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jbush001 edited this page Mar 22, 2013 · 31 revisions


This processor is designed for small size, high clock speed, and simplicity. There are 8 general purpose registers, each of which can contain a 16 bit value. There are also 4 condition code flags (zero, negative, carry, and overflow), which are set by arithmetic operations and can be used for conditional branches.

The pipeline does perform bypassing of intermediate arithmetic results, but it does not have any form of interlocking. As such, it has two "branch delay slots," which is a fancy way of saying it will execute the next two instructions after a branch because the instructions are already in the pipeline. NOPs can be inserted to avoid side effects, or the code can be structured to take advantage of this. Likewise, loads have 2 cycles of latency. If you attempt to access a load destination register within two instructions, it will not contain the correct value.

Instruction Formats

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
arithmetic 0 0 0 operation opb opa dest
load 0 0 1 offset ptr dest
store 0 1 0 offset h src ptr offset l
addi 0 1 1 immediate opa dest
lui 1 0 0 immediate dest
cond branch 1 0 1 inv cond offset
uncond branch 1 1 0 link offset
jump to reg 1 1 1 link unused target unused

Instruction Types


These operations generally take two register inputs and a destination register. They will in most cases set the condition code flags as the result of the operation. For example:

add r1, r2, r3

Arithmetic Operation field

Mnemonic Code Description Flags Affected
and 0000 Bitwise logical and ZN
or 0001 Bitwise logical or ZN
shl 0010 Shift left one place. Zero will be loaded into low bit. ZNC
shr 0011 Shift right once place. Zero will be loaded into high bit. ZNC
add 0100 Add ZNCO
sub 0101 Subtract ZNCO
xor 0110 Bitwise exclusive or ZN
not 0111 Logical negate ZN
rol 1010 Rotate left. Carry flag will be loaded into low bit. ZNC
ror 1011 Rotate right. Carry flag will be loaded into high bit. ZNC
adc 1100 Add with carry in ZNC
sbc 1101 Subtract with borrow(carry flag) ZNC


load a 16 bit value from a memory location, with optional offset

load r1, (r2)
load r3, 12(r4)


Similar to load, except write back to memory


Add a 6 bit signed immediate value to a register. This can be used to fill in the low bits after a LUI instruction or for simple pointer/loop variable increment/decrement.


Load upper immediate. The 10 bits in this instruction are transferred to the upper bits of the destination register and the low 6 bits are set to 0s.

Conditional branch

Branch conditionally to PC+signed offset encoded in instruction. If the flag indicated by the condition field is set, branch. The 'inv' field will branch if the flag is clear. Condition Flags

zero 00 bzc/bzs
negative 01 bnc/bns
carry 10 bcc/bcs
overflow 11 boc/bos


loop:  addi r1, r1, -1
       bzc loop

Unconditional branch

Branch unconditionally to PC+signed offset encoded in instruction. If the link bit is set, the return value will be saved in r7. Otherwise, it will not be set.


  jump restart
  call doit

Jump to register

Same as unconditional branch, except use value inside register as destination instead of offset.

   jump r7


ldi is a pseudo operation to load a 16 bit value into a register. The assembler will convert it into a LUI/ADDI combination.

Memory map

+------------------+  0000
|  Local memory    |
+------------------+  0x4000
|  Global memory   |
+------------------+  (global memory size)
|                  |
/                  /
|                  |
+------------------+  FC00
| Device Registers |
+------------------+  FFFF

Hardware Mutexes

Writing a one to a hardware mutex location will attempt to acquire it and writing a zero will release it if it is held by the owning core. A core may read the location to determine if it has acquired the mutex: it will return one if so, zero if not.

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