A list of levels that will be present in the game...
- The invisibility cloak
- View source
- Javascript output
- Edit HTML: Inspect element ('bacon' from the list)
Onto Crypto:
Cookies -> Ceaser cipher (Key?)
Italicized alphabets -> Response headers -> XOR (Key?)
Substitution cipher -> robots.txt
QR Code -> Onion Address -> Data(MD5)
Exif Data + Text at the end of image
Browser User Agent + MD5 Decrypt
Figure Crypting (43wdxz 4edcvgt5 65rdcvb 6tfcgh8uhb 9ijn) -> sochi
PPM -> PNG (Hermione spelling?)
SQL injection
Image -> Zip -> mp3 (order)
Simple PE Reversing
Morse codes (Use 'ls' to give file)
- Show a fake php error/warning then die()
- Recieve an answer via http header
- Do this once before too...
Audio Steganography
Send a mail from [email protected] to [email protected]
- emei.cz fake mailer
Dev Console: Modify a countdown timer
Morse Code
- An image containing random morses..
- Generate image using PHP GD
Capture The Flags:
- Felicity - BreakIn
- Cognizance - Backdoor