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Scripts and notebooks in this package should be run with python 3 (they have been tested with python 3.7). The main dependencies are:

  • scipy
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • uproot (version 4)
  • scikit-learn
  • xgboost

e/g cluster energy correction and resolution study


The preprocessing script scripts/ takes as input HGCAL TPG ntuples and produces pandas dataframes in HDF files. It is selecting gen particles reaching the HGCAL and matching them with reconstructed clusters.

As it can take some time to run on all events, this script is associated with a batch launcher script scripts/, which launches jobs to run on multiple input files. This launcher script is meant to run on the LLR batch, but could easily be adapted to any other batch system.

An example of configuration file for is provided in scripts/ The command is: --cfg batch_matching_autoencoder_sigdriven_210430_cfg

(Note that the config file is given without the .py extension)

Energy correction and resolution notebook

The dataframes produced at the preprocessing step are used in the notebook notebooks/electron_photon_calibration_autoencoder_210430.ipynb. This notebook is performing the following:

  • Derive layer weight correction factors with 0PU unconverted photons
  • Derive $\eta$ dependent linear energy correction (this is an additive correction) with 200PU electrons
  • Produce energy scale and resolution plots, in particular differentially vs $|\eta|$ and $p_T$

Electron vs PU discrimination


Electron preprocessed files produced in the previous step are used here as well. Only PU events need to be preprocessed now. This is very similar to the electron and photon preprocessing, except that no matching is performed, and energy corrections previously derived are applied to PU clusters.

The PU preprocessing script is scripts/ and the associated batch launcher is scripts/ An example of config file is provided in scripts/ The command is: --cfg batch_nomatching_pu_for_id_autoencoder_sigdriven_210430_cfg

(Note that the config file is given without the .py extension)

BDT hyperparameters tuning notebook

It is important to note that trigger rates, which is the ultimate metric, require a lot of statistics. Given the size of the available neutrino gun or MinBias samples, the full statistics of these samples need to be used to produce final rate plots. Which means that a lot of attention should be put on the control of the overtraining of our BDTs, since they will be applied on events used to train them.

The notebook notebooks/electron_pu_bdt_tuning_autoencoder_210430.ipynb is meant to find the set of hyperparameters to be used later, with focus on the limitation of overtraining rather than optimal performance. This hyperparameter tuning is currently done by hand, and some automatization could be implemented. XGBOOST is used to train the BDTs. This notebook is doing the following:

  • Scan of L1 and L2 regularization parameters.
  • Scan of the learning rate.
  • Scan of the tree depth.
  • Checking the behaviour as a function of the number of boosting steps.
  • Checking overtraining with a final set of hyperparameters

BDT final training notebook

The final BDT ID training performed on the full sample is done in the notebook notebooks/electron_pu_autoencoder_210430.ipynb. Signal efficiencies as a function of $\eta$ and $p_T$ are computed, for a 99% inclusive signal efficiency working point.

Turnons and L1 $\to$ offline threshold mapping

The energy corrections and BDT ID are then used to compute the efficiency turnons in the notebook notebooks/electron_turnon_autoencoder_210430.ipynb.

The turnon curves are finally used to extract the L1 $\to$ offline threshold mappings, which will be used to compare L1 rates as a function of the so-called offline threshold. In our case this offline threshold is defined as the gen-level $p_T$ at which the turnon reaches 95% efficiency.



The PU preprocessing is rerun with different settings, adding a cluster selection based on the ID BDT, and storing only the maximum $p_T$ cluster passing the ID selection.

The config file is scripts/, and the command is, as before: --cfg batch_nomatching_pu_discri_autoencoder_sigdriven_210430_cfg

(Note that the config file is given without the .py extension)

Rates notebook

Rate extraction and plotting are implemented in the notebook notebooks/egamma_rates_autoencoder_210430.ipynb . Rates as a function of the offline threshold are the final plots used to compare the different algorithms.


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