- Options
- option: authMethod
- option: bufferSize
- option: channels
- option: ctcpReplies
- option: floodDelay
- option: joinOnInvite
- option: maxListeners
- option: nick
- option: oper
- option: password
- option: pingTimeout
- option: realname
- option: reconnect
- option: resolveInvalidNames
- option: serverPassword
- option: username
- option: verbose
- Events
- event: away_reply
- event: connecting
- event: connected
- event: ctcp_action
- event: ctcp_clientinfo
- event: ctcp_time
- event: ctcp_time
- event: ctcp_time_reply
- event: ctcp_ping
- event: ctcp_ping_reply
- event: ctcp_version
- event: ctcp_version_reply
- event: disconnected
- event: error
- event: error_reply
- event: invite
- event: isupport
- event: join
- event: kick
- event: kill
- event: list_reply
- event: mode
- event: mode_reply
- event: motd_reply
- event: myinfo
- event: names_reply
- event: nick
- event: nicklist
- event: notice
- event: part
- event: ping
- event: privmsg
- event: quit
- event: raw
- event: raw_ctcp
- event: reconnecting
- event: register
- event: topic
- event: topic_reply
- event: topic_who_time_reply
- event: whois_reply
- Commands
- command: action
- command: away
- command: back
- command: ban
- command: cap
- command: clientinfo
- command: connect
- command: ctcp
- command: dehalfop
- command: devoice
- command: deop
- command: disconnect
- command: halfop
- command: invite
- command: join
- command: kick
- command: kill
- command: list
- command: me
- command: mode
- command: motd
- command: msg
- command: names
- command: nick
- command: notice
- command: on
- command: once
- command: op
- command: oper
- command: part
- command: pass
- command: ping
- command: privmsg
- command: quit
- command: send
- command: time
- command: topic
- command: unban
- command: user
- command: version
- command: voice
- command: whois
Client options
are the object you provide when you create a new client
const options = {/* available options are described below */};
const client = new Client(options);
The auth method to use with a supplied username and password. Defaults to NickServ if omitted.
The authentication method to use.
- Non-standard nickserv authentication.sasl
- SASL PLAIN auth. Errors out if SASL fails.saslThenNickServ
- Try SASL PLAIN, but fallback to NickServ if it fails.
const client = new Client({
nick: "user", // will be used as username
password: "password",
const client = new Client({
nick: "user",
username: "SaslUser",
password: "password",
authMethod: "sasl",
Size of the buffer that receives data from server.
Default to 4096
const client = new Client({
bufferSize: 512,
Channels to join on connect.
Joins #channel
once registered:
const client = new Client({
channels: [
Joins #channel1
and #channel2
once registered:
const client = new Client({
channels: [
Joins #channel
with secret_key
once registered:
const client = new Client({
channels: [
["#channel", "secret_key"],
Joins #channel1
(without key) and #channel2
with secret_key
const client = new Client({
channels: [
["#channel2", "channel_key"],
Replies to CTCP queries.
Default values set to:
const client = new Client({
ctcpReplies: {
clientinfo: true,
ping: true,
time: true,
version: "deno-irc",
Disables replies to CTCP PING and VERSION queries:
const client = new Client({
ctcpReplies: {
ping: false,
version: false,
Changes the version replied to CTCP VERSION:
const client = new Client({
ctcpReplies: {
version: "custom version name",
Milliseconds to wait between dispatching private messages.
Defaults to 0 milliseconds (no delay).
const client = new Client({
floodDelay: 2000,
Enables auto join on invite.
const client = new Client({
joinOnInvite: true,
Number of maximum registrable listeners.
Primarily used to avoid memory leaks.
Default limit to 1000
listeners for each event.
const client = new Client({
maxListeners: 100,
The nick used to register the client to the server. Will be reused as username for auth if no username is supplied.
const client = new Client({
nick: "Deno",
Sets as operator on connect.
const client = new Client({
oper: {
user: "deno",
pass: "secret",
The password for the user account associated with the username field.
const client = new Client({
password: "secret",
Maximum timeout before to be disconnected from server.
Default to 30
seconds. false
to disable.
const client = new Client({
pingTimeout: 120,
The realname used to register the client to the server.
const client = new Client({
realname: "Deno IRC",
Enables auto reconnect.
Takes a boolean or { attempts?: number, delay?: number, exponentialBackoff?: boolean }
Default to false
or { attempts: 10, delay: 5 }
if set to true
Tries to reconnect 10
times with a delay of 5
seconds between each attempt:
const client = new Client({
reconnect: true,
Tries to reconnect 3
times with a delay of 10
seconds between each attempt:
const client = new Client({
reconnect: {
attempts: 3,
delay: 10,
Tries to reconnect 5
times with an initial delay of 3
seconds with an exponential backoff:
const client = new Client({
reconnect: {
attempts: 5,
delay: 3,
exponentialBackoff: true,
Auto resolve invalid names (for nick and username).
const client = new Client({
resolveInvalidNames: true,
const client = new Client({
serverPassword: "password",
An optional server password that will be sent via the PASS command.
The username used to register the client to the server.
const client = new Client({
username: "deno",
Prints informations to output.
Prints received and sent raw IRC messages:
const client = new Client({
verbose: "raw",
Prints formatted events, commands and state changes:
const client = new Client({
verbose: "formatted",
Uses a custom logger implementation:
const client = new Client({
verbose: (payload) => {
// use payload type for inference
if (payload.type === "raw_input") {
Events are simple messages which are emitted from the client instance.
They can be received by listening to their event names.
Client can subscribe to them using two distinct ways, client.on
and client.once
// The first allows to add a listener for a given event:
client.on("event_name", (eventPayload) => {});
// The second is used to add a one-time listener:
const eventPayload = await client.once("event_name");
// For both methods, you can subscribe to several events at the same time:
client.on(["event1", "event2", "event3"], (eventPayload) => {
// but doing that requires to properly infer
// the final type of the event payload.
Event payloads are the emitted objects of events and can contain
and params
client.on("event_name", (msg) => {
msg.source; // event payload source
msg.params; // event payload params
Most of payloads contain source
and provides information about the sender of
the message.
If the source
is provided, it always contains a name
containing the server
host or the nick name.
client.on("event_name", (msg) => {
if (msg.source) {
msg.source.name; // server host or nick name
In case of source
comes from user, it can also contain mask
(if provided by
the server):
client.on("event_name", (msg) => {
if (msg.source?.mask) {
msg.source.mask.user; // user name
msg.source.mask.host; // user host
Event payloads have a params
object that contains parameters related to the
The shape of msg.params
depends on the provided event name:
client.on("event_name", (msg) => {
msg.params; // array of event parameters
See event details below to learn more about event params.
User replies with an away message.
client.on("away_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.nick; // nick of the client who is away
msg.params.text; // text of away message
Client is connecting to the server.
client.on("connecting", (remoteAddr) => {
remoteAddr; // address of the server
Client is connected to the server.
client.on("connected", (remoteAddr) => {
remoteAddr; // address of the server
User sends an action.
client.on("ctcp_action", (msg) => {
msg.params.target; // target of the CTCP ACTION
msg.params.text; // text of the CTCP ACTION
User queries a CTCP CLIENTINFO to a target.
client.on("ctcp_clientinfo", (msg) => {
msg.params.target; // target of the CTCP CLIENTINFO query
User replies to a CTCP CLIENTINFO.
client.on("ctcp_clientinfo_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.supported; // array of supported commands by the user
User queries a CTCP TIME to a target.
client.on("ctcp_time", (msg) => {
msg.params.target; // target of the CTCP TIME query
User replies to a CTCP TIME.
client.on("ctcp_time_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.time; // date time of the user
User pings the client.
client.on("ctcp_ping", (msg) => {
msg.params.target; // target of the CTCP PING query
msg.params.key; // key of the CTCP PING query
User replies to the CTCP PING to the client.
client.on("ctcp_ping_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.key; // key of the CTCP PING repl
msg.params.latency; // latency (in milliseconds)
User queries a CTCP VERSION to a target.
client.on("ctcp_version", (msg) => {
msg.params.target; // Target of the CTCP VERSION query
User replies to a CTCP VERSION.
client.on("ctcp_version_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.version; // client version of the user
Client has been disconnected from the server.
client.on("disconnected", (remoteAddr) => {
remoteAddr; // address of the server
Client emits a fatal error.
client.on("error", (error) => {
error.name; // name describing the error
error.message; // message describing the error
error.type; // type of the error
When an error is emitted, it will be thrown by default and causes a crash of the program.
To avoid the client from crashing, it is required to have at least one event
listener for the "error"
event name.
By listening to the "error"
event, errors will no longer be thrown:
client.on("error", console.error);
Even better, you can handle them by checking error.type
client.on("error", (error) => {
switch (error.type) {
case "connect": {
// errors while connecting
case "read": {
// errors while receiving messages from server
case "write": {
// errors while sending messages to server
case "close": {
// errors while closing connection
This behavior is heavily inspired by the Node.js error handling.
An early crash prevents loosing useful informations when the client tries something without success.
Server sends an error to the client.
client.on("error_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.args; // arguments of the error
msg.params.text; // description of the error
User invites the client to a channel.
client.on("invite", (msg) => {
msg.params.nick; // nick who was invited
msg.params.channel; // channel where the nick was invited
Server sends ISUPPORT parameter to the client.
Supported events:
client.on("isupport:chanmodes", (msg) => {
msg.params.value; // value of the current ISUPPORT parameter
User joins a channel.
client.on("join", (msg) => {
msg.params.channel; // channel joined by the user
User kicks another user.
client.on("kick", (msg) => {
msg.params.channel; // channel where the nick is kicked
msg.params.nick; // nick who is kicked
msg.params.comment; // optional comment of the kick
User kills another user.
client.on("kill", (msg) => {
msg.params.nick; // nick who is killed
msg.params.comment; // comment of the kill
Server sends all channel list.
client.on("list_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.channels; // the entire channel list
for (const channel of msg.params.channels) {
channel.name; // name of the channel
channel.count; // client count
channel.topic; // topic of this channel
Server changes a user mode or a channel mode.
client.on("mode", (msg) => {
msg.params.target; // target of the MODE, can be either a channel or a nick
You can only listen for user modes or channel modes:
client.on("mode:user", (msg) => {/* only user modes */});
client.on("mode:channel", (msg) => {/* only channel modes */});
Server replies to a MODE query.
client.on("mode_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.target; // target of the MODE, can be either a channel or a nick
msg.params.modes; // all the modes currently set
You can only listen for user mode replies or channel mode replies:
client.on("mode_reply:user", (msg) => {/* only user mode replies */});
client.on("mode_reply:channel", (msg) => {/* only channel mode replies */});
Server sends the message of the day.
client.on("motd_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.motd; // message of the day (MOTD)
Server sends informations related to the server configuration.
client.on("myinfo", (msg) => {
msg.params.server; // server informations
msg.params.usermodes; // server user modes
msg.params.chanmodes; // server channel modes
Server sends the names list of a channel.
client.on("names_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.channel; // name of the channel
msg.params.names; // nicknames joined to this channel
For a ready to use nicklist, see nicklist
User changes its nick.
client.on("nick", (msg) => {
msg.params.nick; // new nick used by the user
Server sends a updated nicklist of a channel.
client.on("nicklist", (msg) => {
msg.params.channel; // name of the channel
msg.params.nicklist; // nicknames joined to this channel
for (const user of msg.params.nicklist) {
user.prefix; // prefix of the user
user.nick; // nick of the user
Server or user notifies a target.
client.on("notice", (msg) => {
msg.params.target; // target of the NOTICE, can be either a channel or a nick
msg.params.text; // text of the NOTICE
You can only listen for channel notices or private notices:
client.on("notice:channel", (msg) => {/* only channel notices */});
client.on("notice:private", (msg) => {/* only private notices */});
User leaves a channel.
client.on("part", (msg) => {
msg.params.channel; // channel left by the user
msg.params.comment; // optional comment of the PART
Server pings the client.
client.on("ping", (msg) => {
msg.params.keys; // keys of the PING
Server replies to PING to the client.
client.on("pong", (msg) => {
msg.params.daemon; // daemon of the PONG
msg.params.key; // key of the PONG
msg.params.latency; // latency (in milliseconds)
User sends a message to a channel or client.
client.on("privmsg", (msg) => {
msg.params.target; // target of the PRIVMSG, can be either a channel or a nick
msg.params.text; // text of the PRIVMSG
You can only listen for channel messages or private messages:
client.on("privmsg:channel", (msg) => {/* only channel messages */});
client.on("privmsg:private", (msg) => {/* only private messages */});
User leaves the server.
client.on("quit", (msg) => {
msg.params.comment; // optional comment of the QUIT
Client sends a raw message.
client.on("raw", (raw) => {
raw.source; // origin of the raw message
raw.command; // raw command
raw.params; // raw parameters
You can target any raw commands with "raw:*"
client.on("raw:join", (msg) => {
// JOIN message
// similar to
client.on("raw", (msg) => {
if (msg.command === "join") {
// JOIN message
User sends a CTCP to a target.
Supported query events:
client.on("raw_ctcp:ping", (msg) => {
msg.params.supported; // name of the CTCP command
User replies to a CTCP.
Supported reply events:
client.on("raw_ctcp:ping_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.supported; // name of the CTCP command
Client tries to reconnect to the server.
client.on("reconnecting", (remoteAddr) => {
remoteAddr; // address of the server
Server confirms that the client has been registered.
This event is useful to ensures that client connection is ready to receive commands.
client.on("register", (msg) => {
msg.params.nick; // nick who is registered
msg.params.text; // text of the RPL_WELCOME
User changes the topic of a channel.
client.on("topic", (msg) => {
msg.params.channel; // channel where the topic is set
msg.params.topic; // new topic of the channel
Server replies with the topic of a channel.
client.on("topic_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.channel; // channel where the topic is set
msg.params.topic; // new topic of the channel
Server replies with the topic informations of a channel.
client.on("topic_who_time_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.channel; // channel where the topic is set
msg.params.who; // user who set the topic
msg.params.time; // date time of the topic
Server replies to a WHOIS command.
client.on("whois_reply", (msg) => {
msg.params.nick; // nick
msg.params.host; // hostname
msg.params.username; // user name
msg.params.realname; // real name
msg.params.channels; // channels joined
msg.params.idle; // idle time
msg.params.server; // server where the user is connected
msg.params.serverinfo; // informations of the connected server
msg.params.operator; // optional user operator message
msg.params.away; // optional away message
Commands are the way to send messages to the server.
They can be sent by just calling them.
Sends an action message text
to a target
action(target: string, text: string): void
client.action("#channel", "says hello");
client.action("someone", "says hello");
To be marked as being away.
away(text?: string): void
client.away("I'm busy");
client.away(); // to be no longer marked as being away
To be no longer marked as being away.
Same as client.away()
back(): void
client.back(); // to be no longer marked as being away
Sets ban mask
on channel
Shortcut for mode
ban(channel: string, mask: string, ...masks: string[]): void
client.ban("#channel", "nick!user@host");
Sends a capability.
cap: (command: AnyCapabilityCommand, ...params: string[]) => void
client.cap("REQ", "capability");
Queries the supported CTCP commands of a target
clientinfo(target: string): void
Connects to a server using a hostname and an optional port.
Default port to 6667
If tls=true
, attempts to connect using a TLS connection.
Resolves when connected.
async connect(hostname: string, port: number, tls?: boolean): Promise<Deno.Conn | null>
client.connect("host", 6667);
client.connect("host", 7000, true); // with TLS
Sends a CTCP message to a target
with a command
and a param
ctcp(target: string, command: AnyRawCtcpCommand, param?: string): void
client.ctcp("#channel", "TIME");
client.ctcp("#channel", "ACTION", "param");
For easier use, see also other CTCP-derived methods:
Takes half-operator from nick
on channel
Shortcut for mode
dehalfop(channel: string, nick: string, ...nicks: string[]): void
client.dehalfop("#channel", "nick");
client.dehalfop("#channel", "nick1", "nick2", "nick3");
Takes voice from nick
on channel
Shortcut for mode
devoice(channel: string, nick: string, ...nicks: string[]): void
client.devoice("#channel", "nick");
client.devoice("#channel", "nick1", "nick2", "nick3");
Takes operator from nick
on channel
Shortcut for mode
deop(channel: string, nick: string, ...nicks: string[]): void
client.deop("#channel", "nick");
client.deop("#channel", "nick1", "nick2", "nick3");
Disconnects from the server.
disconnect(): void
Gives half-operator to nick
on channel
Shortcut for mode
halfop(channel: string, nick: string, ...nicks: string[]): void
client.halfop("#channel", "nick");
client.halfop("#channel", "nick1", "nick2", "nick3");
Invites a nick
to a channel
invite(nick: string, channel: string): void
client.invite("someone", "#channel");
Joins channels
with optional keys.
join(...params: ChannelDescriptions): void
client.join(["#channel", "key"]);
client.join("#channel1", "#channel2");
client.join("#channel1", ["#channel2", "key2"]);
client.join(["#channel1", "key1"], "#channel2");
client.join(["#channel1", "key1"], ["#channel2", "key2"]);
client.join(["#channel1", "key1"], "#channel2", ["#channel3", "key3"]);
Kicks a nick
from a channel
with an optional comment
kick(channel: string, nick: string, comment?: string): void
client.kick("#channel", "someone");
client.kick("#channel", "someone", "Boom!");
Kills a nick
from the server with a comment
kill(nick: string, comment: string): void
client.kill("someone", "Boom!");
Gets the list channels and their topics.
Replies with list_reply
event when ended.
list(channels?: string | string[], server?: string): void
client.list("#chan", "host");
client.list(["#chan1", "#chan2"]);
client.list(["#chan1", "#chan2"], "host");
me(target: string, text: string): void
Sends an action message text
to a target
Alias of action
client.me("#channel", "says hello");
client.me("someone", "says hello");
Manages modes.
mode(target: string, modes?: string, ...args: string[]): void
Gets Modes:
Sets Modes:
client.mode("nick", "+w");
client.mode("#chan", "e");
client.mode("#chan", "+v", "nick");
client.mode("#chan", "+iko", "secret", "nick");
Gets the message of the day (MOTD) of the server.
Replies with motd_reply
event when ended.
motd(): void
Sends a message text
to a target
Alias of privmsg
msg(target: string, text: string): void
client.msg("#channel", "Hello world");
client.msg("someone", "Hello world");
Gets the nicknames joined to a channel and their prefixes.
names(channels: string | string[]): void
client.names(["#channel1", "#channel2"]);
Sets the nick
of the client (once connected).
nick(nick: string): void
Notifies a target
with a text
notice(target: string, text: string): void
client.notice("#channel", "Hello world");
client.notice("someone", "Hello world");
Adds a listener
for the eventName
on(eventName: T | T[], listener: Listener<InferredPayload<TEvents, T>>): () => void
client.on("event_name", (eventPayload) => {});
Adds a one-time listener
for the eventName
once(eventName: T | T[], listener: Listener<InferredPayload<TEvents, T>>): void
once(eventName: T | T[]): Promise<InferredPayload<TEvents, T>>
const eventPayload = await client.once("event_name");
Gives operator to nick
on channel
Shortcut for mode
op(channel: string, nick: string, ...nicks: string[]): void
client.op("#channel", "nick");
client.op("#channel", "nick1", "nick2", "nick3");
Sets the client as operator with a user
and a password
oper(user: string, password: string): void
client.oper("user", "pass");
Leaves the channel
with an optional comment
part(channel: string, comment?: string): void
client.part("#channel", "Goodbye!");
Sets the password of the server.
Registration only.
pass(password: string): void
Pings the server or a given client target
ping(target?: string): void
Pings the server:
Pings (CTCP) all clients from "#channel"
Pings (CTCP) a client "nick"
Sends a message text
to a target
privmsg(target: string, text: string): void
client.privmsg("#channel", "Hello world");
client.privmsg("someone", "Hello world");
Leaves the server with an optional comment
Resolves after closing link.
quit(comment?: string): Promise<void>
Sends a raw message to the server.
Resolves with the raw message sent to the server, or null
if nothing has been
async send(command: AnyRawCommand, ...params: (string | undefined)[]): Promise<string | null>
Queries the date time of a target
time(target?: string): void
Manages the topic
of a channel
topic(channel: string, topic?: string): void
Gets the topic
of a channel
Changes the topic
of a channel
client.topic("#channel", "New topic for #channel");
Unsets ban mask
on channel
Shortcut for mode
unban(channel: string, mask: string, ...masks: string[]): void
client.unban("#channel", "nick!user@host");
Sets the username and the realname.
Registration only.
user(username: string, realname: string): void
client.user("username", "real name");
Queries the client version of a target
Queries the server if target
is not provided.
version(target?: string): void
Gives voice to nick
on channel
Shortcut for mode
voice(channel: string, nick: string, ...nicks: string[]): void
client.voice("#channel", "nick");
client.voice("#channel", "nick1", "nick2", "nick3");
Gets the WHOIS informations of a nick
whois(nick: string): void
Gets the WHOIS informations of a nick
for a given server
whois(server: string, nick: string): void
client.whois("serverhost", "someone");