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This day covers the second and final part of
Project 14: Whack-a-Penguin
in Hacking with Swift.I previously created projects alongside Hacking with Swift in a separate repository, and you can find Project 14 here. Even better, though, I copied it over to Day 55's folder so I could extend it for 100 Days of Swift.
With that in mind, Day 56 focuses on several specific topics:
- SKAction sequences
- Wrapping up and extending the project with a set of challenges
I alluded to it in [Day 55] when I was highlighting the way I created an SKAction
group for hiding a penguin in a slot...
extension WhackSlot {
var showAction: SKAction {
return SKAction.moveBy(x: 0, y: 80, duration: 0.05)
var hideActions: SKAction {
SKAction.moveBy(x: 0, y: -80, duration: 0.05),
SKAction.scale(to: 0.08, duration: 0.025), { [weak self] in
self?.isShowingPenguin = false
... but SKAction
sequences allow us to take that composability even further. With SKAction.sequence
, we can declare SKActions to be run one after another, and since an
is, itself, an SKAction
, we can run sequences with groups without skipping a beat:
func whack() {
guard isShowingPenguin && !isWhacked else { return }
isWhacked = true
let delay = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 0.25)[delay, hideActions]))
Record your own voice saying "Game over!" and have it play when the game ends.
- 🔗 Commit
When showing “Game Over” add an SKLabelNode showing the user's final score.
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Use SKEmitterNode to create a smoke-like effect when penguins are hit, and a separate mud-like effect when they go into or come out of a hole.
- 🔗 Commit