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Enable Minio console

Minio console is a graphical user interface for you to manage the tenant created by the operator. By default, it is not enabled in the harbor operator all-in-one kustomization manifest. The doc shown here guides you to enable the Minio console if you have the Minio tenant management needs.

Notes: If you install Minio operator with its own manifests, the Minio console might be enabled automatically.


  1. kubectl with a proper version(v1.18.6+) is installed.
  2. kustomize (optional)with a proper version(v3.8.7+) is installed.
  3. git (optional) is installed.

Customize the kustomization manifest

First, clone the code from the harbor-operator repository.

git clone

# Checkout to the specified branch or the specified tag.
# To branch: git checkout <branch-name> e.g.: git checkout release-1.2.0
# To tag: git checkout tags/<tag> -b <branch-name> e.g: git checkout tags/v1.2.0 -b tag-v1.2.0

Then open the all-in-one kustomization manifest and locate the patchesStrategicMerge section. Comment the patch - patch/delete-minio-console.yaml.

# If you have to override the image path, uncomment this patch and also change the image paths in the patch/image-source.yaml file.
# Then rebuild.
#   - patch/image-source.yaml
#  - patch/delete-minio-console.yaml
  - patch/delete-duplicated-ns.yaml
  - patch/pg-configmap.yaml

As the resource manifests are not stored in the codebase, then you need to run the following command to generate the related resource manifests before using kustomize to build your customized operator deployment manifest.

make manifests

Run kustomize command to generate your customized operator deployment manifest.

kustomize build manifest/cluster -o myCustom.yaml

Deploy Minio console

Apply the customized deployment manifest to your Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl apply -f myCustom.yaml

Of course, if you're willing to, you can directly apply the deployment via kustomization manifest.

kubectl apply -k manifests/cluster

# OR
# kustomize build manifest/cluster | kubectl apply -f -

After a short while, the console pod will be ready then.

# Check console pod status
kubectl get pods --selector=app=console -n harbor-operator-ns

## Output
# NAME                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
# console-97c5cdc46-q6ptc   1/1     Running   0          18h

Expose the Minio console service

To access the console service outside your Kubernetes cluster, you need to expose the Minio console service.

A simple way, expose it via port forward.

kubectl port-forward --address service/console -n harbor-operator-ns 29090:9090

Alternatively, create an ingress. e.g.:

kind: Ingress
  name: minio-console
  namespace: harbor-operator-ns
  - host:
      - backend:
            name: console
              number: 9090
        path: /
        pathType: Prefix
    - hostname: localhost

Access the Minio console

Open browser and navigate to the expose host of the Minio console service, e.g.: You'll see the login page.

Minio console login

Get the JWT token from your service account.

kubectl -n harbor-operator-ns get secret $(kubectl -n harbor-operator-ns get serviceaccount console-sa -o jsonpath="{.secrets[0].name}") -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode

Input the token got from the above command in the login page and you'll be navigated to the dashboard page.

All the tenants created are listed.

Minio console dashboard

Click any tenant to see their basic information.

NOTES: The available functionalities of the Minio console will be different based on the license subscription plan which is irrelevant with Harbor operator.