description |
Advanced Garages v3.0 is here! |
{% hint style="danger" %} Now requires ox_lib to run - click here to download it {% endhint %}
- Entirely rewritten from the ground up, utilising ox_lib, for performance, security & stability
- Now supports Qbox natively
- Rewritten vehicle spawning logic
- Enter garage interior (toggleable)
- Target (with NPC) & radial support
- Society garages can be assigned to multiple jobs/gangs
- Society garages can be unique, requiring transfers
- Max mods spawner vehicles
- Unique impounds - location can be chosen when impounding a vehicle
- Option for non unique public/private/house garages - no transfers required
- Configure impound time lengths
- Loads of other little fixes & improvements
- Integration with AdvancedParking + Brazzers-FakePlate out of the box
- Integration with MrNewbVehicleKeys & Renewed Vehicle Keys
{% hint style="danger" %} This is an entirely new resource. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPLACE ANY INDIVIDUAL FILES! Reinstall the script from scratch. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="danger" %} This is an entirely new resource. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REPLACE ANY INDIVIDUAL FILES! Reinstall the script from scratch. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="info" %} Entirely new config - please reconfigure from scratch. There are some similarities, so there will likely be a lot of copying & pasting still. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="warning" %} Updated YouTube showcase (long overdue...) is coming soon! {% endhint %}