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Jeff Bush edited this page Jul 8, 2017 · 31 revisions


This is a simple multi-core embedded processor. It contains 16 independent RISC cores, each with 512 words of local memory. Cores can also access a 1024 word shared memory segment on a round-robin basis.

Each core has 8 general purpose registers, each which contains a 16 bit integer value. There are also 4 condition code flags (zero, negative, carry, and overflow). These are set by arithmetic operations and control conditional branches.

The processor has two "branch delay slots," which is a fancy way of saying it executes the next two instructions after a branch. NOPs can be inserted to avoid side effects, or the code can be structured to take advantage of this. Loads have 2 cycles of latency, but the processor does not stall these automatically. Accessing a load destination register within two instructions will not return the correct value.

Each core has a four stage pipeline:

  • Instruction fetch Issues the address of the next instruction to local memory. Local memory is dual ported, and the instruction fetch stage has its own read port. Local memory has one cycle of latency, so the instruction is available in the next stage.
  • Instruction decode Issues register addresses to the register file and decodes the immediate operand. The register file has one cycle of latency, so the values are available in the next stage.
  • Execute Bypasses register results from later stages of pipeline. Detects branches. Performs arithmetic. Issues read/write requests to data memory (which can either be local or shared memory). Reads from memory have one cycle of latency and are available in the next stage.
  • Writeback Selects between arithmetic or memory result, depending on instruction type. Signals writeback to register file.

There is a global stall signal which disables clocks to the flops between each stage when asserted. The pipeline asserts the stall signal when it is attempting to access to shared memory (read or write) and the shared_ready signal is not asserted.

Instruction Formats

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Arithmetic 0 0 0 operation opb opa dest
Load 0 0 1 offset ptr dest
Store 0 1 0 offset h src ptr offset l
Addi 0 1 1 immediate opa dest
Lui 1 0 0 immediate dest
Conditional branch 1 0 1 cond offset
Unconditional branch 1 1 0 link offset
Jump to reg 1 1 1 link unused target unused


Name Params Instruction Format Flags Affected operation/cond/ Description
and dest, opa, opb Arithmetic NZ 0 Bitwise logical and
or dest, opa, opb Arithmetic NZ 1 Bitwise logical or
shl dest, opa Arithmetic CNZ 2 Logical shift left one position
shr dest, opa Arithmetic CNZ 3 Logical shift right one position
add dest, opa, opb Arithmetic CNZO 4 Add without carry
sub dest, opa, opb Arithmetic CNZO 5 Subtract without carry
xor dest, opa, opb Arithmetic NZ 6 Bitwise logical exclusive or
not dest, opa Arithmetic NZ 7 Bitwise logical not
rol dest, opa Arithmetic NZ 10 Rotate left (carry bit loaded into LSB)
ror dest, opa Arithmetic NZ 11 Rotate right (carry bit loaded into MSB)
adc dest, opa, opb Arithmetic CNZO 12 Add with carry in
sbc dest, opa, opb Arithmetic CNZO 13 Subtract with carry[borrow] in
load dest, [offset](ptr) Load Load word
store src, [offset](ptr) Store Store word
addi dest, opa, immediate Addi NZ1 Add signed immediate value -31 to 31
lui dest, immediate Lui Load upper immediate. Value is loaded into top 10 bits of dest. Low 6 bits are cleared.
jump label Unconditional branch link=0 Jump to label
call label Unconditional branch link=1 Call to label (return address saved in r7)
jumpr reg Jump to reg link=0 Jump to address in register
callr reg Jump to reg link=1 Call to address in register (return address saved in r7)
bcc label Cond branch 6 Branch if carry flag clear
bcs label Cond branch 2 Branch if carry flag set
bzc label Cond branch 4 Branch if zero flag clear
bzs label Cond branch 0 Branch if zero flag set
bnc label Cond branch 5 Branch if negative flag clear
bns label Cond branch 1 Branch if negative flag set
boc label Cond branch 7 Branch if overflow flag clear
bos label Cond branch 3 Branch if overflow flag set
  1. This instruction should also update C and O flags, but that currently is not hooked up.

Pseudo Ops

ldi immediate Load 16-bit immediate into register (creates LDI/ADDI pair)
nop No-operation (and r0, r0, r0)
lea label Load effective address of label into register

Memory map

+------------------+  0000
|     Boot ROM     |
+------------------+  0010
|  Local memory    |
+------------------+  4000
|  Global memory   |
+------------------+  FC00
| Device Registers |
+------------------+  FFFF

The processor uses a Harvard architecture, with separate buses for instructions and data. The address spaces are mostly the same, except the instruction bus cannot access global memory or device registers.

When the cores come out of reset, each one starts executing code at address 0 in their local address space. A small ROM bootloader at that location copies the main program from global memory into local memory and then executes it. This is necessary since the cores cannot execute directly from global memory.

Hardware Mutexes

Hardware mutexes are located at addresses 0x3fd and 0x3fe. Writing a one to a hardware mutex location attempts to acquire it and writing a zero releases it if it is held by the owning core. A core may read the location to determine if it has acquired the mutex: it returns one if so, zero if not.

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