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Using imagenode in Distributed Computer Vision Projects

The test programs show how imagenode can be used to capture images on Raspberry Pi computers, send them to a Mac via imagezmq and then display them on the Mac. The ability for one hub to gather and process images from multiple sources allows computer vision pipelines to distribute vision processing across multiple computers.

Let's walk through an example where the combination of imagenode and imagezmq is used to distribute a computer vision process across a Raspberry Pi and a Mac. This project involves reading a water meter using a Raspberry Pi and PiCamera to gather images and do some image processing locally. The imagenode program running on the Raspberry Pi selects some images to be transmitted via imagezmq to a Mac for more complex processing.

This is what a water meter looks like:


The goal of the project is to use computer vision to manage water use on a small farm. I can use computer vision to determine if water is flowing or not, read the gallons used per hour or per day, and save some of the images for analysis. The project also watches for unusual water flow due to leaks or broken irrigation controls and sends alerts. When the water is flowing, the large analog needle spins clockwise. Each full rotation of the needle causes the rightmost digit of the digital meter to advance by one digit. The small "blue star" dial is a "leak detector" that spins even when a very small amount of water is flowing (like a dripping faucet). This a great project for a Raspberry Pi running imagenode and a Mac (or other Linux computer) running imagehub.

Here's what imagenode does on the Raspberry Pi:

  • The PiCamera gets warmed up and an LED is turned on to illuminate the water meter (via the RPi GPIO pins).
  • Images of the water meter are taken at 10 frames per second.
  • The images are rotated, cropped and converted to grayscale.
  • The images are thresholded and dilated.
  • The images are pushed into a Queue as they are gathered.
  • Pairs of images in the Queue are differenced to look for needle motion to determine if water is flowing or not.
  • The water meter status (flowing or not flowing) is sent via imagezmq along with a series of images that show when the status changed (from flowing to not flowing or vice-versa). To minimize network load, images are only sent when there has been a status change. The program logic to select which images to send is running in the main thread on the Raspberry Pi.

Here's what imagehub does on the Mac:

  • The images are received via imagezmq along with the status messages.
  • The images are stored in an image database and indexed.
  • Several Regions of Interest (ROI) are extracted from each image and further processed:
    • An ROI containing the digital digits portion of the meter face is masked and the digits are extracted to compute the numeric value of the meter digits. A customized digit classifier algorithm is used on the extracted digits.
    • An ROI containing the "leak detector" is masked and analyzed to create an alert if there are leaks or irrigation failures.
  • Current water state (flowing or not flowing), water state history, images of interest and gallons used are analyzed and put into a database.
  • Other programs running on the Mac access the database to answer queries about water status, gallons used per hour, per day or per week, etc.
  • Another program on the Mac sends text alerts in case of water leaks or irrigation control issues.

This distributed computing arrangement optimizes the Raspberry Pi to Mac computer vision pipeline in a way that allows each computer to do tasks for which it is best suited:

  • No images are stored on the Raspberry Pi. The SD Card storage on the Raspberry Pi is very slow for writing large binary image files. Also, there have been reports of SD card failures caused by frequent writes of large binary files.
  • The Raspberry Pi can control the lighting to gather the best images.
  • The Raspberry Pi can also send information from sensors connected to its GPIO pins. For example, if there is a temperature sensor connected, the temperature can be read and sent at specified intervals. Reading of GPIO sensors happens in a secondary thread.
  • The Raspberry Pi can do simple image processing, motion detection and can use an algoritm to select which images to send via imagezmq.
  • The Mac can use its larger memory and faster CPU to do more complex image processing, including feature extraction and digit classification.
  • The Mac can use its fast SSD disk drives to store the images and the extracted features of images.
  • One Mac can act as a processing hub for multiple Raspberry Pi computers sending image and other sensor data. I am running about 8 Raspberry Pi computers for each Mac (or Linux computer).

In addition to using a Raspberry Pi to read the water meter, I have Raspberry Pis running similar software watching the garage and barn doors, watching the farm for critters, tracking the weather and solar panels, etc. One Mac can easily act as a hub for 8 or more Raspberry Pi computers that are doing simple image processing, motion detection and sending a subset of gathered images. The Mac has enough processing power to do further image processing for all 8 Raspberry Pi image streams.

The code for the Raspberry Pi imagenode program is in this Github repository. The code for the imagezmq communication software that allows the node computers to send images and messages to the hub computer is in the imagezmq GitHub repository. The Mac based imagehub program is in the imagehub GitHub repository. See the Yin Yang Ranch project. for more details about the architecture of the imagenode <--> imagezmq <--> imagehub system.

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