[X] add logic to change the data in the python file [X] connect front-end to python backend [https://codeburst.io/integrating-react-native-apps-with-back-end-code-using-fetch-api-8aeb83dfb428] [X] add logic to check if over 18 in birthday [X] add "Is the address where you receive mail different than the address of where you live?" [X] confirm navigation flow [X] make sure DMV number is 9 characters long [X] when going back to edit a textfield, it doesnt' really clear on focus. [X] should the fetch be done in its own component that i call again and again? [X] change textinputs to have placeholder text [X] add email capability https://github.com/chirag04/react-native-mail [X] refactor the code so that you only pass to JSON once at the end. pass props through to each component. (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47027401/pass-props-stacknavigator) gonna have to make sure to clear json data when someone goes back... [X] add list of counties and map it [X] SSN should only allow numbers [X] DMV should only allow numbers [X] zip code in vc_addrss should be numbers only [X] prevent people from entering letters in phone numbers (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32946793/react-native-textinput-that-only-accepts-numeric-characters) [X] in email, do the check on lowercase
[] add text input for other logic for party page (this might need to be another page) [] style each page [] add error messages to console log for reason of unable to register and on Unable page [] fix res address page look. [] add required info logic to required info [] fix conditional in line 16 in birthday.js to be 18 years from election day of that year [] change file names and data_dicts for different instances of users so that data is not overwritten [] find out why there are data leaks in the process... (something to do with data_dict?) [] what happens when multiple people are using the app at once... how does the server deal with the incoming data?