Functional shading language aimed to be compiled to a SPIR-V module.
All declarations must finish with a double semicolon: ;;
Constant declaration:
constant <name>:<type> = <constant expression>;;
constant <name> = <constant expression>;;
Creates a new constant with the given value. The type is optional and can be inferred from the expression.
Uniform declaration:
uniform <name>:<type>;;
Declares an uniform. As uniforms cannot be initialized, it is mandatory to reference its type.
Fonction declaration:
<function name>:<return type> param1:<type of param1> param2:<type of param2> = <statements>;;
<function name> param1 param2 = <statements>;;
Declares a new function with the given name and return type (optional when inference is possible). Each parameter type is optional, except for the case of Stage functions.
A statement can be:
- A local variable declaration
let <name> := <expression>;;
- Reassigning a value to a local variable
<name> := <expression>;;
- An expression (see Expressions)
Statements must be separated by single semicolons ;
Integers (32 bits): 42, -946, 45_555
Floating point numbers (32 bits): 4f, 58.57f, 3.14159f
Long integers (64 bits): 42L, -946L, 45_555L
Doubles (64 bits floating point numbers): 4d, 58.57d, 3.14159d
Unsigned integers: u59865
Unsigned long integers: u4564L
Booleans: true, false
Member accessing:
Expression followed by dot and member name:
vec4(1f (-8f) 5f 0f).x
yields '1f'
Function calls:
f(arg1 arg2)
should be used for functions taking no arguments
Using a function as an argument: Just specify the name:
myfunc number = add (number 1f);;
functionTakingOtherFunction (myfunc);; (types ommited)
Shambda follows the same rules as Java for its identifiers: starting with a letter, an underscore or a dollar sign, followed by letters, underscores, dollar signs or digits.
Accents are discouraged since they can lead to issues with encodings.
Base types:
int32, int64
: integer and long integer types
float32, float64
: floating point and double precision types
: boolean type
uint32, uint64
: unsigned integer and unsigned long integer types
vec<size>(<component type>)
(eg. vec4(bool)
: 4-dimensional boolean vector): vector of given size with constituents of type 'component type'
mat<size>(<vector type>)
(eg. mat4(vec4(float32))
: 4x4 float matrix): matrix with 'size' columns and each column is of type 'vector type'
: pointer type pointing to 'type'
In a Shambda file, you can find declarations of constants, uniforms and functions.
Stage functions:
Each shader stage is represented by a function named with the name of said stage (eg. fragment = vec4(1f 1f 1f 1f);;
is a fragment shader returning the color white for each pixel)
Supported stage are:
- 'fragment': Returns a vec4(float32) representing the ouput color as a RGBA float vector. Parameters are equivalent to the input in a fragment shader.
- 'vertex': Returns a vec4(float32) representing the position on screen of the vertex. Parameters are equivalent to the input in a vertex shader. The order of the parameters define their layout location.