- Head over to App Directory
- Click on "Add to Server"
- If you are not logged in to discord you might have to log in
- You would have to get a server selection list that you own, pick the server you want to install Lise in
- View Lise's permission and click "Authorize"
- To check if Lise has joined, go to the server where you installed Lise and run /help or /play and see if the LISEBOT selection menu opens up
- You're done! Please read the command information below you can also run /help to view it in discord.
- To set up lise you need to have Java 21, IntelliJ, and Maven
- git clone the project
- use any IDE (IntelliJ recommended)
- configure
to either true or false to use the current working env, ideally for development useDISCORD_BETA_TOKEN
- configure
for your own bots' discord token in.env
- configure
if you also want to run lise on lichess - you are ready to run the bot with
mvn clean
- finally, compile the code
mvn compile
- Please note you need to follow the same steps as adding Chesslise for your own local bot
- build the project
mvn package
- run the application
java -jar /target/Chesslise-15.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar