Contributions to PyCUTEst are always welcome - thanks for your interest in getting this far!
If you find a bug in PyCUTEst, or have a suggestion about how PyCUTEst can be improved, please create a GitHub issue. It would be helpful if you could first check the existing list of open issues to see if someone else has reported the same thing - in this case it would be better to comment on the existing issue rather than creating a new one.
We are happy to accept code contributions from the PyCUTEst community. If you have made a change (bugfix, new feature, documentation improvement, etc), then please submit a pull request. GitHub has more information on pull requests.
We expect everyone in the PyCUTEst community to show respect to each other and behave appropriately at all times. Abusive language, harassment and inappropriate/unprofessional language is not acceptable. Instances of unacceptable behavior can be reported to the PyCUTEst team (Jari and Lindon).
PyCUTEst team (Jari & Lindon)