan and Alex Kyllo

UW Bothell CSS 586

Spring 2021

A project for generative music modeling with deep learning on symbolic (MIDI) music data.


This is a Python 3 project using TensorFlow 2.

Miniconda 3.9 or 3.8 is recommended because it will install the correct version of CUDA for TensorFlow to utilize the GPU.

Dependencies are specified in the conda environment file environment.yml.

To install the dependencies:

conda env create -f environment.yml

To activate the conda virtual environment:

conda activate musiclearn


This project uses the MusicNet reference MIDI files, which can be downloaded here: musicnet_midis.tar.gz

Data file paths and other constants should be specified in a .env file in the project root (this directory). The python-dotenv package is used to read these into shell environment variables.

To run the code you will need to create your own .env file (or directly set the MUSICNET_MIDI_DIR environment variable to the absolute path of your musicnet_midis directory in your shell session). Below are the contents of my .env file, yours will have different directory paths depending where you placed the downloaded music data. Download and unzip the musicnet_midis.tar.gz file and add MUSICNET_MIDI_DIR=<absolute path to musicnet_midis directory> to the .env file, like this:



Here is a guide to the project structure:

├── data                        <- Stores processed training data
├── experiments                 <- Experiment history logs, checkpoints, and saved models
|   └── mtvae                   <- Saved results for best MTVAE interpolation model experiment
├── musiclearn                  <- The Python package containing models and training code
│  ├──                <- Global configuration variables such as MUSICNET_MIDI_DIR
│  ├──              <- Plotting code for visualizing metrics such as training loss curves
│  ├──            <- MIDI data preprocessing code (for polyphonic music)
│  ├──     <- Sequential note prediction models (Jack's models)
│  ├──<- Sequential note processing code (for monophonic music)
│  ├──              <- Model training and hyperparameter tuning code
│  └──            <- Multi Track Variational Autoencoder (MTVAE) code (Alex's models)
├── notebooks                   <- Jupyter notebook examples for model training, inference, and evaluation
├── papers                      <- LaTeX source code for the papers
├── scripts                     <- Python scripts for string quartet model inference and evaluation
├── .env                        <- Environment variables (create your own)
├── .gitignore                  <- Ignore files in Git.
├──                   <- This file.
├── environment.yml             <- Conda environment definition file (Python dependencies)
└──           <- Command Line Interface for model training and inference


The file provides a CLI for working with the models.

Typing python will show a list of commands:


  Command line interface for the musiclearn project

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  fit-mtvae          Run MultiTrackVAE experiment named EXP_NAME with...
  fit-sequential     Fit a sequential model of choice on the specified...
  generate-music     Generate a short piece of music with a fixed number...
  interpolate-mtvae  Use MODEL_PATH to interpolate n points between...
  plot-losses        Plot model training & validation loss curves from...

To get the list of options for a command, type python [COMMAND] --help, for example the model fitting commands provide all tunable hyperparameters as options:

$ python fit-mtvae --help

Usage: fit-mtvae [OPTIONS] EXP_NAME

  Run MultiTrackVAE experiment named EXP_NAME with hyperparameter options.
  Author: Alex Kyllo

  --ticks-per-beat INTEGER        Time steps per quarter note.
  --beats-per-phrase INTEGER      Quarter notes per phrase.
  --epochs INTEGER                The training batch size.
  --batch-size INTEGER            The training batch size.
  --learning-rate FLOAT           The optimizer learning rate.
  --lstm-units INTEGER            Number of LSTM units per layer.
  --latent-dim INTEGER            The latent vector dimension.
  --embedding-dim INTEGER         The note embedding dimension.
  --dropout-rate FLOAT            The dropout rate between LSTM layers
  --gru / --lstm                  Use GRU layer instead of LSTM.
  --bidirectional / --unidirectional
                                  Use bidirectional LSTM layer in encoder.
  --augment / --no-augment        Augment the training set with random pitch
  --patience INTEGER              The early stopping patience.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


A collection of samples of the generated MIDI files, converted to mp3 format, is presented at: mp3samples (Google Drive Link)

Within this directory, there are two subdirectories:


Four output samples, one from each model, are provided.


Each of the 18 directories contains five interpolations between two of the string quartet pieces in the MusicNet corpus, numbered 0-4.

The interpolations are between the following pairs of MusicNet MIDI files:

  • Haydn/2104_op64n5_1.mid and Ravel/2178_gr_rqtf2.mid
  • Haydn/2105_op64n5_2.mid and Ravel/2179_gr_rqtf3.mid
  • Haydn/2106_op64n5_3.mid and Ravel/2177_gr_rqtf1.mid
  • Beethoven/2497_qt11_4.mid and Mozart/1822_kv_421_1.mid
  • Beethoven/2433_qt16_3.mid and Mozart/1859_kv_464_2.mid
  • Beethoven/2368_qt12_4.mid and Mozart/1807_kv_387_3.mid
  • Beethoven/2314_qt15_2.mid and Mozart/1791_kv_465_4.mid
  • Beethoven/2480_qt05_1.mid and Mozart/1792_kv_465_1.mid
  • Beethoven/2481_qt05_2.mid and Mozart/1835_kv_590_3.mid
  • Beethoven/2379_qt08_4.mid and Mozart/1805_kv_387_1.mid
  • Beethoven/2365_qt12_1.mid and Mozart/1793_kv_465_2.mid
  • Beethoven/2562_qt02_4.mid and Mozart/1790_kv_465_3.mid
  • Beethoven/2494_qt11_1.mid and Mozart/1789_kv_465_2.mid
  • Beethoven/2403_qt01_4.mid and Mozart/1788_kv_465_1.mid
  • Beethoven/2376_qt08_1.mid and Dvorak/1916_dvq10m1.mid
  • Beethoven/2384_qt13_4.mid and Bach/2242_vs1_2.mid
  • Beethoven/2560_qt02_2.mid and Beethoven/2621_qt07_1.mid
  • Beethoven/2377_qt08_2.mid and Beethoven/2381_qt13_1.mid

A saved model for string quartet interpolation (the best fit model) is provided in this repository for inference use: experiments/mtvae/2021-06-06T09:32:32/saved_model