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Releases: jgodson/shopify-script-creator

BETA V0.7.1

20 Mar 18:30
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BETA V0.7.1 Pre-release

Change Log

  • Fixed ends with option causing errors in script for Customer Email qualifier, Customer Tag qualifier, Discount Code qualifier, Product Tag selector, and Variant SKU selector.

BETA V0.7.0

15 Mar 05:13
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BETA V0.7.0 Pre-release

Change Log

  • Fixed Total Weight Qualifier
  • Reworded Cart Amount Qualifier a bit to clarify that it's the subtotal amount
  • Added a Cart Quantity Qualifier to check for a specific number of items in the cart (total items or total qualified items)

BETA V0.6.1

14 Mar 23:41
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BETA V0.6.1 Pre-release

Change Log

  • Fixed Multi-select causing script errors for line item selector/qualifier
  • Other minor bug fixes/tweaks

BETA V0.6.0

14 Mar 23:42
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BETA V0.6.0 Pre-release

Change Log

  • IMPORTANT Reverted the wording of "Conditionally Allow Discount Codes" to "Conditionally Reject Discount Codes". Changed the functionality to work as it was originally intended instead (reject code if conditions match). If you import your previous campaigns that used this, you may need to make some adjustments to accommodate. Setting up this campaign as reject instead of allow seems to be easier to set up in most cases.

BETA V0.5.0

16 Feb 05:36
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BETA V0.5.0 Pre-release

Change Log

  • Added "Discountable Items Total Quantity" and "Cart Items Total Quantity" to the tier options of the "Tiered Discount Campaign".
  • Renamed "Discountable Items Total" to "Discountable Items Subtotal"
  • Fixed a bug in the "Tiered Discount Campaign" where tiered discounts would only apply the first qualified tier and ignore the later ones (only an issue when customer qualifies for multiple tiers). If you have generated a script previously that customers might qualify for multiple tiers, either import or recreate the script and generate again to fix this.

BETA V0.4.2

15 Feb 08:16
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BETA V0.4.2 Pre-release

Change Log

  • Fixed wording of "Conditionally Reject Discount Code" campaign. It should have been "Conditionally Allow Discount Code". No changes to the way it works, only the name.

BETA V0.4.1

15 Feb 08:15
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BETA V0.4.1 Pre-release

Change Log

  • Fixed a bug when using the Discount Code List campaign. The proper inputs weren't coming up in the modal.

BETA V0.4.0

11 Feb 07:16
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BETA V0.4.0 Pre-release

Change Log

  • IMPORTANT Buy X Get X now supports buy 1 get X. This means that the number that you had previously entered in buy x will probably need to be incremented by 1 to function the same as it had in previous releases.

  • Fixed unable to add decimal number as a discount amount (note some generated scripts could ignore a decimal, or not work properly when one is present. Make sure to verify they work correctly before publishing and please leave feedback to let me know if something doesn't work)

  • Added icon to Copy button for script output to make it more visible

  • Adjusted spacing on some of the inputs

  • Object inputs no longer are input in a single text area. The values are now shown in a table and editing/adding is done via a pop-up modal.

  • Array inputs are also no longer input in a single text area. The values are shown as tags and are added in a pop-up modal. Removal is done with a click on the X button attached to the tag.

  • Used the same modal to show the change log the first time a new version is loaded. This will ensure no one misses important information.

BETA V0.3.3

31 Jan 22:17
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BETA V0.3.3 Pre-release

Change Log

  • Fixed a bug where two(or more) campaigns could end up having the same ID. This was causing some UI bugs and inability to edit the correct campaign.

BETA V0.3.2

30 Jan 17:47
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BETA V0.3.2 Pre-release

Change Log

  • Fixed a bug where a script would give an error in the script editor app when using a multi select for the line item qualifier/selector. If this was an issue for you previously, import your script and generate it again. The error will no longer be present with the newly generated code.