Original copyright © 2013 Zachary Tellman, distributed under the MIT License.
BitSet.cs is Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. (see file for more information)
I can load immutable_bitset.clj and run it with BitSet.cs and it sort of works.
Almost all generative tests pass but for benchmark tests will also need something like Criterium for ClojureCLR.
The failing test case is the empty set but I'm unsure how to deal with the difference between:
(.hashCode #{}) ;; 0 on JVM
(.GetHashCode #{}) ;; -15128758 on CLR
Not sure if this matters really. Zero hash code for empty collections may just be a best-effort JVM thing?
(def generic-hash-set (new |System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[System.Object]|))
(.GetHashCode #{}) ;; -15128758
(.GetHashCode generic-hash-set) ;; 13005406
(= #{} #{} generic-hash-set) ;; true
Related: https://ask.clojure.org/index.php/1904/inconsistent-hash-with-java-collections
ztellman/immutable-bitset is now clojure/data.int-map
Clojure's immutable sets are great, but they can be hugely inefficient when we're only trying to store integers. This library contains an implementation for immutable sets which are both faster and smaller for this special case.
[immutable-bitset "0.1.6"]
All functions are in the immutable-bitset
namespace. There are two constructors, sparse-bitset
and dense-bitset
, and three operators, union
, intersection
, and difference
immutable-bitset> (sparse-bitset)
immutable-bitset> (conj *1 1 2 3)
#{1 2 3}
immutable-bitset> (disj *1 2)
#{1 3}
immutable-bitset> (sparse-bitset [1 2 3])
#{1 2 3}
immutable-bitset> (transient *1)
#<TransientBitSet immutable_bitset.TransientBitSet@bee743d>
immutable-bitset> (disj! *1 2)
#<TransientBitSet immutable_bitset.TransientBitSet@2aa42d42>
immutable-bitset> (conj! *1 5)
#<TransientBitSet immutable_bitset.TransientBitSet@7c079ab0>
immutable-bitset> (persistent! *1)
#{1 3 5}
immutable-bitset> (union *1 (sparse-bitset [5 7 9]))
#{1 3 5 7 9}
The set algebra operators take two bitsets, and return a bitset. Use clojure.set
for general set operations.
behaves the same as sparse-bitset
, the difference is only in their memory efficiency. Consider a case where we create a set of all numbers between one and one million:
(def s (range 1e6))
(into #{} s) ; ~100mb
(into (sparse-bitset) s) ; ~1mb
(into (dense-bitset) s) ; ~150kb
Both of these are significantly smaller than the standard set, but the dense bitset is almost an order of magnitude smaller than the sparse variant. This is because the dense bitset allocates larger contiguous chunks, which is great if the numbers are densely clustered. However, if the numbers are sparse:
(def s (map (partial * 1e6) (range 1e6)))
(into #{} s) ; ~100mb
(into (sparse-bitset) s) ; ~130mb
(into (dense-bitset) s) ; ~670mb
In this case, the dense bitset is much less efficient than the standard set, while the sparse bitset is about equally large. So as a rule of thumb, use dense-bitset
where the elements are densely clustered (each element has multiple elements within +/- 1000), and sparse-bitset
for everything else.
The bitsets are both somewhat faster than the standard set, as well; adding elements to the transient bitset can be ~50-100% faster than a normal set.
Copyright © 2013 Zachary Tellman
Distributed under the MIT License