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Releases: jax-ml/jax

JAX v0.5.1

24 Feb 21:03
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  • New Features

    • Added an experimental jax.experimental.custom_dce.custom_dce
      decorator to support customizing the behavior of opaque functions under
      JAX-level dead code elimination (DCE). See #25956 for more
    • Added low-level reduction APIs in {mod}jax.lax: jax.lax.reduce_sum,
      jax.lax.reduce_prod, jax.lax.reduce_max, jax.lax.reduce_min,
      jax.lax.reduce_and, jax.lax.reduce_or, and jax.lax.reduce_xor.
    • jax.lax.linalg.qr, and jax.scipy.linalg.qr, now support
      column-pivoting on CPU and GPU. See #20282 and
      #25955 for more details.
  • Changes

      env vars. Before they could only be specified via jax.config or flags.
    • JAX_CPU_COLLECTIVES_IMPLEMENTATION now defaults to 'gloo', meaning
      multi-process CPU communication works out-of-the-box.
    • The jax[tpu] TPU extra no longer depends on the libtpu-nightly package.
      This package may safely be removed if it is present on your machine; JAX now
      uses libtpu instead.
  • Deprecations

    • The internal function linear_util.wrap_init and the constructor
      core.Jaxpr now must take a non-empty core.DebugInfo kwarg. For
      a limited time, a DeprecationWarning is printed if
      jax.extend.linear_util.wrap_init is used without debugging info.
      A downstream effect of this several other internal functions need debug
      info. This change does not affect public APIs.
      See #26480 for more detail.
  • Bug fixes

    • TPU runtime startup and shutdown time should be significantly improved on
      TPU v5e and newer (from around 17s to around 8s). If not already set, you may
      need to enable transparent hugepages in your VM image
      (sudo sh -c 'echo always > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled').
      We hope to improve this further in future releases.
    • Persistent compilation cache no longer writes access time file if
      JAX_COMPILATION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE is unset or set to -1, i.e. if the LRU
      eviction policy isn't enabled. This should improve performance when using
      the cache with large-scale network storage.

JAX v0.5.0

17 Jan 18:27
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As of this release, JAX now uses effort-based versioning.
Since this release makes a breaking change to PRNG key semantics that
may require users to update their code, we are bumping the "meso" version of JAX
to signify this.

  • Breaking changes

    • Enable jax_threefry_partitionable by default (see
      the update note).

    • This release drops support for Mac x86 wheels. Mac ARM of course remains
      supported. For a recent discussion, see #22936.

      Two key factors motivated this decision:

      • The Mac x86 build (only) has a number of test failures and crashes. We
        would prefer to ship no release than a broken release.
      • Mac x86 hardware is end-of-life and cannot be easily obtained for
        developers at this point. So it is difficult for us to fix this kind of
        problem even if we wanted to.

      We are open to readding support for Mac x86 if the community is willing
      to help support that platform: in particular, we would need the JAX test
      suite to pass cleanly on Mac x86 before we could ship releases again.

  • Changes:

    • The minimum NumPy version is now 1.25. NumPy 1.25 will remain the minimum
      supported version until June 2025.
    • The minimum SciPy version is now 1.11. SciPy 1.11 will remain the minimum
      supported version until June 2025.
    • jax.numpy.einsum now defaults to optimize='auto' rather than
      optimize='optimal'. This avoids exponentially-scaling trace-time in
      the case of many arguments (#25214).
    • jax.numpy.linalg.solve no longer supports batched 1D arguments
      on the right hand side. To recover the previous behavior in these cases,
      use solve(a, b[..., None]).squeeze(-1).
  • New Features

    • jax.numpy.fft.fftn, jax.numpy.fft.rfftn,
      jax.numpy.fft.ifftn, and jax.numpy.fft.irfftn now support
      transforms in more than 3 dimensions, which was previously the limit. See
      #25606 for more details.
    • Support added for user defined state in the FFI via the new
      jax.ffi.register_ffi_type_id function.
    • The AOT lowering .as_text() method now supports the debug_info option
      to include debugging information, e.g., source location, in the output.
  • Deprecations

    • From jax.interpreters.xla, abstractify and pytype_aval_mappings
      are now deprecated, having been replaced by symbols of the same name
      in jax.core.
    • jax.scipy.special.lpmn and jax.scipy.special.lpmn_values
      are deprecated, following their deprecation in SciPy v1.15.0. There are
      no plans to replace these deprecated functions with new APIs.
    • The jax.extend.ffi submodule was moved to jax.ffi, and the
      previous import path is deprecated.
  • Deletions

    • jax_enable_memories flag has been deleted and the behavior of that flag
      is on by default.
    • From jax.lib.xla_client, the previously-deprecated Device and
      XlaRuntimeError symbols have been removed; instead use jax.Device
      and jax.errors.JaxRuntimeError respectively.
    • The jax.experimental.array_api module has been removed after being
      deprecated in JAX v0.4.32. Since that release, jax.numpy supports
      the array API directly.

JAX v0.4.38

17 Dec 23:00
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  • Changes:

    • jax.tree.flatten_with_path and jax.tree.map_with_path are added
      as shortcuts of the corresponding tree_util functions.
  • Deprecations

    • a number of APIs in the internal jax.core namespace have been deprecated.
      Most were no-ops, were little-used, or can be replaced by APIs of the same
      name in jax.extend.core; see the documentation for {mod}jax.extend
      for information on the compatibility guarantees of these semi-public extensions.
    • Several previously-deprecated APIs have been removed, including:
      • from jax.core: check_eqn, check_type, check_valid_jaxtype, and
      • from jax.lib.xla_bridge: xla_client and default_backend.
      • from jax.lib.xla_client: _xla and bfloat16.
      • from jax.numpy: round_.
  • New Features

    • jax.export.export can be used for device-polymorphic export with
      shardings constructed with {func}jax.sharding.AbstractMesh.
      See the jax.export documentation.
    • Added jax.lax.split. This is a primitive version of
      jax.numpy.split, added because it yields a more compact
      transpose during automatic differentiation.

JAX v0.4.37

10 Dec 01:17
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This is a patch release of jax 0.4.36. Only "jax" was released at this version.

  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed a bug where jit would error if an argument was named f (#25329).
    • Fix a bug that will throw index out of range error in
      jax.lax.while_loop if the user registers pytree node class with
      different aux data for the flatten and flatten_with_path.
    • Pinned a new libtpu release (0.0.6) that fixes a compiler bug on TPU v6e.

JAX v0.4.36

05 Dec 23:33
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  • Breaking Changes

    • This release lands "stackless", an internal change to JAX's tracing
      machinery. We made trace dispatch purely a function of context rather than a
      function of both context and data. This let us delete a lot of machinery for
      managing data-dependent tracing: levels, sublevels, post_process_call,
      new_base_main, custom_bind, and so on. The change should only affect
      users that use JAX internals.

      If you do use JAX internals then you may need to
      update your code (see
      for clues about how to do this). There might also be version skew
      issues with JAX libraries that do this. If you find this change breaks your
      non-JAX-internals-using code then try the
      config.jax_data_dependent_tracing_fallback flag as a workaround, and if
      you need help updating your code then please file a bug.

    • jax.experimental.jax2tf.convert with native_serialization=False
      or with enable_xla=False have been deprecated since July 2024, with
      JAX version 0.4.31. Now we removed support for these use cases. jax2tf
      with native serialization will still be supported.

    • In jax.interpreters.xla, the xb, xc, and xe symbols have been removed
      after being deprecated in JAX v0.4.31. Instead use xb = jax.lib.xla_bridge,
      xc = jax.lib.xla_client, and xe = jax.lib.xla_extension.

    • The deprecated module jax.experimental.export has been removed. It was replaced
      by jax.export in JAX v0.4.30. See the migration guide
      for information on migrating to the new API.

    • The initial argument to jax.nn.softmax and jax.nn.log_softmax
      has been removed, after being deprecated in v0.4.27.

    • Calling np.asarray on typed PRNG keys (i.e. keys produced by jax.random.key)
      now raises an error. Previously, this returned a scalar object array.

    • The following deprecated methods and functions in jax.export have
      been removed:

      • jax.export.DisabledSafetyCheck.shape_assertions: it had no effect
      • jax.export.Exported.lowering_platforms: use platforms.
      • jax.export.Exported.mlir_module_serialization_version:
        use calling_convention_version.
      • jax.export.Exported.uses_shape_polymorphism:
        use uses_global_constants.
      • the lowering_platforms kwarg for jax.export.export: use
        platforms instead.
    • The kwargs symbolic_scope and symbolic_constraints from
      jax.export.symbolic_args_specs have been removed. They were
      deprecated in June 2024. Use scope and constraints instead.

    • Hashing of tracers, which has been deprecated since version 0.4.30, now
      results in a TypeError.

    • Refactor: JAX build CLI (build/ now uses a subcommand structure and
      replaces previous usage. Run python build/ --help for
      more details. Brief overview of the new subcommand options:

      • build: Builds JAX wheel packages. For e.g., python build/ build --wheels=jaxlib,jax-cuda-pjrt
      • requirements_update: Updates requirements_lock.txt files.
    • jax.scipy.linalg.toeplitz now does implicit batching on multi-dimensional
      inputs. To recover the previous behavior, you can call jax.numpy.ravel
      on the function inputs.

    • jax.scipy.special.gamma and jax.scipy.special.gammasgn now
      return NaN for negative integer inputs, to match the behavior of SciPy from

    • jax.clear_backends was removed after being deprecated in v0.4.26.

    • We removed the custom call "__gpu$xla.gpu.triton" from the list of custom
      call that we guarantee export stability. This is because this custom call
      relies on Triton IR, which is not guaranteed to be stable. If you need
      to export code that uses this custom call, you can use the disabled_checks
      parameter. See more details in the documentation.

  • New Features

    • jax.jit got a new compiler_options: dict[str, Any] argument, for
      passing compilation options to XLA. For the moment it's undocumented and
      may be in flux.
    • jax.tree_util.register_dataclass now allows metadata fields to be
      declared inline via dataclasses.field. See the function documentation
      for examples.
    • Added jax.numpy.put_along_axis.
    • jax.lax.linalg.eig and the related jax.numpy functions
      (jax.numpy.linalg.eig and jax.numpy.linalg.eigvals) are now
      supported on GPU. See #24663 for more details.
    • Added two new configuration flags, jax_exec_time_optimization_effort and jax_memory_fitting_effort, to control the amount of effort the compiler spends minimizing execution time and memory usage, respectively. Valid values are between -1.0 and 1.0, default is 0.0.
  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug where the GPU implementations of LU and QR decomposition would
      result in an indexing overflow for batch sizes close to int32 max. See
      #24843 for more details.
  • Deprecations

    • jax.lib.xla_extension.ArrayImpl and jax.lib.xla_client.ArrayImpl are deprecated;
      use jax.Array instead.
    • jax.lib.xla_extension.XlaRuntimeError is deprecated; use jax.errors.JaxRuntimeError

JAX v0.4.35

22 Oct 21:01
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  • Breaking Changes

    • jax.numpy.isscalar now returns True for any array-like object with
      zero dimensions. Previously it only returned True for zero-dimensional
      array-like objects with a weak dtype.
    • jax.experimental.host_callback has been deprecated since March 2024, with
      JAX version 0.4.26. Now we removed it.
      See #20385 for a discussion of alternatives.
  • Changes:

    • jax.lax.FftType was introduced as a public name for the enum of FFT
      operations. The semi-public API jax.lib.xla_client.FftType has been
    • TPU: JAX now installs TPU support from the libtpu package rather than
      libtpu-nightly. For the next few releases JAX will pin an empty version of
      libtpu-nightly as well as libtpu to ease the transition; that dependency
      will be removed in Q1 2025.
  • Deprecations:

    • The semi-public API jax.lib.xla_client.PaddingType has been deprecated.
      No JAX APIs consume this type, so there is no replacement.
    • The default behavior of jax.pure_callback and
      jax.extend.ffi.ffi_call under vmap has been deprecated and so has
      the vectorized parameter to those functions. The vmap_method parameter
      should be used instead for better defined behavior. See the discussion in
      #23881 for more details.
    • The semi-public API jax.lib.xla_client.register_custom_call_target has
      been deprecated. Use the JAX FFI instead.
    • The semi-public APIs jax.lib.xla_client.dtype_to_etype,
      jax.lib.xla_client.shape_from_pyval, jax.lib.xla_client.PrimitiveType,
      jax.lib.xla_client.Shape, jax.lib.xla_client.XlaBuilder, and
      jax.lib.xla_client.XlaComputation have been deprecated. Use StableHLO

JAX v0.4.34

04 Oct 14:51
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  • New Functionality

    • This release includes wheels for Python 3.13. Free-threading mode is not yet
    • jax.errors.JaxRuntimeError has been added as a public alias for the
      formerly private XlaRuntimeError type.
  • Breaking changes

    • jax_pmap_no_rank_reduction flag is set to True by default.
      • array[0] on a pmap result now introduces a reshape (use array[0:1]
      • The per-shard shape (accessable via jax_array.addressable_shards or
        jax_array.addressable_data(0)) now has a leading (1, ...). Update code
        that directly accesses shards accordingly. The rank of the per-shard-shape
        now matches that of the global shape which is the same behavior as jit.
        This avoids costly reshapes when passing results from pmap into jit.
    • jax.experimental.host_callback has been deprecated since March 2024, with
      JAX version 0.4.26. Now we set the default value of the
      --jax_host_callback_legacy configuration value to True, which means that
      if your code uses jax.experimental.host_callback APIs, those API calls
      will be implemented in terms of the new jax.experimental.io_callback API.
      If this breaks your code, for a very limited time, you can set the
      --jax_host_callback_legacy to True. Soon we will remove that
      configuration option, so you should instead transition to using the
      new JAX callback APIs. See #20385 for a discussion.
  • Deprecations

    • In jax.numpy.trim_zeros, non-arraylike arguments or arraylike
      arguments with ndim != 1 are now deprecated, and in the future will result
      in an error.
    • Internal pretty-printing tools jax.core.pp_* have been removed, after
      being deprecated in JAX v0.4.30.
    • jax.lib.xla_client.Device is deprecated; use jax.Device instead.
    • jax.lib.xla_client.XlaRuntimeError has been deprecated. Use
      jax.errors.JaxRuntimeError instead.
  • Deletion:

    • jax.xla_computation is deleted. It has been 3 months since its deprecation
      in 0.4.30 JAX release.
      Please use the AOT APIs to get the same functionality as jax.xla_computation.
      • jax.xla_computation(fn)(*args, **kwargs) can be replaced with
        jax.jit(fn).lower(*args, **kwargs).compiler_ir('hlo').
      • You can also use .out_info property of jax.stages.Lowered to get the
        output information (like tree structure, shape and dtype).
      • For cross-backend lowering, you can replace
        jax.xla_computation(fn, backend='tpu')(*args, **kwargs) with
        jax.jit(fn).trace(*args, **kwargs).lower(lowering_platforms=('tpu',)).compiler_ir('hlo').
    • jax.ShapeDtypeStruct no longer accepts the named_shape argument.
      The argument was only used by xmap which was removed in 0.4.31.
    •, None, non-None), which previously emitted a
      DeprecationWarning, now raises an error. None
      is only a tree-prefix of itself. To preserve the current behavior, you can
      ask to treat None as a leaf value by writing: x, y: None if x is None else f(x, y), a, b, is_leaf=lambda x: x is None).
    • jax.sharding.XLACompatibleSharding has been removed. Please use
  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed a bug where jax.numpy.cumsum would produce incorrect outputs
      if a non-boolean input was provided and dtype=bool was specified.
    • Edit implementation of jax.numpy.ldexp to get correct gradient.

JAX release v0.4.33

16 Sep 18:42
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This is a patch release on top of jax 0.4.32, that fixes two bugs found in that

A TPU-only data corruption bug was found in the version of libtpu pinned by
JAX 0.4.32, which manifested only if multiple TPU slices were present in the
same job, for example, if training on multiple v5e slices.

This release fixes that issue by pinning a fixed version of libtpu-nightly.

This release also fixes an inaccurate result for F64 tanh on CPU (#23590).

Jaxlib release v0.4.32

11 Sep 20:03
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WARNING: This release has been yanked from PyPI because of a data corruption bug on TPU if there are multiple TPU slices in the job

JAX release v0.4.32

11 Sep 20:05
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WARNING: This release has been yanked from PyPI because of a data corruption bug on TPU if there are multiple TPU slices in the job