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Juan E. Keymer edited this page Jun 10, 2023 · 23 revisions

The Contact Process Ising Model App

Contact Process Ising Model App

The Contact Process Ising Model (CPIM) picks up on the Contact Process (CP) as a model of 2D spatial growth and mix it to the Ising Model (IM), a model for the magnetic interaction.

The letters CPIM stand for Contact Process (CP) together with the Ising Model (IM) Even thoughh Metropolis and Gillespie are not fully compatible, here we experiment with the idea of using both together. Two versions are tested: Full Gillespie and Partial Gillespie.

The basic idea is to merge both models in order to model the spatial biology of an Ising-like (synthetic) genetic network expressed in a quasi-2D colony of bacteria growing on a surface of solid agar.

The genetic network consist of a bi-stable genetic system (switch) of two reporter genes (RFP vs GFP) which are spatially coupled by diffusive auto-inducer molecules (HSLs) which act as quoromones (hormones)as they are know from the biology of quorum sensing. By fair we mean here using the Gillespie algorithm in the Monte Carlo method updating the Lattice.

This is a fundamental requirement as there are Lattice states with two possible reactions. Of these only differentiation is commensurable as it does represent a rate. Metropolis flips are not.

Lattice states are:

0: vacancy, representing empty sites suitable for colonization by its neighbors (plotted in black)

2: undifferentiated state (plotted in white)

-1: spin down, representing a site expressing one reporter gene (plotted in green)

+1: spin up, representing a site expressing the other reporter (plotted in magenta) Occupied sites can be in states: {-1,2,+1}. Transformations of these states can occur due to spin flip or differentiation reactions. Birth and death process lead to colonization together with particle death reactions which are incorporated in the Contact process. Thus the full system of states of the process {0, -1, +1, 2}.


So we use only Gillespie (version Partial Gillespie) for the differentiation reaction function. This is implemented in the function.

update_lattice_2 For the spin flips, we only ran the Metropolis algorithm only if the site visited survives the CP Monte Carlo step. Thus no Gillespie is used here!

To compare what happens otherwise (using Gillespie), we also implement a version of the update lattice code using the Gillespie algorithm, for flips and see how the Metropolis Algorithm is not compatible with Gillespie. This is due to the fact that Metropolis is not suppose to represent true rates. It is only meant to draw configurations consistent with the ensemble average defined by the Ising Model's statistical mechanics.

We see that if Gillespie is ran along with the Metropolis algorithm, the flipping operator affects the rates of the Contact Process in an artificial fashion. To see this the interested hacker can test by herself. For this, we made the function (full Gillespie):

update_lattice_1 which can be ran by changing the following line at the top of the code

#define GILLESPIE_OPTION 2 // 1 : full ; 2: partial


In the Gillespie algorithm we use 2 random numbers. The first one is used to decide which one of the competing reactions might take place. Then, a second random number is used to decide if the chosen reaction, indeed take place (or not). This way, the Poisson process is respected and probabilities are well defined.


To compile just type: make

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