- Fix bug where some players could see all impounded vehicles (ESX only)
- Fix bug where some housing integrations would report a vector error
- Fix impound timezone mismatch error
- Increase timeout for DoesEntityExist from 1s->10s (client spawning only)
- Fix bug where vehicles re-spawned with AdvancedParking could be taken out from garage
- Add missing webhook calls (vehicle stored, player & garage transfers)
- Fix bug where fake plate would be stored in props JSON, breaking server spawning
- Fix bug where you could use an existing plate in /vplate
- client/cl-garage.lua
- client/cl-spawn.lua
- config/config.example.lua
- framework/main.lua
- server/sv-garage.lua
- server/sv-impound.lua
- server/sv-vehicle.lua
- fxmanifest.lua
- web (entire folder)