- Requirements Hardware
- Software that will be installed
- Installation
- Configuration
- Appendix A - How to release attributes to specific SP only
- Appendix B - How to manage sessions with Memcache
- Appendix C - How to collect useful-statistics
- Authors
- CPU: 2 Core
- RAM: 4 GB
- HDD: 20 GB
- ca-certificates
- ntp
- vim
- apache2 (>= 2.4)
- php php-curl php-dom php-mbstring php-dev libmcrypt-dev php-pear build-essential
- memcached php-memcached
- openssl
- cron
- curl
The software installation provided by this guide is intended to run by ROOT user so...
sudo su -
Change the default mirror with the GARR ones:
sed -i 's/deb.debian.org/debian.mirror.garr.it/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
apt update && apt upgrade
Install the required packages:
apt install ca-certificates vim openssl
Modify your
vim /etc/hosts ssp-idp.example.org ssp-idp
with your SP Full Qualified Domain Name) -
Be sure that your firewall doesn't block traffic on port 443 (or you can't access to your IdP)
Import SSL credentials:
- Import SSL Certificate into: "
" - Import SSL Key into: "
" - Import SSL CA: "
" - Run the command: "
- Import SSL Certificate into: "
Become ROOT:
sudo su
Prepare the environment:
apt install apache2 ntp php php-curl php-dom php-mbstring php-dev libmcrypt-dev php-pear curl cron build-essential --no-install-recommends --no-install-recommends
pecl channel-update pecl.php.net
pecl install channel://pecl.php.net/mcrypt-1.0.2
php -m | grep mcrypt
(must return "mcrypt
Install SimpleSAMLphp:
cd /var/
wget https://github.com/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp/releases/download/v1.18.7/simplesamlphp-1.18.7.tar.gz
tar xzf simplesamlphp-1.18.7.tar.gz
mv simplesamlphp-1.18.7 simplesamlphp
Create a new directory for IdP:
mkdir /var/www/html/ssp-idp.example.org
sudo chown -R www-data: /var/www/html/ssp-idp.example.org
Create a new Virtualhost file as follows:
vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssp-idp.example.org-ssl.conf
# Configure Apache2 to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName "ssp-idp.example.org" Redirect permanent "/" "https://ssp-idp.example.org/" </VirtualHost> <IfModule mod_ssl.c> SSLStaplingCache shmcb:/var/run/ocsp(128000) <VirtualHost _default_:443> ServerName ssp-idp.example.org ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot /var/www/html/ssp-idp.example.org #LogLevel info ssl:warn ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined SSLEngine On SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1 SSLCipherSuite "EECDH+AESGCM:EDH+AESGCM:AES256+EECDH:AES256+EDH" SSLHonorCipherOrder on # Disable SSL Compression SSLCompression Off # OCSP Stapling, only in httpd/apache >= 2.3.3 SSLUseStapling on SSLStaplingResponderTimeout 5 SSLStaplingReturnResponderErrors off # Enable HTTP Strict Transport Security with a 2 year duration Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000;includeSubDomains;preload" SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ssp-idp.example.org.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/ssp-idp.example.org.key SSLCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt # Enable and Redirect to SimpleSamlPhp - Apache 2.4 configuration SetEnv SIMPLESAMLPHP_CONFIG_DIR /var/simplesamlphp/config Alias /simplesaml /var/simplesamlphp/www RedirectMatch ^/$ /simplesaml <Directory /var/simplesamlphp/www> <IfModule mod_authz_core.c> Require all granted </IfModule> </Directory> </VirtualHost> </IfModule>
Enable the following Apache2 modules:
a2enmod ssl
- To support SSL protocola2enmod headers
- To control of HTTP request and response headers.a2enmod alias
- To manipulation and control of URLs as requests arrive at the server.a2enmod include
- To process files before they are sent to the client.a2enmod negotiation
- Essential Apache modulea2ensite ssp-idp.example.org-ssl.conf
a2dissite 000-default.conf
systemctl restart apache2.service
Verify the strength of your IdP's machine on:
OPTIONAL STEPS: If you want to host your IdP's Information/Privacy pages on the IdP itself, follow the next steps:
Create all needed files with:
vim /var/www/html/ssp-idp.example.org/info_page.html
<html> <head><title>Information Page</title></head> <body> <h1>Put here IdP Information page content</h1> </body> </html>
vim /var/www/html/ssp-idp.example.org/privacy_page.html
<html> <head><title>Privacy Page</title></head> <body> <h1>Put here IdP Privacy page content</h1> </body> </html>
touch /var/www/html/ssp-idp.example.org/logo.png
(80x60 px or bigger with the same aspect-ratio) -
touch /var/www/html/ssp-idp.example.org/favicon.png
(16x16 px or bigger with the same aspect-ratio)
Replace them with the correct content.
Assign the ownership of the SimpleSAMLphp logs to Apache user:
chown www-data /var/simplesamlphp/log
Generate some useful opaque strings:
User Admin Password (
):php /var/simplesamlphp/bin/pwgen.php
Secret Salt (
):tr -c -d '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' </dev/urandom | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null ; echo
Change SimpleSAMLphp configuration:
vim /var/simplesamlphp/config/config.php
'baseurlpath' => 'simplesaml/', /* ...other things... */ 'technicalcontact_name' => 'Technical Contact', 'technicalcontact_email' => '[email protected]', /* ...other things... */ 'secretsalt' => '#_YOUR_SECRET_SALT_HERE_#', /* ...other things... */ 'auth.adminpassword' => '#_YOUR_USER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_#', /* ...other things... */ 'admin.protectindexpage' => true, /* ...other things... */ 'logging.level' => 'SimpleSAML\Logger::NOTICE', 'logging.handler' => 'syslog', /* ...other things... */ 'enable.saml20-idp' => true, /* ...other things... */ 'store.type' => 'phpsession',
vim /etc/rsyslog.d/22-ssp-log.conf
# SimpleSAMLphp logging local5.* /var/log/simplesamlphp.log # Notice level is reserved for statistics only... local5.=notice /var/log/simplesamlphp.stat
sydo systemctl restart rsyslog.service
Check Login on the SSP appliance and retrieve the IdP "Entity ID" from "Fedearation" tab:
Configure a SMTP server to send mail only (Example):
apt install mailutils postfix --no-install-recommends
(Internet Site => Insert your IdP FQDN) -
vim /etc/postfix/main.cf
/* ...other things... */ inet_interfaces = localhost /* ...other things... */
systemctl restart postfix.service
module and set PHPmemory_limit
to '1024M' or more to allow the download of huge metadata files (like eduGAIN):-
vim /etc/php/7.3/mods-available/ssp.ini
; configuration for SSP ; priority=20 extension=mcrypt.so memory_limit = 1024M
sudo phpenmod ssp
systemctl restart apache2.service
vim /var/simplesamlphp/metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php
$metadata['__DYNAMIC:1__'] = [ 'host' => '__DEFAULT__', 'privatekey' => 'ssp-idp.key', 'certificate' => 'ssp-idp.crt', 'scope' => ['<INSERT-HERE-IDP-SCOPE>'], // Usually the scope is the domain name 'UIInfo' => [ 'DisplayName' => [ 'en' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ENGLISH-IDP-DISPLAY-NAME>', 'it' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ITALIAN-IDP-DISPLAY-NAME>', ], 'Description' => [ 'en' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ENGLISH-IDP-DESCRIPTION>', 'it' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ITALIAN-IDP-DESCRIPTION>', ], 'InformationURL' => [ 'en' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ENGLISH-INFORMATION-PAGE-URL>', 'it' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ITALIAN-INFORMATION-PAGE-URL>', ], 'PrivacyStatementURL' => [ 'en' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ENGLISH-PRIVACY-POLICY-PAGE-URL>', 'it' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ITALIAN-PRIVACY-POLICY-PAGE-URL>', ], 'Logo' => [ [ 'url' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-80X60-LOGO-URL>', 'height' => 60, 'width' => 80, ], [ 'url' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-16X16-LOGO-URL>', 'height' => 16, 'width' => 16, ], ], ], 'OrganizationName' => [ 'en' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ENGLISH-ORGANIZATION-NAME>', 'it' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ITALIAN-ORGANIZATION-NAME>', ], 'OrganizationDisplayName' => [ 'en' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ENGLISH-ORGANIZATION-DISPLAY-NAME>', 'it' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ITALIAN-ORGANIZATION-DISPLAY-NAME>', ], 'OrganizationURL' => [ 'en' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ENGLISH-ORGANIZATION-PAGE-URL>', 'it' => '<INSERT-HERE-THE-ENGLISH-ORGANIZATION-PAGE-URL>', ], /*Uncomment the following to use the uri NameFormat on attributes.*/ 'attributes.NameFormat' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri', /* eduPersonTargetedID with oid NameFormat is a raw XML value */ 'attributeencodings' => ['urn:oid:' => 'raw'], 'NameIDFormat' => [ 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent' ], 'authproc' => [ // Add schacHomeOrganization for domain of entity 10 => [ 'class' => 'core:AttributeAdd', 'schacHomeOrganization' => '<INSERT-HERE-YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME>', 'schacHomeOrganizationType' => 'urn:schac:homeOrganizationType:eu:higherEducationalInstitution', ], // Add eduPersonPrincipalName 11 => [ 'class' => 'core:ScopeAttribute', 'scopeAttribute' => 'schacHomeOrganization', 'sourceAttribute' => 'uid', 'targetAttribute' => 'eduPersonPrincipalName', ], // Add eduPersonScopedAffiliation 12 => [ 'class' => 'core:ScopeAttribute', 'scopeAttribute' => 'eduPersonPrincipalName', 'sourceAttribute' => 'eduPersonAffiliation', 'targetAttribute' => 'eduPersonScopedAffiliation', ], // Adopts language from attribute to use in UI 30 => 'core:LanguageAdaptor', // Consent module is enabled(with no permanent storage, using cookies) 97 => [ 'class' => 'consent:Consent', 'store' => 'consent:Cookie', 'focus' => 'yes', 'checked' => FALSE ], // Enable this authproc filter to automatically generated eduPersonTargetedID 98 => [ 'class' => 'core:TargetedID', 'attributename' => 'uid', 'nameId' => TRUE, ], // If language is set in Consent module it will be added as an attribute 99 => 'core:LanguageAdaptor', 100 => ['class' => 'core:AttributeMap', 'name2oid'], ], ];
Generate SAML Credentials needed to sign/encrypt assertion sent by the IdP:
vim /var/simplesamlphp/cert/ssp-idp-credentials.cnf
:[req] default_bits=4096 default_md=sha256 encrypt_key=no distinguished_name=dn # PrintableStrings only string_mask=MASK:0002 prompt=no x509_extensions=ext # customize the "default_keyfile,", "CN" and "subjectAltName" lines below default_keyfile=ssp-idp.key [dn] CN=ssp-idp.example.org [ext] subjectAltName = DNS:ssp-idp.example.org, \ URI:https://ssp-idp.example.org/idp/simplesaml subjectKeyIdentifier=hash
Generate Metadata Credentials:
cd /var/simplesamlphp/cert
openssl req -new -x509 -config ssp-idp-credentials.cnf -text -out ssp-idp.crt -days 3650
chown -R www-data: /var/simplesamlphp/cert
chmod 400 /var/simplesamlphp/cert/ssp-idp.key
Configure ldap:LDAP authentication source:
Enable LDAP PHP module:
apt install php-ldap
systemctl restart apache2.service
Enable LDAP Authentication Source:
vim /var/simplesamlphp/config/authsources.php
<?php $config = [ // This is a authentication source which handles admin authentication. 'admin' => [ 'core:AdminPassword', ], // LDAP authentication source. 'ldap' => [ 'ldap:LDAP', 'hostname' => 'ldap.example.org', 'enable_tls' => true, 'debug' => false, 'timeout' => 0, 'port' => 389, 'referrals' => true, 'attributes' => null, 'dnpattern' => 'uid=%username%,ou=people,dc=example,dc=org', 'search.base' => 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=org', 'search.attributes' => ['uid'], 'search.username' => '<LDAP_USER_DN_USED_FOR_QUERIES>', 'search.password' => '<LDAP_USER_PASSWORD>', ], ];
Connect LDAP to the IdP:
vim /var/simplesamlphp/metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php
/* ...other things before end of file...*/ 'auth' => 'ldap', ];
Try the LDAP Authentication Source on: https:///simplesaml/module.php/core/authenticate.php
Configure automatic download of Federation Metadata:
Load CRON module:
cd /var/simplesamlphp
cp modules/cron/config-templates/module_cron.php config/
Load METAREFRESH module:
cd /var/simplesamlphp
cp modules/metarefresh/config-templates/config-metarefresh.php config/
Enable CRON & METAREFRESH modules:
vim /var/simplesamlphp/config/config.php
/* ...other things... */ 'module.enable' => [ 'cron' => true, 'metarefresh' => true, 'consent' => true, ], /* ...other things... */
Test it:
cd /var/simplesamlphp/modules/metarefresh/bin
./metarefresh.php -s http://md.idem.garr.it/metadata/idem-test-metadata-sha256.xml > metarefresh-test.txt
Generate the CRON
:tr -c -d '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' </dev/urandom | dd bs=32 count=1 2>/dev/null ; echo
Change the CRON configuration file:
vim /var/simplesamlphp/config/module_cron.php
<?php /* * Configuration for the Cron module. */ $config = [ 'key' => '<SECRET>', 'allowed_tags' => ['hourly'], 'debug_message' => TRUE, 'sendemail' => TRUE, ]; ?>
Insert the following Cron job to the crontab file (
crontab -e
):# Run cron: [hourly] 01 * * * * root curl --silent "https://idp.example.org/simplesaml/module.php/cron/cron.php?key=<SECRET>&tag=hourly" > /dev/null 2>&1
vim /var/simplesamlphp/config/config-metarefresh.php
<?php $config = [ /* * Global blacklist: entityIDs that should be excluded from ALL sets. */ #'blacklist' = array( # 'http://my.own.uni/idp' #), /* * Conditional GET requests * Efficient downloading so polling can be done more frequently. * Works for sources that send 'Last-Modified' or 'Etag' headers. * Note that the 'data' directory needs to be writable for this to work. */ #'conditionalGET' => TRUE, 'sets' => [ 'idem' => [ 'cron' => ['hourly'], 'sources' => [ [ 'src' => 'http://md.idem.garr.it/metadata/idem-test-metadata-sha256.xml', 'certificates' => [ '/var/simplesamlphp/cert/federation-cert.pem', ], 'template' => [ 'tags' => ['idem'], 'authproc' => [ 51 => ['class' => 'core:AttributeMap', 'oid2name'], ], ], /* * The sets of entities to load, any combination of: * - 'saml20-idp-remote' * - 'saml20-sp-remote' * - 'shib13-idp-remote' * - 'shib13-sp-remote' * - 'attributeauthority-remote' * * All of them will be used by default. */ 'types' => ['saml20-sp-remote'], // Load only SAML v2.0 SP from metadata ], ], 'expireAfter' => 864000, // Maximum 10 days cache time (3600*24*10) 'outputDir' => 'metadata/', /* * Which output format the metadata should be saved as. * Can be 'flatfile' or 'serialize'. 'flatfile' is the default. */ 'outputFormat' => 'flatfile', ], ], ];
Change SimpleSAMLphp configuration to load the new metadata provider:
vim /var/simplesamlphp/config/config.php
'metadata.sources' => [ ['type' => 'flatfile'], ],
Remove not needed files from:
cd /var/simplesamlphp/metadata ; rm !(saml20-idp-hosted.php)
Download the Federation signing certificate:
wget https://md.idem.garr.it/certs/idem-signer-20220121.pem -O /var/simplesamlphp/cert/federation-cert.pem
Check the validity of the signing certificate:
cd /var/simplesamlphp/cert
openssl x509 -in federation-cert.pem -fingerprint -sha1 -noout
(sha1: D1:68:6C:32:A4:E3:D4:FE:47:17:58:E7:15:FC:77:A8:44:D8:40:4D)
openssl x509 -in federation-cert.pem -fingerprint -md5 -noout
(md5: 48:3B:EE:27:0C:88:5D:A3:E7:0B:7C:74:9D:24:24:E0)
Go to 'https://ssp-idp.example.org/simplesaml/module.php/core/frontpage_federation.php' and forcing download of the Federation metadata by pressing on
Metarefresh: fetch metadata
or wait 1 day
Add translations of the new
vim /var/simplesamlphp/dictionaries/attributes.definition.json
/* ...other things... */ "attribute_schachomeorganization":{ "en": "Home organization domain name" }, "attribute_schachomeorganizationtype":{ "en": "Home organization type" }, /* ...other things... */
(Pay attention also to "commas"!)
vim /var/simplesamlphp/dictionaries/attributes.translation.json
/* ...other things before the end of file... */ "attribute_schachomeorganizationtype":{ "it": "Tipo di Organizzazione" } }
(Pay attention also to "commas"!)
Enable UTF-8 on IdP metadata (to avoid encoding problems with accents):
vim /var/simplesamlphp/vendor/simplesamlphp/saml2/src/SAML2/DOMDocumentFactory.php
/* ...other things... */ public static function create() { return new \DOMDocument('1.0','utf-8'); } }
Now you are able to reach your Shibboleth IDP Metadata on:
to you IDP full qualified domain name) -
Register you IDP on IDEM Entity Registry (your entity has to be approved by an IDEM Federation Operator before become part of IDEM Test Federation):
- Go to
and follow "Insert a New Identity Provider into the IDEM Test Federation"
- Go to
Download and extract
wget https://github.com/RikV/simplesaml-attributepolicy/archive/1.1.tar.gz -O /usr/local/src/ssp-attributepolicy.tar.gz
cd /usr/local/src
tar xzf ssp-attributepolicy.tar.gz
rm -R ssp-attributepolicy.tar.gz
Load module in SimpleSAMLphp:
ln -s /usr/local/src/simplesaml-attributepolicy-1.1/attributepolicy/ /var/simplesamlphp/modules/
Activate module:
vim /var/simplesamlphp/config/config.php
/* ...other things... */ 'module.enable' => [ 'cron' => true, 'metarefresh' => true, 'consent' => true, 'attributepolicy' => true, ], /* ...other things... */
Create the Attribute Release Policy for IDEM Test Federation:
- Copy the content of module_attributepolicy_test.php and paste it into
(the default template is into
- Copy the content of module_attributepolicy_test.php and paste it into
Install needed packages:
sudo apt install memcached php-memcached
Enable PHP memcached module:
sudo phpenmod memcached
Restart Apache:
sudo systemctl restart apache2.service
Enable memcache on simplesamlphp:
vim /var/simplesamlphp/config/config.php
/* ...other things... */ 'store.type' => 'memcache', /* ...other things... */
Follow https://simplesamlphp.org/docs/stable/statistics:statistics
- Marco Malavolti ([email protected])