description |
Due to the number of files changed, the developer highly recommends that you perform a full reinstall of the script to ensure everything works smoothly! |
{% hint style="danger" %} Highly recommended update! {% endhint %}
- All remaining issues with vehicle spawning have been fixed
- Option to revert back to client side spawning in emergencies (
) - Fix bug where trailers with no seats wouldn't spawn
- Fix bug where you would spawn inside the car in house garages
- Fix bug with job/gang garage where vehicle keys would be assigned to the wrong plate
- Job/gang vehicle liveries are also applied via mod #48 for compatibility with more vehicles
- Transfer vehicle UI redesign
- client/cl-gang-garage.lua
- client/cl-garage.lua
- client/cl-impound.lua
- client/cl-job-garage.lua
- client/cl-liveries-extras-menu.lua
- client/cl-main.lua
- config-cl.lua
- config.lua
- server/sv-main.lua
- fxmanifest.lua
- web (entire folder)
Just a heads up - you need to be on a server build 7290 or newer in order to use this update by default (there is a fallback config option in case you aren't able to for whatever reason)
You should do this anyway for an extremely important security update! -