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File metadata and controls

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imagenode is the image capture and sending portion of a computer vision pipeline that is typically run on multiple computers. While the primary purpose is to capture images from one or more cameras, imagenode can also gather other sensor data using the GPIO pins as well as control lighting. All settings are kept in a YAML file. To tune imagenode for a specific camera, ROI, etc., the YAML file is changed and the program is re-run to iteratively "tune" the settings and optimize performance. There is a print_settings option in the yaml file to print the settings. It can be very useful in catching spelling errors or other errors in settings. There is no error checking of the settings in the yaml file; many settings errors will cause a Python traceback error. The Python traceback error will help identify what setting was problematic. This is a design choice and is preferable to writing lots of settings checking code (that could never catch everything anyway ;-)

Here is a imagenode.yaml file where many options have been specified:

# Settings file imagenode.yaml -- example with lots of settings
  name: JeffOffice
  queuemax: 50
  patience: 10
  stall_watcher: False
  heartbeat: 10
  send_type: jpg
  print_settings: False
  H1: tcp://jeff-macbook:5555
  H2: tcp://
    viewname: PiCameraView
    resolution: (640, 480)
    exposure_mode: night
    resize_width: 95
    framerate: 32
    vflip: True
        ROI: (65,2),(100,25)
        draw_roi: ((255,0,0),5)
        send_frames: detected event # or continuous or none
        send_count: 7
        threshold: 50
        min_frames: 5
        send_test_images: False
    viewname: USBCamView
    resolution: (640, 480)
    resize_width: 80
    framerate: 32
    vflip: False
    src: 0
        ROI: (70,2),(100,25)
        draw_roi: ((255,0,0),5)
        send_frames: continuous # or none or detected event
        send_count: 5
        delta_threshold: 5
        min_motion_frames: 4
        min_still_frames: 4
        min_area: 3  # minimum area of motion as percent of ROI
        blur_kernel_size: 21  # Guassian Blur kernel size
        send_test_images: True
    name: floodlight
    gpio: 18
    on: continuous
    name: Temperature
    type: DS18B20
    gpio: 4
    read_interval_minutes: 1
    min_difference: 1

The above example has more options specified than is typical. But it does show an actual yaml file that has been successfully used for testing an RPi set up with a PiCamera, a USB webcam, a DS18B20 temperature sensor and an LED light controlled by GPIO pin 18.

The imagenode program expects its settings to be in a file named imagenode.yaml in the home directory.

This code repository comes with an yaml folder that contains multiple examples for many settings. It is best not to change the example yaml files so that they can be used as reference files. Copy a suitable yaml file to "imagenode.yaml" in the home directory. On a Raspberry Pi computer, this is typically the "pi" username's home directory. Edit the imagenode.yaml file to specify the address of your hub computer and set other required and optional settings.

There is also a test.yaml file in the yaml folder. When doing the suggested tests (see installation and testing section) this yaml settings file allows the imagenode program to run on a Raspberry Pi computer while a simple imagezmq test hub program runs on the Mac or other Linux computer. It must be copied to imagenode.yaml in the home directory when being used for testing. Be sure to edit the imagenode.yaml file to specify the address of your hub computer. The other settings should be OK as is for testing.

Settings follow YAML conventions. Most settings are dictionary key value pairs. For example:

node: WaterMeter

There can be settings for multiple cameras, multiple temperature or other sensors and multiple GPIO controlled lights. The example.yaml file shows 2 of each of these. Each camera has a setting for full frame resolution (typically 640 x 480) and can also define multiple Regions of Interest (ROI). ROI corner locations are NOT specified as pixels, but instead are specified as percentages of the frame width or height (0 to 99). Specifying ROI corners as percentages of frame resoltion allows the ROI corners to remain the same even if the resolution of the full frame is changed. For example, changing framesize from (640 x 480) to (320 x 240) won't require the ROI corner values to change if they are in percentages instead of absolute pixels.

The example.yaml files shows how the settings are arranged. There is no error checking of the settings; if a setting is not set to an expected value, then a Python traceback error will result. This is adequate for debugging issues with settings (mispelling a setting name, etc.) and saves writing a lot of deeply nested if statements. You can also specify an option in the node settings to print the settings; this can be helpful in spotting option mispellings, etc.

There are 5 settings categories at the root level of the yaml file:

node:  # specifies node name and operational settings like heartbeat interval
hub_address:  # specifies 1 or more tcp address(es) for imagehub(s)
cameras:  # specifies details for cameras (can be 0 or more)
lights:  # specifies lights controlled by GPIO pins
sensors:  # specifies sensors (like thermometers) and their GPIO pins

The node and hub_address settings groups are required and a traceback error will be generated if they are not present or are misspelled.

Each of the other root level settings groups contains additional nested groups that allow multiple settings. They can also be nested further as needed, especially when specifying details of ROIs and detector parameters for the camera(s). The entire yaml file is read into the settings.config dictionary, when the Settings() class is called. Then the root level items in the yaml file are parsed in the Settings.__init__() method. Settings at more nested layers below the root level are parsed in individual setup methods in the ImageNode() class. For example, the setup_cameras() method in the ImageNode class sets up the PiCamera details, including resolution, framerate, ROI setup, motion detector setup, etc. The 5 dictionaries at the root level of the yaml file are described first below, then the more nested and detailed settings in the yaml file are described.

The 1 required node setting is:

name: A descriptive node name (e.g. WaterMeter)

There is 5 optional node settings:

heartbeat: an integer number of minutes; how often to send a heartbeat to hub
patience: maximum number of seconds to wait for a reply from
REP_watcher: True or False to start a REP_watcher thread (default is True)
stall_watcher: True or False to start a 'stall_watcher' sub-process
  (default is False)
send_threading: True or False to send images & messages in a separate thread
queuemax: maximum size of the queue for images, messages, etc.
print_settings: True or False to print the settings from imagenode.yaml
  (default is False)
  (printing settings can be VERY helpful when debugging settings issues)
send_type: jpg or image (default is jpg)

The heartbeat is an option that is specified by an integer number of minutes. An event message is sent every (number) of minutes. The hearbeat message is not logged as an event by the hub, unlike all the other event messages. Since regular event messages may be very infrequent, (e.g., motion events may happen hours or even days apart), a heartbeat message can keep the WiFi or other network links active. Also, anytime a heartbeat message fails to be acknowledged by the hub, the imagenode fix_comm_link function will retry and try to correct the issue (restart the WiFi connection, restart the ZMQ link, restart the Raspberry Pi itself, etc.). I have found heartbeat messages helpful in testing and restarting network issues when the the option is set to 10 minutes. Some of my Raspberry Pi imagenode cameras have run for weeks without any heartbeat messages, but some have required 10 minute spaced heartbeat messages in order to run reliably for even a couple of hours. If you do not provide a heartbeat value, then no heartbeat messages will be sent.

The patience setting sets the maximum number of seconds for imagenode to wait for a response from the hub. In typical operation, the communications between imagenode and imagehub is reliable for weeks. The ZMQ protocol can recover from brief network outages almost all of the time. But some network outages (e.g., brief power outages that confuse routers or wifi hubs) can cause the ZMQ protocol to hang. The patience setting specifies how long to wait in seconds. The options REP_watcher and stall_watcher use the patience value to determine how long to wait if they detect a failure. If you do not specify a patience value, the default is 10 seconds.

If the REP_watcher setting is set to True, then a thread is started that watches the ZMQ communication channel for "no REP received". One disadvantage of the REQ/REP ZMQ messaging pattern is that it can "stall" if the imagehub is restarted or if there is a brief network outage. As mentioned in the above patience option, the communications link between imagenode and imagehub is often reliable for weeks. But if the imagehub restarts itself or the ZMQ link gets out of sync, a REP may never be received and the send_frame function will stall forever. Setting this option to True will start a thread that tracks the time of each REQ and each REP. Then, if a REP is not received for patience seconds, the fix_comm_link() method will be called. The default for REP_watcher is True.

If the stall_watcher setting is set to True, then a sub-process is started that watches the main imagenode process for "slow downs" or "stalls". As mentioned in the above patience option, the communications link between imagenode and imagehub is often reliable for weeks. The ZMQ protocol can recover from brief network outages almost all of the time. But some network outages (e.g., brief power outages that confuse routers or wifi hubs) can cause the main process to stall and stop reading and transmitting images. Setting this option to True will start a 2nd process that checks that the cumulative cpu time of the main process is increasing as it should. If there has been some sort of "stall", the main process cpu time stops advancing. If the stall_watcher option is set to True, the 2nd process will end the imagenode program when a "stall" has been detected, so that the systemd service can restart imagenode. An example imagenode.service file that provides for restarting (using systemd / systemctl) is in the main directory. The patience option (above) sets the number of seconds between "stall" checks. The default for stall_watcher is False.

All 4 of the above options are about longer term reliability of imagenodes when running for long periods of time in a production environment. My imagenodes are Raspberry Pi computers that are often outside and often a long distance from the imagehubs. Some are more than one router hop away from the imagehubs. Some of the Raspberry Pi computers seem to be more sensitive to power "brownouts" or brief outages. Some of the routers are more subject to brief glitches than others. Some WiFi routers seem to go into a power saving mode when an RPi hasn't sent a message / image for a while. I have spent over 2 years adding and testing the above "reliability" options. Here are the settings that have worked best for me:

  1. heartbeat set to 10 (minutes).
  2. patience set to 5 (seconds).
  3. REP_watcher set to True. I set this in all my "production" RPi imagnodes. It checks for "no REP received", which is the most common source of stalls, including stalls caused by a restart of the imagehub.
  4. stall_watcher set to False unless a particular RPi hangs occasionally (rare, but happens). Then I set stall_watcher to True for that particular RPi and observe it longer term. stall_watcher uses more resources (a separate process) and checks for stalls that are not as simple as "no REP after a REQ". Using stall_watcher has helped me identify RPi's that were slowly failing due to electronic issues, heat issues, SD card issues, etc. If stall_watcher is set, it is still necessary to set REP_watcher as well because they check for different kinds of stalls.

If the send_threading setting is set to True, then a separate thread is started to send (message, image) pairs to the imagehub. The default is False. When this setting is absent or False, all camera reading and (message, image) sending is done serially in the same forever loop (see main loop). When the setting is True, the send_q is an instance of the SendQueue class, which causes the node.read_cameras() while loop to run forever in the main program. No sending of (message, image) pairs is done in the main program. Instead, the sending of (message, image) pairs is done in a separate thread. This can result in higher FPS throughput.

The queuemax setting sets the length of the queues used to hold images, messages, etc. Default is 50; setting it to a larger value will allow more images to be stored and sent for each event, but will use more memory.

The send_type setting sets image transmission type. The imagezmq possible transmission types are image (for full size uncompressed OpenCV images) or jpg (for jpeg compressed images). The default is jpg because it saves network bandwidth with minimal image information loss. The image setting will send unmodified OpenCV images, but they are very large compared to jpg compressed images and should only be used when really needed.

There must be at least one hub address specified. If more than one hub address is listed, the one labeled H1: will be used first, then if it fails to respond, the one labeled H2: will be tried next, etc. Hub addresses have the following formats:

H1: tcp://jeff-macbook:5555
H2: tcp://
H3: tcp://jeff-mac-air11:5555

The label H1 is required, even if there is only 1 hub address.

Cameras are optional. While there is typically one camera (e.g., one PiCamera is typically the only camera on a Raspberry Pi), it is also possible to have multiple cameras. If there are no cameras, the cameras section of the YAML file can be empty. For each camera, there are a variety of possible settings such as those shown below:

  viewname: Window
  resolution: (640,480)
  exposure_mode: night
  framerate: 8
  iso: 800 # default = 0 for auto
  shutter_speed: 1500 # microseconds - default = 0 for auto
  vflip: False
  resize_width: 80
  send_type: jpg   # or image
  print_settings: True # default = False
      ROI: (70,2),(100,25)
      draw_roi: ((255,0,0),5)
      send_frames: continuous # or none or detected event
      send_count: 5
      delta_threshold: 5
      min_motion_frames: 4
      min_still_frames: 4
      min_area: 3  # minimum area of motion as percent of ROI
      blur_kernel_size: 15  # Guassian Blur kernel size
      send_test_images: True
      ROI: (0, 0),(100, 100)  # This ROI is all of the image (in percent)
      draw_roi: ((255,0,0),1)   # Draws the box of the ROI with blue line
      send_frames: continuous   # or none or detected event
      send_count: 7
      threshold: 50
      min_frames: 5
      send_test_images: True

If there is a camera, the camera label ('P1' or 'W1' etc.) designates the camera type. 'P1' designates a PiCamera. 'W1', 'W2', etc. designate webcams. Most other settings are optional and provide camera specific settings.

Note that most webcams have preset fixed values for resolution, framerate, etc. that cannot be changed. Check the docs for your webcam and test it with cv2.VideoCapture(). PiCameras will typically use settings for resolution and framerate, but many other settings, such as 'exposure_mode = sports' can be set if needed. See the PiCamera readthedocs for the detailed API. There is a section below specifically for PiCamera settings.

viewname is an optional setting. It is required when there are multiple cameras to give each one a unique viewname. For example, the node could be named JeffOffice and could have one camera with viewname: window and another camera with viewname: door to distinguish the two cameras' fields of view. Thus, one camera's images would be named 'JeffOffice window' and the other camera's images would be named 'JeffOffice door'.

resolution is an optional setting. It is specified as a tuple as shown above. Typical values are (320, 240) and (640, 480). The default if none is specified is (320, 240). It is important to select a resolution that is native to your camera (piCamera or webcam) as results can be unpredictable for non-native resolution sizes, depending on the camera. Native resolution sizes can be obtained from the camera's documentation.

resize_width is an optional setting. It allows for resizing the image, keeping the same aspect ratio, but reducing the image size by specifying the desired width. The width is an integer percentage value from 0 to 99. For example, resize_width: 80 would reduce the width 80%, and the height proportionally, keeping the same aspect ratio. Note that resizing uses the OpenCV resize method with CV2.INTER_AREA which is best for shrinking image sizes rather than increasing them. Resizing is computationally expensive and will slow down Frames per Second (FPS) rates. Setting a resolution (see above) is a more computationally friendly way select an image size. Resizing can also be done at the image receiving end to avoid the resizing computation load on the imagenode.

vflip is an optional setting. If the camera image needs to be vertically flipped, set vflip: True. The default if not present is False.

send_frames is an optional setting. If set to continuous, then images are sent continuously as they are read from the camera. If set to event then images are sent when an event occurs, such as motion detected or a light level change detected. If set to none, then images are never sent from the camera. For example, if send_frames is set to none, and a motion detector is specified, then motion event messages will be sent when motion is detected, but images will not be sent.

threaded_read is an optional setting. If set to True, then capturing camera images is done in a separate thread and will result in higher Frames per Second (FPS). The imutils.VideoStream module is used to do threaded camera reading. If set to False, then the PiCamera is read a single frame at a time by the ImageNode.read_cameras() method. The False setting only applies to PiCameras and is normally used for testing an imagenode. The default setting is True.

src is an optional setting that only applies to webcams, not PiCameras. If a webcam is being specified, src is set to 0 or 1 or 2, etc. This value is passed along to cv2.VideoCapture() to select a webcam. The value defaults to 0, which is the first webcam detected. If you have more than one webcam, you should set the src value to the next integer for each webcam. You may have to do some testing to determine which cv2.VideoCapture(src) value is assigned to which webcam.

There a many camera settings available on PiCameras, including the ability to set an automatic exposure mode such as night or sports. There are also a number of very "manual" PiCamera settings, such as iso and shutter_speed. The details of these exposure modes are in the PiCamera readthedocs. You can also type raspistill --help at a CLI prompt on a Raspberry Pi computer for a list of these settings and allowed values.

Below is the list of PiCamera specific settings that can be specified in the YAML settings file. A couple of these, iso and shutter_speed are shown in the example above.

awb_mode retrieves or sets the auto-white-balance mode of the camera. The default value is auto. The other possible values are: off, auto, sunlight, cloudy, shade, tungsten, fluorescent, incandescent, flash, horizon.

awb_gains is an optional setting for the auto-white-balance gains of the camera. When queried, the output is expressed as Fraction instances of a (red, blue) tuple. Typical values for the gains are between 0.9 and 1.9, and this attribute only has an effect when awb_mode is set to off.

brightness is an optional setting for the brightness of the camera. The default value is 50, and the value can be set to an integer between 0 and 100.

contrast is an optional setting for the contrast of the camera. The default value is 0, and the value can be set to an integer between -100 and 100.

exposure_compensation is an optional setting for adjusting the exposure compensation level. Each increment represents 1/6th of a stop. Hence, setting the attribute to 6 increases exposure by 1 stop. The default value is 0, and the value can be set to an integer between -25 and 25.

exposure_mode retrieves or sets the PiCamera's automatic exposure_mode. The default is auto. The possible values are: off, auto, night, nightpreview, backlight, spotlight, sports, snow, beach, verylong, fixedfps, antishake, fireworks.

iso retrieves or sets the apparent ISO setting of the camera. This setting behaves differently for camera module versions V1 and V2. Only the V2 camera modules are calibrated against the ISO film speed standards. The default is 0 for automatic ISO setting. Allowed falues are: 0, 100, 200, 320, 400, 500, 640, 800.

meter_mode is an optional setting used to adjust the camera's metering mode. All modes set up two regions: a center region, and an outer region. The major difference between each mode is the size of the center region. The backlit mode has the largest central region (30% of the width), while spot has the smallest (10% of the width). The default value is average, and the other possible values include the following: average, spot, backlit, matrix.

saturation is an optional setting to adjust the saturation of the camera. The default value is 0, and the value can be set to an integer between -100 and 100.

sharpness an optional setting to adjust the sharpness of the camera. The default value is 0, and the value can be set to an integer between -100 and 100.

shutter_speed is an optional setting for the shutter speed in microseconds. The default value is 0 for auto, and the value can range as an integer from 0 to 33,333 microseconds (depending on the camera module firmware).

The following read-only parameters can be retrieved by using print_settings = True in the node section of the imagenode.yaml file.

analog_gain retrieves the current analog gain of the camera. The value is returned as a Fraction instance (read-only).

digital_gain retrieves the current digital gain of the camera. This parameter returns the digital gain currently used by the camera. It provides valuable feedback on the effects of varying other PiCamera parameters (read-only).

exposure_speed retrieves the current shutter speed of the camera. If the shutter_speed was set to a non-zero value, then exposure_speed will equal shutter_speed. The is returned in microseconds (read-only).

revision returns a string representing the revision of the Pi’s camera module. The read-only values returned include the following: ov5647 = V1, imx219 = V2, imx477 = HQ.

See the "Camera Detectors, ROI and Event Tuning" section below for details on how detectors, events and related settings are defined and implemented for each camera.

Cameras can be used to capture and send images continuously, but that takes a lot of network bandwidth and is likely to send a lot of "boring, repetitious and often useless" images. While continuous is indeed a valid camera send_frames setting, it is more common and useful to send images only when some event is detected. Was motion detected in a certain ROI? Did the light in the garage come on? Did the water meter needle move? There are settings for detectors that can specify how events are detected. The code and the yaml file for imagenode detectors and event tuning is continuously evolving, but three detectors that we use often are light, motion and color.

At least one detector must be specified. The simplest detector is the light detector and is the one that is used for camera positioning and testing. It is also the one that is used for running the tests described in the README. It is possible to specify multiple detectors, such as both a light detector and a motion detector. Sometimes it is helpful to specify multiple motion detectors with different ROI's and different thresholds to cover different parts of the imaging area.

The ROI for a detector is a rectangle within the image that will be used by the detection algorithm. For a motion detector, the ROI coordinates define the rectangle in which to detect motion. For a light detector, the ROI coordinates define the rectangle in which to count pixels that are above some light (pixel intensity) value. Specifying an ROI is optional; if no ROI is explicitly specified, then the entire image is used as the ROI.

ROIs are specified the same way that OpenCV specifies rectangles for drawing, except that corners are specified in percentages of full frame pixels rather than raw pixels. You specify an ROI rectangle by providing the coordinates of the top left corner, followed by the coordinates of the bottom right corner. Each corner is a tuple where the first number specifies the distance from the left edge of the frame and the second value specifies the distance from the top edge of the frame.

These numbers are given in integer percent values (0 to 100) of the image size. See the above section called "Conventions used in settings" for an explanation of the use of percentages versus absolute pixel coordinate values.

For example, if the original image size is 640 x 480, then:

  • ((0,0),(100,100)) would specify an ROI that is the full image. This is the default ROI if no ROI is explicitly specified.
  • ((40,40),(60,60)) would specify an ROI in the center that stretches from 40 percent to 60 percent in each dimension. In pixels, that would be ((256,192),(384,288)) for an original image size of 640 x 480.
  • ((15,30),(70,85)) would specify an ROI rectangle with the upper left corner at 15 percent from the left of the frame and 30 percent from the top of the frame. The lower right corner would be 70 percent from the left of the frame and 85 percent from the top of the frame. In pixels, that would be ((96,144),(448,408)) for an original image size of 640 x 480.

A detector can also draw the ROI rectangle onto the images that are sent by specifying the color of the rectangle and the pixel width of the drawing line. For example:

draw_roi: ((255,0,0),5)  # specifies a blue ROI box with a line 5 pixels wide

would draw the ROI rectangle on the sent images as a blue line that is 5 pixels wide. The syntax for specifying the rectangle color and line width is the same as the cv2.rectangle() drawing function. The cv2.rectangle() drawing function is used to draw the rectangle on each image before sending.

There are optional detector settings to draw an image capture timestamp value directly on the image. These options are typically used for testing and debugging of detector settings as they can significantly slow down FPS in production. The syntax for specifying the rectangle color and line width is the same as the cv2.rectangle() drawing function. To draw a timestamp of capture time directly on the image, use these detector section options:

draw_time: ((255,0,0),1)  # the timestamp text is blue with 1 pixel line width
draw_time_org: (1,1)  # the timestamp text starts at pixel (1,1)
draw_time_fontScale: 1  # the timestamp fontScale factor is 1

The timestamp option uses the OpenCV cv2.putText() method, and the options above are the same as the settings for that method. You can read more about the settings in the OpenCV cv2.putText() documentation. Note that the timestamp is formatted to microseconds using the datetime.isoformat(timespec='microseconds') that was added in Python 3.6, so you will need to be running Python version 3.6 or later to used the draw_time option.

The light detector type sends an event message (and event image frames) when an ROI changes from dark to lighted or from lighted to dark. There are 2 states detected by the light detector: "dark" and "lighted".

Here is an example of the light detector settings:

    ROI: ((10,35),(40,85))
    draw_roi: ((255,0,0),5) # draw ROI rectangle with blue 5 pixel line
    threshold: 25
    percent: 70
    min_frames: 5
    send_frames: detected event  # or continuous or none
    send_count: 5
    send_test_images: False

Intensity, pixel intensity, and brightness are all synonyms for how much light is captured by the camera. The light detector is used to measure light versus dark in the specified ROI. Knowing how many pixels are above a specified value can tell us if the ROI is lighted or dark. This can be useful in a variety of applications. For example, one way to tell if a typical garage door has been opened or closed is to watch for the garage to become lighted, because most garage door openers turn on a garage light when the garage door is opened.

All images are converted to grayscale before light value detection.

The light detector needs to have 3 values provided:

  1. threshold: an intensity threshold value (0 to 255) that is "bright enough" to count as lighted. Any pixel intensity value equal to or greater than the threshold value will cause that pixel to be counted as "lighted". Any pixel intensity value less than the threshold value will be counted as "dark".
  2. percent: the percentage of pixels in the ROI that must exceed the threshold intensity value in order to declare the ROI state as "lighted". If fewer than this percentage of pixels exceeds the Threshold, then the ROI state is "dark".
  3. min_frames: the minimum number of frames that counts as a change of state. This specifies how many frames must exceed the threshold and percent values in order to change the state from "lighted" to "dark" or vice versa. This setting can be adjusted to prevent minor light transients from causing a "flickering" of the state. Setting this number higher will make the state change less sensitive to transient light changes, but also make it take longer to detect a change. A typical value would be 5 frames. The default value is 5 frames.

For example,

threshold: 25
percent: 40
min_frames: 5

would mean that 40 percent of the pixels in the ROI would need to have a pixel intensity of 25 or greater to detect a state of "lighted". If less than 40 percent of pixels had a pixel intensity of 25 or greater, then the state would be "dark". A minimum of 5 frames must exceed the threshold for the state to change.

Additional methods for "detecting light" may be added later. For example, an intensity detector may compare average pixel intensity in the ROI to average pixel intensity outside the ROI. If you have ideas for other light intensity detectors, open an issue or pull request.

There are 3 additional options that don't affect how motion is detected, but do affect how it is recorded:

  1. send_frames: How images should be sent to the hub. Options are:
    • "detected event": this will send "send_count" frames when the state changes from "still" to "moving" or vice versa.
    • "continuous": this will send images to the hub continuously and is used for testing option settings. It allows the hub to display images in real time. It is most often used with the send_test_images option.
    • "none": this will send no images to the hub at all. It is used when all that is desired is event messages and images aren't needed. It can save network bandwidth for simple motion detection tasks.
  2. send_count: how many images to send when an event occurs.
  3. send_test_images: Set to True, this will send additional test images for viewing the effect of option setting changes. The additional test images that are sent are ROI, ROI grayscale, ROI frameDelta (showing the pixel differences between the current image and the average of past images) and the ROI thresholded image where all the frameDelta pixels are thresholded to black or white per the delta_threshold option. Watching the continuous frames and these additional test images improves tuning the options to the desired motion detection level.

The motion detector settings are more complex:

    ROI: (70,2),(100,25)
    draw_roi: ((255,0,0),5)
    delta_threshold: 5
    min_motion_frames: 4
    min_still_frames: 4
    min_area: 3  # minimum area of motion as percent of ROI
    blur_kernel_size: 21  # Guassian Blur kernel size
    send_frames: detected event # or continuous # or none
    send_count: 5
    send_test_images: False

The motion detector watches the ROI for motion by comparing the most recent image to an average of previous images. The code for the detector is adapted from a motion detector tutorial post by Adrian Rosebrock on See README.rst for a link to that post.

The motion detector detects 2 states, moving and still. An event is sent (as an event message and some event images) whenever the motion state changes. The detector is setup to send only a few images (determined by the send_count option) at each state change. This is a specific design choice. For example, when a water meter needle starts moving, it is sufficient to send a few frames when then needle starts moving and to send a few frames when it stops moving. The continuous sending of frames during needle movement does not add any useful information. Some motion detection software sends all frames when motion is detected; the current imagenode motion detector doesn't do that (but the code could be changed to make it behave that way).

All images are converted to grayscale before motion detection is done.

There are 5 options to tune the motion detector:

  1. delta_threshold: the minimum intensity difference between the current image and the weighted average of past images required to count a given pixel as 'motion'. Smaller values cause more motion to be detected. Larger values will cause less motion to be detected. Typical values are 3 to 10.
  2. min_area: How much of the ROI has to have pixels show motion to cause the change to the "moving" state. This is specified as a percent of ROI and the value varies widely depending on ROI size, motion type, etc.
  3. blur_kernel_size: Images are "blurred" using the OpenCV GaussianBlur method. This option chooses the kernel size in pixels. Typical values are 5 to 23.
  4. min_motion_frames: The minimum number of frames with detected motion to change the state to "moving". Typical values are 3 to 7 frames of motion.
  5. min_still_frames: The minimum number of frames with no detected motion to change the state to "still". Typical values are 3 to 7 frames of no motion.

All of these values are tuned to get the motion detection results that are desired. There is a send_test_images option that allows real time viewing of the intermediate computed ROI values so you can try different values and see which ones best track the motion you are trying to detect. Tuning is a trial and error process of changing the option values and watching the various intermediate images sent by the send_test_images option.

For example,

delta_threshold: 25
min_area: 40
blur_kernel_size: 15
min_motion_frames: 5
min_still_frames: 3

would mean that the newest image pixel intensity value would be subtracted from the weighted average pixel of past images, and the absolute value of that difference would need to be greater than 25 for the pixel to be counted as "moving". A minimum of 40 percent of the pixels would have to have that difference to count the frame as "moving". The image would be blurred with a kernel size of 15, and a minimum of 5 frames in a row would have to be detected as "moving" for the state to change to "moving". Once there was a state of "moving", a minimum of 3 frames would need to have no motion detected to change the state to "still".

There are 3 additional options that don't affect how motion is detected, but do affect how it is recorded:

  1. send_frames: How images should be sent to the hub. Options are:
    • "detected event": this will send "send_count" frames when the state changes from "still" to "moving" or vice versa.
    • "continuous": this will send images to the hub continuously and is used for testing option settings. It allows the hub to display images in real time. It is most often used with the send_test_images option.
    • "none": this will send no images to the hub at all. It is used when all that is desired is event messages and images aren't needed. It can save network bandwidth for simple motion detection tasks.
  2. send_count: how many images to send when an event occurs.
  3. send_test_images: Set to True, this will send additional test images for viewing the effect of option setting changes. The additional test images that are sent are ROI, ROI grayscale, ROI frameDelta (showing the pixel differences between the current image and the average of past images) and the ROI thresholded image where all the frameDelta pixels are thresholded to black or white per the delta_threshold option. Watching the continuous frames and these additional test images improves tuning the options to the desired motion detection level.

Multiple Regions of Interest (ROI) are possible with the same detector. For example, if a region, such as the sidewalk approaching your front door, is of special interest, this region can be defined and named in order to generate log notifications for that specific ROI.


In the example yaml file below, a log event will be generated indicating motion at the FrontDoor (e.g. "2020-10-16 20:53:39,727 ~ StreetView RPiCam6|motion|moving|FrontDoor"). When using duplicate detector types, such as motion, each detector entry must be preceeded by a '-' and space as shown below. Each detector section must have a roi_name and log_roi_name parameter. Log events these ROIs will have the roi_name concatenated to the end of each associated event in the log file if the log_roi_name is enabled (default: False).

# Settings for webcam motion detector testing
  name: StreetView
  queuemax: 50
  patience: 15
  heartbeat: 1
  send_type: jpg
  #send_threading: True  # sends images in separate thread
  #stall_watcher: True  # watches for stalled network or RPi power glitch
  print_settings: True
  H1: tcp://
        viewname: RPiCam6
        resolution: (640,480)
        exposure_mode: auto
        framerate: 30
          - motion:
                 ROI: (4,21),(86,51)
                 roi_name: Street
                 log_roi_name: False # default False
                 draw_roi: ((0,255,0),1)
                 send_frames: detected event # continuous, none or detected event
                 send_count: 7 # number of images to send when an event occurs
                 delta_threshold: 7
                 min_motion_frames: 5
                 min_still_frames: 5
                 min_area: 3
                 blur_kernel_size: 21
                 send_test_images: False
                 print_still_frames: False  # default = True
                 draw_time: ((0,200,0),1)
                 draw_time_org: (5,5)
                 draw_time_fontScale: 0.5
          - motion:
                 ROI: (23,52),(81,90)
                 roi_name: FrontDoor
                 log_roi_name: True  # default False
                 draw_roi: ((0,255,0),1)
                 send_frames: detected event # continuous, none or detected event
                 send_count: 7 # number of images to send when an event occurs
                 delta_threshold: 7
                 min_motion_frames: 5
                 min_still_frames: 5
                 min_area: 3  # minimum area of motion as percent of ROI
                 blur_kernel_size: 21  # Guassian Blur kernel size - integer and odd
                 send_test_images: False
                 print_still_frames: False  # default = True

Note: If multiple detectors are used of different types (e.g. motion and light), then the '-' and space is not required. However, mixed syntax is not allowed. In other words, each detector must have a '-' and space or NOT, unless duplicate types are used, and in that case each detector must have a '-' and space preceding each entry.

Raspberry Pi computers can have various sensors attached to the GPIO pins. The two types I have used are the DS18B20 "1 wire" temperature sensors and the DHT temperature / humidity sensors. There is ongoing testing other kinds of sensors such as PIR (passive infrared) sensors for motion detection. That code will be added to the repository when it has been more thoroughly tested. Sensors use the RPi.GPIO module and can only be run on Raspberry Pi computers.

There are 5 options to set when using DS18B20 or DHT22 sensors:

    name: Temperature
    type: DS18B20
    gpio: 4  # note that the DS18B20 can only be used on GPIO pin 4
    read_interval_minutes: 10  # check temperature every X minutes
    min_difference: 1  # send reading when changed by X degrees
    name: Temperature & Humidity
    type: DHT22
    gpio: 18
    read_interval_minutes: 10  # check temperature every X minutes
    min_difference: 1  # send reading when changed by X degrees
  1. name: This is a descriptive name for the sensor.
  2. type: DS18B20, DHT11 and DHT22 are the currently supported sensors.
  3. gpio: Which GPIO pin reads the sensor. Pin 4 must be used for "one-wire" sensors like the DS18B20. Any GPIO pin can be used for DHT11 or DHT22 sensors.
  4. read_interval_minutes: How often the sensor measurements should be read, specified in minutes
  5. min_difference: The minimum change from the last reading that will cause an event message to be sent to the hub. Typically set to 1 or 2 degrees. The setting will apply to humidity minimum change on DHT11 or DHT22 sensors.

When the sensor takes a reading that meets the min_difference requirement, a message of this format is placed into the send_q for sending to the hub:

Barn |temperature | 75 F
Deck |temperature | 75.4 F
Deck |humidity | 48.4 %

The temperature readings are not taken during the main event loop that captures, processes and sends images. Instead, the check_temperature() function runs in a separate Python thread that reads the temperature sensor at intervals specified by the read_interval_minutes option.

Raspberry Pi PiCameras often use supplemental lighting, which is controlled using the GPIO pins on the RPi. For example, in our water meter motion detector, there are a set of LEDs that light up the water meter. They are controlled by the Raspberry Pi computer GPIO pins. The GPIO pins don't typically power the LEDs directly, but instead use some electronic switch (such as an N channel MOSFET) to turn on the LEDs.

There are 3 options to set up the GPIO pins:

name: floodlight
gpio: 18
on: continuous
  1. name: name of the light, e.g., "floodlight" or "overhead spotlight"
  2. gpio: Which GPIO pin is used to signal the LED electronic switching device
  3. on: When to turn on the LEDs. Settings include:
    • continuous
    • timed: times of day to have lights turn on and off

There can be multiple lights specified, but each one would require a different gpio pin to be specified as well.

Additional methods of controlling lights are in development, such as testing for an average image brightness level to turn on a light. For example, a light could be turned on if the brightness level of the camera field of view drops to a dark value.

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