- Fix drowing/dying/glitches when in showroom
- Plate index is now always white when purchasing vehicle
- Vehicle keys, modifications and events all occur after vehicle is registered in DB
- Fix text in UI from highlighting when clicking buttons too fast
- Customisable permission groups (
) - Adding of vehicle to DB is open source to aid with standalone usage
- Minimap and HUD manipulation is open source (
) - Fix page resetting when editing vehicles in /dealeradmin
- Loading state to prevent UI lag when model is loading
- Limit number of active financed vehicles per player
- Discord Webhooks for 5 different event types
- Fix vehicle ordering time exploit
- Fixed Configurator category bugs
Files Changed
/client (whole folder)
/server (whole folder)
/framework (whole folder)
/web (whole folder)
/locales (whole folder)
+ config-cl.lua
+ config-sv.lua