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This document describes how to query and manipulate CAPEC data in this repository. Machine-readable CAPEC data is available in a JSON-based STIX 2.0 format.

STIX 2.0 is just JSON and so should be very accessible from Python and other programming languages. If you are using Python, the python-stix2 library can help you work with the content as shown in the examples below.

Mapping Concepts

First, we must describe how CAPEC objects and properties map to STIX 2.0 objects and properties.


In CAPEC, the main object is the Attack Pattern. Most Attack Pattern also have Mitigations. There are other types of objects in CAPEC (e.g, Category, View, etc.), but these are not (currently) part of the repository.

The STIX types are found as literal strings assigned to the type property of the STIX JSON object. The STIX 2.0 object called "Attack Pattern" corresponds to a CAPEC attack pattern. In STIX 2.0, there are objects called "Course(s) of Action" which can be used to describe CAPEC Mitigations.


The following is a table mapping of CAPEC properties to STIX properties. Some of these properties are standard STIX properties, while others were custom-created for compatibility with CAPEC. These properties are accessed from STIX objects as JSON properties.

Attack Pattern

CAPEC 3.0 Property CAPEC 2.7.1 Property STIX Properties STIX type
Name Name name string
Description Description/Summary description string
Abstraction Pattern_Abstraction x_capec_abstraction enumeration(Meta, Standard, Detailed)
Alternate_Terms Alternate_Terms x_capec_alternate_terms list(string)
Consequences Attack_Motivation-Consequences x_capec_consequences dictionary(enumeration(High, Medium, Low), string)
Example_Instances Examples-Instances x_capec_example_instances list(string)
Likelihood_Of_Attack Typical_Likelihood_of_Exploit/Likelihood x_capec_likelihood_of_attack enumeration(High, Medium, Low)
Notes Other_Notes x_capec_notes list(string)
Prerequisites Attack_Prerequisites x_capec_prerequisites list(string)
Skills_Required Attacker_Skills_or_Knowledge_Required x_capec_skills_required dictionary(string, enumeration(High, Medium, Low))
Typical_Severity Typical_Severity x_capec_typical_severity enumeration(High, Medium, Low)
ID ID external_references[i].external_id where external_references[i].source_name == "capec" integer
Related_Weaknesses Related_Weaknesses external_references[i].external_id where external_references[i].source_name == "cwe" integer
Mitigation Solutions_and_Mitigations relationship_type == "mitigates" relationship

CAPEC 3.0 properties not mapped (at this time): Execution_Flow, Indicators, Taxonomy_Mappings, References, Content_History

CAPEC 3.0 properties not appropriate to map: Status

Using Python and STIX 2.0

In this section, we will describe how to query and manipulate CAPEC data that has been stored in a STIX 2.0 repository. A Python library has been created for using and creating STIX 2.0 data by the OASIS Technical Committee for Cyber Threat Intelligence, which develops the STIX standard. This library abstracts storage and transport details so that the same code can be used to interact with data locally on the filesystem or in memory, or remotely via TAXII. The source code, installation instructions, and basic documentation for the library can be found here. There is a more thorough API documentation as well.

Python Library

To begin querying STIX 2.0 data, you must first have a DataSource. For these examples, we will simply use a FileSystemStore. The CAPEC corpus must first be cloned or downloaded from github.

Get all Attack Patterns

Once the stix2 Python library is installed and the corpus is acquired, we need to open the DataStore for querying:

from stix2 import FileSystemStore
fs = FileSystemStore('./CAPEC', allow_custom=True)

When creating the DataSource, the keyword agrument allow_custom must be set to True. This is because the CAPEC data uses several custom properties which are not part of the STIX 2.0 specification (x_capec_prerequisites, x_capec_example_instances, etc).

To perform a query, we must define a Filter. As of this writing, a filter must, at a minimum, specify object id's or an object type. The following filter can be used to retrieve all CAPEC attack patterns:

from stix2 import Filter
filt = Filter('type', '=', 'attack-pattern')

Once this filter is defined, you can pass it to the DataSource query function in order to actually query the data:

attack_patterns = fs.query([filt])

Notice that the query function takes a list of filters. These filters are logically AND'd together during the query. As of this writing, allow_custom must be set to True in order to query CAPEC data. This is because the CAPEC data uses several custom properties which are not part of the STIX 2.0 specification (x_capec_prerequisites, x_capec_example_instances, etc).

For the remaining examples, these imports and the FileSystemStore initialization will be omitted.

Get any object by CAPEC ID

In this example, the STIX 2.0 type must be passed into the function. Here we query for the attack pattern with ID 66 (SQL Injection).

def get_attack_pattern_by_capec_id(src, capec_id):
    filt = [
        Filter('type', '=', 'attack_pattern'),
        Filter('external_references.external_id', '=', 'CAPEC-" + capec_id)
        Filter('external_references.source_name', '=' 'capec")
    return src.query(filt)

get_attack_pattern_by_capec_id(fs, '66')

Get all Mitigations for specific Attack Pattern

The mitigations for a technique are stored in objects separate from the technique. These objects are found through a mitigates relationship.

def get_mitigations_by_attack_pattern(src, ap_stix_id):
    relations = src.relationships(ap_stix_id, 'mitigates', target_only=True)
    return src.query([
        Filter('type', '=', 'course-of-action'),
        Filter('id', 'in', [r.source_ref for r in relations])])

ap = get_attack_pattern_by_capec_id(fs, '66')[0]